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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. After reading a few comments in this thread it seems they didn't give you the medicine you demanded. That doesn't mean they don't give it to any westerners. Maybe they just didn't like you or your attitude. That doesn't make is racist.
  2. Why not? Don't expect any logic in Thailand. That makes life so much easier.
  3. It's great that you fact check what you post. But I am sure you will agree many people don't do that. And this was/is my point. If it is important then look for experts, and only experts.
  4. Correct. But then, maybe at home people would trust judges, police officers, people in government administrations, etc. And if there are problems you can go to court. In Thailand people should think twice about this. It seems another idea of (farang) investors in Thailand is to get an influential Thai partner who is well known to be able to sort out things. That is obviously a great idea - until the moment when that Thai partner maybe decides he doesn't want that farang partner anymore...
  5. Maybe the coffee is very good when you put it in those mugs. But when is it cold? In maybe max 20min? And then you continue to drink cold coffee for 40min? Really?
  6. In a way I think I am one of these boring people. I go to the same food stalls and restaurants and bars again and again. And I eat mostly the same food and drink the same whisky. I meet the same people, keep my existing hobbies like playing with electronics, etc. It is seldom that I go to a new restaurant and normally only if someone else invites me to a "new" place. I also travel very little. One reason is that I don't want to be the stupid tourist in that new place. I see enough of those inexperienced tourists here to be sure I don't want to be one of them. And I wouldn't do what I do if I wouldn't like it. I like "my" restaurants and I like what I eat there regularly. I tried many drinks and I like the whisky which I drink in bars. It's not that I will never ever try anything new. But why should I try all the time something new if I am happy with what I do?
  7. First of all, you should ask about challenges and not just legal challenges. If a well-connected person wants to create trouble then he will do that, it doesn't matter if there are legal concerns or not. IMHO the short answer is: Anybody who asks this question in a forum like this shouldn't open any business in Thailand. To open a business and be successful you should know Thailand and how it works. I.e. you should have worked in a restaurant in Thailand. You should know about all levels of the business and the typical ways people run it and the ways people skim money. If you think you can learn it by doing it and find out what you shouldn't do then that is, IMHO, a very bad idea.
  8. I don't think there is a clear answer. Some bar owners are well connected, or they are i.e. police officers and they allow everything. Others are careful and avoid any possible trouble.
  9. I don't know how good his answer is, maybe it's perfect. The problem with forums like this is that the knowledge level of the participants is somewhere between 0 to 100%. If someone with, let's say, 2% knowledge asks a question and maybe several people with 10% or 20% knowledge answer, then often the answers are completely different. But because the two people who answer have considerably more knowledge than the person who asks both answers might sound like expert answers. After all, those guys know 10 times more. And then maybe a top expert sees those answers and he could explain that solution B is only relevant in this conditions and solution C is only relevant in that condition. But ..... and then it gets complicated and all the people with no or little knowledge don't understand it anymore. For me that is a reason to look for answers to "complicated" questions on expert websites. And I don't really have to understand everything. If the experts agree that B or C is a good solution then let's do that. There is a reason why some people study these things for years...
  10. Thanks. It doesn't have to be beautiful because it won't be visible (after I attach things with the magnets). I just want to make sure it doesn't corrode. I am in the middle of Bangkok, I will check those places for galvanized steel.
  11. Thanks Now, with my very limited experience in things like that, I have to ask: Where would I get those things powder coated? And would that cost (roughly)?
  12. I like to put metal strips on the top of my indoor walls. I want to be able to attach magnets to those strips. I thought about using stainless steel because it does not corrode. But then I found out that most stainless steel is not magnetic - not good for me. 430 stainless steel is magnetic but until now I didn't find a supplier for that. I am looking for steel flat bars (strips?) which are maybe 2mm thick and 20mm wide. 2m length would be perfect but more or less is not a problem. I will drill holes in those strips to be able to screw them on the walls. What material is best to be magnetic and which does not corrode? Galvanized steel? Just paint steel and paint it? What are the options? This is just a picture for demonstration purpose.
  13. Even if I have probably still more than 10 years to live, I prefer to enjoy life. Good food and certainly good espresso is part of that.
  14. Ask at the management what is available. Different buildings, different ISPs, different types of service. And even if your neighbor has it doesn't mean the ISP has the capacity to provide the same service to you.
  15. That's a double espresso and a croissant for breakfast. And then?
  16. That's 379,300 THB for 6 months or 63,126 THB per month or 2,078 THB per day. That just about enough to have an air-conditioned room and a warm meal a day. Forget about regular entertainment.
  17. Let's say it like this: If a bargirl is drunk and wants to go home in a taxi then it is not unusual that her friends take off her gold chain etc. before she takes a taxi. Too much gold on display together with being drunk and/or tired is definitely not the way to use a taxi at night. Or, to say it in other words, guys who drive taxi at night don't usually do that because it is their dream job. They do it because they need money and don't get any better job. So better manage your expectations.
  18. I think the idea about that routine is to make your life different and maybe uncomfortable. And because it is routine and boring it gives you time to contemplate life.
  19. You can let other people inspire you. Maybe an artist inspires you to paint or make music. Maybe an engineer inspires you to invent something. Maybe a farmer inspires you to look at nature or maybe do nothing for a whole day. I think we can learn a lot from others. We can listen to them. Maybe they call it advice or maybe not. And we can see for ourselves if it might be relevant for us and our lives.
  20. But imagine after a year with a boring woman up north he spends a few hours in Soi 6 with the hottest chicks who do their very best to let him see the stars. And then: Why did I waste all that time? ????
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