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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. You could just read the manual. And I am sure there are YouTube videos about how to do that.
  2. Some, maybe all, SSD and M.2 manufacturer offer such software on their websites. I.e. here: Samsung Magician & SSD Tools & Software Update | Samsung Semiconductor Global
  3. BIOS = Basic Input Output System That is one of the first things what is working on a computer - way before any operation system starts. If you use Windows, then just use Windows. Why would you care about the BIOS if your Windows works?
  4. Considering this is a Thai forum: Thailand will win. Sure! 1000%!
  5. What is your position in that company? Are you on the same hierarchy level as the Thai people who you talk about? Are there other foreigners/farangs? Is it a small or a big company? And if you don't need the job, why do you do it? To have company? To learn about Thailand and Thai culture? To make money? It seems they try to include you. I would see that as a welcoming sign.
  6. Turn down the brightness. And, on some devices, you can use some kind of night mode which make the background light warmer - easier to watch at night.
  7. That reminds me of my friend from school time who decided to create nitroglycerin - in a 6-family house. He actually did it and nothing went wrong.
  8. But then, why did he buy Twitter? Just because he can? There must be other toys out there which don't create so much headache.
  9. No. We have a good rice cooker which keeps rice in good quality even after 24 hours. When my gf makes some Thai dishes, she just reheats them on the hobs (currently electric). Maybe 5min, done. I don't intend to ever reheat pizza or 7/11 food or anything like that.
  10. But maybe he is not as smart as he thinks he is. From an experienced businessman I would have expected that he familiarizes himself with his new company. What exactly is going on? And then: What do I want to change? And then not: Just do it. Instead: Think about if it will work in the way you think it will work. Do you have the resources? Will people accept what you want? Talk with other people. Simulate. Think again. And if then, after looking long enough at the details, you still want to do it, then do it. It seems he is just shooting from the hip and somehow hoping all will be fine. Probably he can afford it if things go bad before maybe they will get better. But why does he not think a little harder before he just does something?
  11. Thanks for all your comments. I appreciate it. After I read all the comments, I am not convinced I would ever use it. I am buying a modular kitchen with mostly 60cm wide cabinets. That allows me to easily insert a built-in microwave if I want to add one later for whatever reason. Electricity is also no problem. There are enough outlets. Thanks!
  12. Of course they are. Does anybody expect that any of the leaders like to stay in cheap hotels? Maybe with a special price just for APEC delegates?
  13. Define "proper protest". And how many of those leaders will notice and how many will care?
  14. And what does all of that have to do with APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation? Sure, there are problems in Thailand, since forever. And they should be solved. But I don't think any (disrupting) protests at APEC time will change that. Thais should vote for competent and honest politicians. That would make a huge difference. But it seems that is not what most Thais want to do. They prefer to vote again and again for the same corrupt politicians and then they are somehow surprised when they have a corrupt and incompetent government. Protests won't change that.
  15. I appreciate all your answers. As far as I see (until now) the only "killer application" for a microwave is defrosting. All the other things can also be easily done with (induction) hobs and oven. Especially induction hobs heat up very quickly and can be precisely adjusted.
  16. Let's say you buy a unit for 5 million and you have to pay all fees, let's say (to make it easy) 500k. Or you buy the same unit for 5.5 million and the seller pays all the fees. What's the difference? In both cases you pay in total 5.5 million. I recently bought a unit and the seller suggested he pays all the fees. I liked that idea because it gave me a clear fixed price. But at the end of the day, it's obvious that my money was used to pay for all those fees.
  17. And even if they know exactly the unit and the building and lots of other details, I don't think there ever is something like a clear value. What is the value based on? As far as I see the current value is what people are willing to pay for it now. If your neighbor sold exactly the same unit for price X that doesn't mean the price of your unit is price X - especially if nobody is interested to pay that price.
  18. Let them protest somewhere where they don't interrupt everything. That week will be bad traffic for everybody even under best conditions. We really don't need any protesters to make it worse.
  19. I never used a microwave in my life, and I don't think I ever missed one. Now I will buy a whole new kitchen, with oven, induction hobs, big refrigerator, etc. I could add a microwave. Should I? Why? I guess the following matters: I live with my gf, no kids, in the middle of Bangkok, and we usually go shopping at the fresh market and supermarket (24h, Foodland) almost every day. We don't buy much in advance because we want fresh products, and we don't know today what we want to eat tomorrow. We never buy frozen meat or any other frozen things. We can buy them fresh, so why should we buy them frozen. Should I add a (build in) microwave to my kitchen? Why? P.S.: My Thai gf is a great cook. She also never used a microwave in her life.
  20. Or better visit them. http://www.redbaronbangkok.com/
  21. If you are willing to spend some money then invite a couple of mama-sans to drinks and give them a devent tip. Explain to them what you/your friend is looking for (if you like including sexual preferences, etc.). If you do it right and keep the mama-sans happy they will bring you the perfect girls.
  22. Which part is racist? Would you accept any woman any age, any size, etc.?
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