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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Many Thai people look down on the people from that area. Like: Why would you visit buffaloes?
  2. And what does the police have to say about this? Imagine this would happen in other countries. Probably it would be front page news and many police officers assigned to work on this.
  3. What you are looking for is called "hotel".
  4. You won't get a good answer how to fix the problem yourself in this forum. Accept that you need a specialist. Find a specialist and let him solve the problem.
  5. You know it is legally wrong if you don't pay the bills. Do you want to put yourself into that position? Maybe with consequences for your future? IMHO you are in a bad position. Don't make it worse!
  6. My advice: a) Don't try yourself or don't let any amateur try if the data is important. It's easy to make it worse and/or destroy even more. b) Professional data recovery is sometimes not sooooo expensive. It depends how fast you want your data back (if you are lucky to get it back). It's expensive if you want your data now, ASAP. It is a lot cheaper if you are not in a hurry and the recovery service can work on it when they are not so busy.
  7. About 70 million American voters votes for Trump, twice. What does that tell us about their intelligence and state of mind? Most people like that don't care about facts and truth - if they understand that concept at all.
  8. I don't remember what it was but some time ago I searched for something and then I found a relevant thread, then I read the posts and replied. And then I noticed that it was years old. But still relevant. Some things don't change much.
  9. Or how extensive. Maybe 20 years ago I made a checkup in BMH (private hospital). And then 10 years later or so I asked for my records because I wanted to apply for a health insurance and I wanted to make sure I don't forget anything. I received (and I think I paid 500B) for all my records. I also remember that on my checkup visit maybe 20 years ago, after all the tests, the doctor asks me about how much alcohol I drink. I told him truthfully that most of the time I don't drink at all, but it might happen that I go out with friends and then maybe I drink 20 glasses of whisky. And what did I find written in my medical records: "drinks 20 whisky a night"... Next time I will be very careful about what I tell my doctor in what I think is a private and confidential conversation.
  10. Probably that unending thread if god exists. It seems about 3 to 5 guys argue about that since years...
  11. That's why the meeting is in a civilized country like Thailand and not the USA. ????
  12. Make sure you have a backup of all your data, passwords, etc.
  13. Obviously, I am not clicking on it. Somewhere in this thread was mentioned that people don't get answers to their questions. Many of these answers exist already because the question was asked already. So nobody should be surprised that the same members won't answer the same questions again. That was and is my point.
  14. He talked about insurance and not tax. For insurance you don't need an inspection and no green book.
  15. No. (Government) Insurance works just fine without that book. I did it several times.
  16. Apart from burying there are also temples who do cremations. Some temples have the option to do a cremation for one pet at a time or several (unrelated) pets at the same time. Ask the locals in your area.
  17. I mentioned newbies asking the same questions again which were already discussed every couple of weeks or months. That is boring.
  18. I never tried any of them. But I know a good foot massage. Part of it is that the massaging person reacts to feedback from the person who gets the massage. Does it hurt? Softer? Stronger? More here or there? And i.e. in toe massage the toes are massaged from left and right and in between. That is impossible with a device like shown in the picture.
  19. Ask in Wat Po! A long time ago my gf went to massage school in Wat Po. At that time she told me they had lots of job offers from out of Thailand over there.
  20. Maybe the newbies should just read all the previous answers. Does it really help to open a new topic: Does she still love me?
  21. Give me 100 million and I still wouldn't buy such a car in Thailand. It just doesn't make any sense.
  22. Are those places better for what? Looking at girls? Listening to them when they sing? Sing ourselves? Play with the girls? For me the girls look like what Thai guys prefer. Personally I like cute and small and brown... I have to admit I didn't try any alternative to farang oriented gogo bars for a long time. The reason is that farang oriented gogo bars concentrate on mostly what farangs want and those girls are mostly different from other guys choice. There is a reason why different kind of places exist.
  23. Good post And let's not forget that someone wants to make money with this website/forum. It's nice to have happy members and all that. But if members are happy and there is not enough (ad) money coming in, then the end is near. All together I am happy with this forum the way it is. Sometime my posts get deleted and now they sometimes even explain to me why. I think that is fair enough, i.e. if a post was just too far from the idea of that thread.
  24. With some things there is a clear truth. We really don't need more people and media spreading lies - or omitting correct information.
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