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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Somehow it is funny when people in 1st world countries like the USA and UK and many more talk about banana republics and developing nations and all that. And then those so-called 1st world countries have one bad leader after the next and it's getting worse all the time. Over the years we saw many politicians and we thought: Is that real? It can't really get worse. And then it got worse, and worse. I really don't want to think about what will come next in those 1st world countries. It looks many of them are completely f%@#$# up - and it's getting worse.
  2. If I look back and if I would have invested in x at the right time and sold it now, I would be super rich. Yeah, sure, I heard that before. Funny enough few of those people also talk about y and z and all the money they would have lost if they would have invested in that one.
  3. I like to get an overview about shops and shows and what's available in terms of audio equipment in Thailand. I guess the best start is to look for some audio magazine with local ads. Can you recommend any (high end) audio magazine for Thailand? I guess it would be Thai language, that's fine with me because I will mostly look at the pictures and ads and maybe addresses. I am not interested in imported international magazines; I am looking for what's going on in Thailand. Thanks
  4. Do you want to improve one or more existing doors or do you want to replace the whole door. I just ordered for my apartment renovation a new door with sound isolation. I ordered it from my contractor. When I know more details from you then I can ask him if he is interested in doing that or if he knows a company which he can recommend. My renovation and contractor is in Bangkok.
  5. I agree with the CPU heatsink, if it is a big heatsink. RAM and PCI cards are not heavy. Maybe a big graphic card is heavy, but I would still keep it where it is. I would consider putting bubble wrap inside the computer to stabilize the cards a little. And it is probably a good idea after arrival to make sure all the contacts from the cards and connectors are ok. Don't touch the CPU, that won't move anywhere.
  6. Does Thailand have any system in big trucks to record how they drive? I know this system from a long time ago. I guess by now there are electronic versions including GPS trackers. Do truck drivers (have to) use them in Thailand?
  7. A war on drugs doesn't make any sense. Will they arrest those drugs or what? How about a war on all those people in charge who allow drug dealers to operate? Fire all corrupt police and army officers, prosecute them and send them to jail. Stop pretending that the police are even trying to solve the problem. They are a big part of the problem.
  8. In general, that is obviously a good idea. But sometimes the police allow bars to open and/or serve alcohol even when that is officially not allowed. And those decisions are sometimes made only a day before that relevant date. And then there are different rules and decisions for different police districts. Nana, Soi C, Patpong are all different districts.
  9. If that was agreed, then that should be delivered. The question is if it really was agreed and if your wife is on your side that that was agreed. If you are the only person who thinks the door is not what you agreed to, even if you are right, you have a problem.
  10. Why would anybody care what that guy says or does? I also don't care if that dog on the street barked or maybe looked in my direction.
  11. Correct, I never worked as a fashion photographer. But I made enough pictures of people to know that often people have expressions on their faces on the pictures which I didn't see when I made that picture. And that was always a reason to make a couple of pictures of people - even at the times when we used (expensive) film.
  12. Not necessary. There is a reason why since forever fashion photographer make many many pictures of their models in the same position. Because even if they look basically the same when you make the pictures basically everybody has strange expressions on their faces all the time in that split second when the image is actually taken by the camera. No, Beyoncé didn't try to look like that.
  13. When I read another article like that, I always wonder what must happen before Trump will be arrested and then go to trial and be convicted. Is there not more than enough evidence in the open that he is a traitor? I am sure in many countries he would be in jail or executed already. And America and other nations would accept that because the evidence is so obvious. But no, Trump is still running around free and telling the same obvious lies. And, even worse, around 70 million Americans still believe those obvious lies and want that serial liar and traitor again as their president. Imagine anybody would have predicted anytime in the last 100 years that this could happen in the USA. Nobody would have believed it. What a sad country and a sad state of this world.
  14. Or maybe you ate already too much of that soup and confuse it with reading. ????
  15. You shouldn't go to these other places. Because maybe you get used to the fact that things work. And then you return to Thailand and you somehow assume that you can just walk without looking much and then accidents happen...
  16. Will those bikini girls join in groups? And will they all wear their usual number-stickers to make it easier to identify them?
  17. How about a self-walk manual for tourists? Rule #1: Be very careful when you cross the road, even with zebra crossings and even if your light is green. Rule #2: This is nature, and the rule of the bigger things are active. If you see a big truck, don't be so stupid to think he will stop for you. And even if the truck is not so big, don't make that mistake!
  18. In average anybody living outside their home country will do better than within. Because in average all the stupid, poor, uneducated, etc. people won't go to live in another country. They stay home - they have no other choice. So, as difficult as it is to believe this sometimes, the foreigners living here are in average above average of people in those countries...
  19. I recall what I read in the official news. It was similar to this: Let's say a 10 million THB car was stolen. And let's say the police finds that car and gives it back to the owner. Then, as far as I remember, the police officers received for this maybe half the value of the car. I think they received it from the insurance company. I don't remember the details but according to that he made many millions doing his police job and then receiving these payments. I don't know and don't care if those payments were responsible for half his wealth or more or less. It was substantial, many millions.
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