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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Please tell us where to find such police officer who "will check every item in his shop if it is stolen or not and will come back every month". It's amazing how many people in this thread think the shop owner will be scared when someone mentions the police. Who or what gives you that idea?
  2. The problem is not to find gloves at all. The problem is to find them in "big farang size". It seems Thais "think" everybody taller than 170cm is XL. And taller than 180cm doesn't exist - or something similar. There are tons of them on Lazada. But nothing big size (internationally speaking).
  3. I like to buy knitted work gloves in Bangkok online or offline. "At home" I guess XL would do the job. Here I bought XL but they are more the size for my Thai gf. I looked in the HomePro shop, all too small. I ordered XL from two independent online shops in Thailand. Too small. Where can I buy them? I want gloves like that to work with white ceiling tiles to make sure they stay white and don't get lots of finger prints. This is a sample of what I want. This is where I bought XL. I can't squeeze my hands into them. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1043538644-s2322762586.html
  4. How long do you live in Thailand? What is your experience with the Thai police? Are they keen to serve and protect individual people? What you describe might work in a country where the police cares. Thailand is not such a country. If the owner of the phone likes to continue to use an expensive Apple phone, then he has two options: Buy an old one or buy a new one. In this case his old phone will be the cheapest alternative - if it is still in the shop.
  5. Microsoft Outlook is a program or application. Some people will call it App. It can be used for all kinds of email accounts i.e. POP, IMAP, Exchange. Outlook won't just stop working. Outlook.com is a domain which some people use for email accounts. Or Live.com. They might have problems. But that has little to do with the Outlook application.
  6. Did you even witness any other illegal activities in Thailand? And then, what happened? Nothing?
  7. A question to the expert iPhone users: What can a shop do with a bricked iPhone? I saw lots of videos from Louis Rossman, who is an electronic specialist, who concentrates on Apple products. It seems to be my now almost everything on those phones in serialized, so it is not even possible to use parts from a bricked phone to repair other phones. Or not?
  8. I agree with this. Which police officer will use his time to go to the shop with or without you just because he wants to help you? Another way, which could maybe work, is call Apple. They might be interested to know which shops are buying stolen phone(s). And maybe they will help you. And then there is of course the possibility that tomorrow there is no phone in that shop anymore. Must have been a misunderstanding. That's my guess. Last but not least, don't play the hero! Thailand has a lot of organized crime. Don't try to fight the mafia because of a phone! You can only loose. And losing your phone is the smallest of the risks.
  9. And I though the courts are independent from the lawmakers. He is a convicted criminal. No political majority can change that fact. As far as I know 8 years in prison and still on the books for him. Lock him up!
  10. Really? I hoped for years that he returns. The cell door is wide open for him.
  11. She can help him to open the prison door. After all, he is an old man.
  12. In the moment the units above and below me are not occupied. No noise problem. Let's see what will happen in the future. I paid attention to my neighbor walls left and right and I have a sound isolation front door. I still have to move in after my mostly finished renovation. Let's see.
  13. Sorry, no. It's not the only solution. Obviously that is one solution. Doing everything is obviously also the most expensive solution. But why to A, B and C when D is the main factor for the noise? I.e. in my condominium I made sure all the cracks on top of all the internal walls to the neighbors were filled. No cracks anymore means the sound has to go through the walls and not the cracks. That is a lot more difficult for the noise. Result: Less of that noise arrives on my side.
  14. Counseling is a great idea. You could watch or read what an experienced clinical psychologist like Jordan Peterson has to say about this. Counseling, for a long time, is the way to analyze the situation. I looked for a short video for you. You can find the hour-long videos with more detailed information - from a professional.
  15. The fact that people voted for a person like her is just amazing. America, the land of the free and all that.
  16. Good luck with all that. Before I renovated my apartment, I watch at least 10 YouTube videos about this. What I learned is just throwing money on what might be the problem is maybe not the best idea. I.e. maybe the problem are conduits for electric cables in the walls. And maybe isolating the electrical outlets is a solution to solve this problem. Obviously maybe not, maybe it's the ceiling. My point is that I wouldn't spend a lot of money to isolate the ceiling only to later find out that the noise is still there because it came from somewhere else. There must be some experts out there who are able to check the details.
  17. I had a situation like this with my neighbor. First time I ignored it. Second time I waited maybe 20min and it didn't get any better. I called the building security. They knocked on his door and it was quiet. Next time the trouble started again I called the security right away. Slowly the neighbor learned.
  18. And then there are people who interpret it as hate when others ask questions. Why is it hate if some people ask if it makes sense to give hormones to teenagers to stop their natural development? Why is it hate if people ask why teenage girls get their healthy breasts surgically removed? There are enough people out there who regret that they started to transition - with irreversible consequences. Talking about this and asking questions is not homophobic or transphobic or whatever. It is about seeking the truth and looking at the best options for minors. Transitioning to another gender might be one option. But it is certainly not the only option. That is what those "haters" talk about.
  19. Thanks, they look like a good addition. Because of the very modular design from IKEA, I ordered some, mostly inexpensive, parts in advance to see them in real and decide if I want to use them or not. I.e. I looked at this shelf system. I like it. The following is a set. They are also available part by part. https://www.ikea.com/th/en/p/kungsfors-susp-rail-shlf-dish-dra-wll-gr-stainless-steel-ash-s29254336/
  20. I read that article yesterday. It makes a lot of sense. But are there any climate catastrophe activists out there who want that we use our brains and don't just accept: electric good, combustion engine bad. Rowan Atkinson writes: We need also to acknowledge what a great asset we have in the cars that currently exist (there are nearly 1.5bn of them worldwide). In terms of manufacture, these cars have paid their environmental dues and, although it is sensible to reduce our reliance on them, it would seem right to look carefully at ways of retaining them while lowering their polluting effect. Fairly obviously, we could use them less. As an environmentalist once said to me, if you really need a car, buy an old one and use it as little as possible
  21. Wonderful. And how many of the nice LBGTQ+/- people, who you like and respect, tell you that they need to talk to your children to explain to them that some people are different? How many "women" with penis do you know who you would like to see in the locker room together with your wife or girls? I agree that many people, regardless of which sexual organs they have, and regardless of what they desire, are nice people. But there are also crazy and bad people out there. We don't have to be inclusive to all of them, including the bad people.
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