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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. While APEC is going on don't expect any nude girls anywhere in Bangkok. In general, I don't think I have seen complete nude girls anywhere in NANA for a long time. But then again, I prefer girls with sexy clothes. ????
  2. I hope he destroys the GOP. They deserve it after their spineless behavior for all these years. They had two chances to impeach him and get rid of him for good reasons. In both cases they somehow thought it is more important to lie for their leader instead of being truthful and doing their best for their country. "Upon taking office, senators-elect must swear or affirm that they will "support and defend the Constitution." The president of the Senate or a surrogate administers the oath to newly elected or re-elected senators. The oath is required by the Constitution; the wording is prescribed by law." https://www.senate.gov/reference/reference_index_subjects/Oath_vrd.htm
  3. Maybe more of them should talk to each other person to person instead of looking at their smartphone all the time.
  4. Why would you not even try to understand the people around you in the country where you decided to live?
  5. First of all, what it means depends very much on where you live and how many Thais and farangs are in that area. When I moved to Bangkok almost 30 years ago I though one day I will be like one of them. I don't know how long it took me to realize that a) will never happen and b) I don't want it to happen. I, and most of us farangs, will always be different. We can assimilate in part, i.e. speak Thai, eat Thai food, go shopping like the locals, work with the locals, etc. But in other ways we will always be different. I.e. will never be part of the Thai hierarchy. We will (more or less) always be that interesting/crazy farang who does not fit into that hierarchy. I like that. Because it means we can integrate in part with Thais, but it is not expected from us to 100% integrate. One example is that Thais are used to farangs with small brown girls from up country. Somehow farangs seem to like those girls - which most higher-class Thais would certainly ignore. For me it's a mixture of: If I buy food on the fresh market, then I speak Thai and expect to be treated like the Thai people around me. And that is mostly what happens. If I am in the office working as a manager, then I set the rules and standards which I would call international standards. Any employee has to follow the rules. That's it. And if I am in a meeting with Thais and farangs in the office then it's a little of both cultures.
  6. That reminds me of the new bar manager who asked me to edit the video of their security system. He wanted to give the video to the police whish showed the ex-manager attacking the owner. And he didn't want to include the minute of video before that when the owner slapped the ex-manager. Yes, it really happened, in a big pub in Silom. We should be careful of videos which cover just that moment and omit what happened before and later.
  7. Professor Watzlawick explained this when he said: "You cannot not communicate."
  8. He doesn't even listen when they use language which he can listen to. I don't think anybody would expect from him to recognize body language.
  9. Because obviously all Muslims are economic migrants. They obviously don't have any foreign professionals like doctors in the UK. Or: Why think a little if you can just put all those others in the big box and call them names. It tells us a lot about you.
  10. We really need that sad face again. I wonder why many people here live in Thailand and complain about (all) Thai people. You decided to live, or at least spend some time, in Thailand, correct? Why do you do that? Only because of the temples and the beaches? Or maybe also because people can be hired for much less than back home. And lots of things are cheaper because labor cost is cheaper. And then you complain about all those poor people who want more money. Obviously living in Thailand doesn't mean you have to love everything. But if I would "discover" that I live in a country with greedy people who only want my money then I would move to some better place.
  11. It seems they tried to integrate you already. You rejected it and complained here about their behavior. Don't complain if now you think they don't accept you.
  12. Are you sure you didn't mix up the order of things? Imagine i.e. a Muslim from Indonesia coming to the UK. I am sure he could make a comment like "there really are serious cultural obstacles that hinder foreigners here on a daily basis" Would you agree with him?
  13. IMHO you are a sad f$% if you don't have the compassion to help others from time to time. If I give someone in need 100B or 500B, I do it because I know it will make their life better and won't change my life at all. If I would be in a bad situation, for whatever reason, I would also be happy if someone would help me. It's sad that someone has to explain this to you.
  14. Says the guy who just wrote: "Thai people around you will establish some kind of contact, with the ultimate goal of obtaining a financial gain from you." No more questions your honor.
  15. Is that really how you see Thai people? Then you must be a sad creature who only looks for the negative side. Or maybe you only hang out in places with the wrong people. I.e. I am friendly with all Thai people in my office. And I earn more than they do. Nobody ever asked me for money or anything of value. I am also friendly with security guards and other service people in my building. I remember one security guard, who worked there for a few months, asked me for money. He just lost his job because the company decided they don't want any employees over age x. I never had a problem with him, and I am sure he wouldn't have asked me if he didn't really need money. I helped him, I can afford it. Otherwise, many guards and maids never asked me for money. But they are obviously happy if they receive tips from time to time. And why not? 100B is a significant amount of money for them and almost nothing for most of us. I/we don't have to give them any tips. But if we can afford it then why not?
  16. Same same, but then again, I am able to see a girl when there is a (natural) girl.
  17. a) Churches are useless b) Coffee and coffee shops are important c) Nobody has Sunday brunch in a coffee shop. If you want Sunday brunch, then do it right.
  18. Perfect. When I go out to have some fun I always like when girls don't ask all those stupid question: where do you come from, etc. Smile, move your body and look at me like you enjoy it and all is fine. ????
  19. There is a reason why there is not a single word for no. Mai chai - Not yes
  20. I wouldn't bet what Thai owners expect. I saw too many Thai bicycles, office furniture and computer with pieces of plastic on them which should have been removed before the first use. But many Thais keep it for years. I remember a hospital, in which furniture should be regularly sterilized, with old pieces of plastic from the packaging hanging around... Personally, I would remove the plastic. But that doesn't mean that a Thai owner expect and/or accepts that.
  21. Thanks. The way you use this thing for you is obviously fine. But I would never ever warm up coffee. Just the idea sounds terrible to me. I don't do the big pot and warm up thing. I or my gf do it fresh, or we go out and eat. We have different lifestyles. It seems a microwave is perfect for you.
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