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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Are these platforms dumbing down people? Or were lots of people always dumb and now they found something that fits better to their challenged brains?
  2. What's the alternative? Twitter, Instagram, fb or what? I have to admit I didn't even try most of above. I can't imagine it would be an alternative to a forum.
  3. Somehow the police never stop me. I don't even have to ask them if they know who my father is. ????
  4. Does anybody remember Traci Lords? She made movies when she was 16 - and it seems nobody noticed. So much about: It's easy to see if they are too young.
  5. If you had a point in your question which apparently I missed, then you should have asked about whatever you wanted to point out. Or did you not intend to ask anything and just point something out? I tried to be a nice guy and I answered your question in detail.
  6. Why do you ask? For me personally there are maybe 4 criteria: a) Is she legally old enough. If not, then forget it. b) Is she emotionally old enough? Some girls know what they are doing when they are 16, others are still unsure or confused when they are 20. c) Am I interested? I met 16-yo girls who I definitely want to see closer. With many others I am just not interested. d) Does she want sex with me (for whatever reason)? If not, then not. Fine. And if she wants it and all the other criteria are met, then let's do it.
  7. gastro, fusion, ... There was a time when people just liked good food.
  8. That reminds me that I saw this great picture today https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-63472199
  9. Like I said: Old enough. Does it really matter if she is 21 or 22 or whatever?
  10. It seems that is common procedure. The toilet in my current rented apartment moved a little by itself. I checked and there are no screws to keep it in place. I spoke to the building technicians: Mai pen lai...
  11. I used to buy in Bei Otto. But they closed. I have to admit I didn't check after that where to buy it. Maybe in Villa Market.
  12. Maybe criminals running away from the police and throwing a case to the side. Or maybe I just saw too many movies. It doesn't change anything about the principle: If you make drama out of the question what to do with it then just don't pick it up!
  13. Looking at your previous posts it's unlikely that you will improve your life a lot by not drinking beer for a few days. And I am sure your life will also not get a lot worse if you drink it. So just drink it! It seems you make life a lot more complicated than it should be.
  14. Whatever you do, if you want that it is an easy job then make sure you buy a toilet which can use the existing holes or bolts. Some toilets, especially the skirted toilets, are more difficult to install.
  15. Why did you pick it up? Let's say there would be a case with a lot of money. And let's say it would belong to criminals. And maybe someone saw that farang near that case. And then? What would you tell the criminal gang leader if he tells you that was his money, and you shouldn't have touched it? I think sometimes it's the best not to get involved.
  16. We have a HP X576DW printer/scanner combo in the office which was expensive and worked fine. Recently we had problems with the printing and now it always shows an error, and we can't use it for anything anymore. HP doesn't want to repair it - too old. Are there any independent shops which might be able to fix it? Even if the printing doesn't work anymore, it would be good if we can still use the scanner with document feeder. Even if the repair would cost a couple of thousand THB that would probably still be a good investment. Thanks
  17. I watched 5min. I saw many girls with bikinis moving in front of cameras. I would be surprised if they will run very far when there are not so many cameras anymore. What would be the point?
  18. They just borrow the ID from their 20 yo sister. It's not rocket science.
  19. There is the family of my gf's old stepsister. With her husband together they have a farm and a small shop and a lot of land. The first daughter married and has a "normal" family. The second daughter, the favorite of the father, was always lazy. But she went to school and has the certificates. And then? Then, within about 3 years she married one after another 3 guys and has 3 children. She never cared about her own children. And then she worked in Pattaya as a prostitute and then in Korea. I don't want to ask her father and mother what they think about that. If it would be my daughter I would be devasted. But they seem to live with this situation. Now the daughter married a German and has another child. The father is her Thai bf and on paper the father is the German guy. TiT! What I think and what I like doesn't matter. Different people have different behavior and attitudes.
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