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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, it makes a difference if lots of illegal activity is going on or if the establishment itself was illegal. But then again, I guess if they would have called it illegal drug supply house then it couldn't be legal.
  2. Come on Thaksin, come back to Thailand and go complain. Do you accept the laws of the country or not? If you accept them then go to jail and wait until you are out of jail in maybe 10 years and then go complain about others. Or shut up and stay in the desert.
  3. Who knows all the connections between Thailand and Russia? Import, exports, short and long term agreements, relations with other countries, and and and? And maybe some of this is secret and information from spies. It would be impossible to explain it to the people - even if they would listen. I think a good/bad example are gasoline prices. If the prices are high, then "the people" blame the government. Maybe the government is completely innocent and just have to accept international oil prices. Maybe the government is already doing things to make the situation better. But many people will still blame the government because those people don't know or don't care what is really happening. I am sure it would be impossible to explain to the masses the relationship with Russia - even if they would try.
  4. Over 250 people in an illegal establishment. Did they think they can keep that private and confidential? Or, more likely, did some influential people make a deal with those influential authorities to somehow not notice that place. For how long does it exist already? TiT!
  5. OneMoreFarang


    If you have access to a 2nd and virus free computer, then you can try to create a rescue disk (or USB stick) and work with that. This is the first link which came up when I googled this: https://www.techradar.com/best/best-antivirus-rescue-disk The idea about such a disk is that it can clean your computer from "outside" and not from within Windows. That from the outside procedure is the best to clean a PC. Obviously you should only do that if you know what you are doing or at least be careful and read the instructions carefully.
  6. Celebrities can say a lot. Putin will likely never hear what she said and even if he would hear it, he probably couldn't care less. But if some official Thai politician or government spokesperson would say something bad about Putin or Russia then he might notice and he might decide to show Thailand that there are consequences. IMHO that doesn't mean nobody should ever criticize others. But politicians and especially leaders of countries should think it through and don't just say something because they feel that should be said.
  7. Should the Thai government tell Putin that he is a murderer? And should they do the same with other countries and their leaders? Should they tell China what to do and don't do? Maybe tell the USA not to invade so many countries? And don't forget to tell the leaders in Saudi Arabia what bad people they are. Any other countries? Sure. Tell them all about their mistakes. And then? What about if these countries react to that? No more business with Thailand? Or maybe business with bad conditions? No more tourists and no more money from people from those countries? And then? I guess then the same people will criticize the Thai government again for high prices, high unemployment, no tourists, etc. The world is not black and white. There are not only good or only bad countries and leaders. The world is complicated. Sometimes it's good to think again about consequences - before criticizing others.
  8. If you have anti slip rated tiles then there is no problem.
  9. Do you know already which tiles you want? As a general rule the job is easier with "smaller" tiles like 30x30cm. If tiles are bigger and especially if they are long and narrow, then the job is a lot more complicated. Depending on the tiles you want maybe a "normal" tile installer will be good enough or maybe you need an experienced professional to do it right.
  10. And when did the mother report this to the police? And what did the police do? Looking at other articles here he should be charged with people trafficking and all that. Come on reporters, follow up on that one. Or did the mother do nothing? I think we should also think about why some girls seem to prefer that compared to their family. IMHO that can only happen if something is seriously wrong with that family.
  11. There is a clinic in Asoke near Asoke Tower. They are part of a hospital chain. You can get your certificate there. The check takes maybe 10 min and you can pick up the certificate on the next day. Tell them to write your blood group on that certificate. It seems the work permit office wants to know that but it's not part of the official form.
  12. Yes, I understand that. Until now I totally ignored him because I can't care about every person in this world. But he is famous and controversial, and I thought: Let's look what it is all about. There must be something about that guy that makes him interesting. That's why I watched that video. And that's why I didn't stop after 5 minutes but I tried again for 5 minutes. And again. It was really difficult to listen to that drivel, but I thought: Hey, maybe within 15 minutes he will say something which explains his fame. I tried, but I didn't hear any sentence which made any sense at all. And that is why I am a little concerned about the state of this world. How super stupid must millions of people be that they follow this stupid guy? It is just something I don't understand. And I tried to understand it.
  13. And you get your above interpretation of what he actually wants to know from this simple question? Amazing!
  14. I disagree with most of what you write. I don't know how many people use agents in which way. But I know plenty of people who are legally in Thailand and who don't need any illegal support but who use agents. The reason is that it is so much more convenient. I.e. with my yearly business visa extension my agent, hired by my company, arrives at the immigration maybe at 6am. I see him at 8:30, walk with him to the immigration officer's "office", wait maybe 3 minutes before the previous person is processed, and then I sit with the officer, smile in the camera and a few minutes later I walk away. All done. No hassle. And if there are any questions then the agent works them out. Perfect! Currently my company pays for that, but I would pay it myself just for the convenience. Now about the situation which are impossible without an agent because one or several people have to be bribed. I think people should only use this if they are desperate and have no other option. Why? Because things can go wrong. I remember an agent from years ago who seemed to be able to get miraculously lots of visas for lots of people. All was wonderful. Until the moment when the agent had to leave Thailand, within days. Out, or else. It seems he was doing the official stamps by himself in his office. Approved, sure... Now I wonder what happened with those people who used his service and received visas which were just done with a fake stamp. Sorry sir, you were illegal in Thailand for the last three years... Obviously that doesn't have to happen. But I think people who want to live here should keep that in mind when they ask agents to do the impossible.
  15. Maybe you wrote this already earlier. Couldn't she write you a prescription and with that you should be able to get it in a pharmacy?
  16. I am sure JIB sells them according to the current market price. Maybe you can get them somewhere for 10% less but I am pretty sure that's it. So, at least IMHO, if you want working quality HDDs then that is what you have to pay in the moment. And if you have RAID then I guess you have that to be sure your data is protected. Do you really want to risk your data with low quality HDDs?
  17. Make sure to check the specs if it can handle the bigger drives. Maybe you need a firmware update.
  18. Lots of HDDs for NAS https://www.jib.co.th/web/product/product_list/3/301
  19. I guess the question is who in Thailand is labeled a psychiatric patient? There are certainly enough disturbed people out there who could need psychiatric help. But maybe they only become psychiatric patients after they are admitted to a psychiatric clinic/hospital. And maybe only after they committed crimes.
  20. That seems to be a foreign concept for many people - and not only Thais.
  21. I saw lots of Lex Fridman Podcasts and most of the time he talks with intelligent interesting people. Today I saw on YouTube this video. I don't really care about "Ye" and I think people should just ignore him. But it seems there are millions of people who care about that guy. So I thought: Ok, let's have a look at that video and find out what it's all about. Until now I watched 5min and then after a break another 5min and now I just looked the 3rd time 5min. Looking it all together is impossible, the guy is just so totally f#%# up. I really worry about the state of this world in which morons like him are famous and successful.
  22. Caffeine is caffeine, hot or cold. Hot coffee and cold coffee are certainly different.
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