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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. 555 Please provide a link to the manual about the proper use of fb. And what happens to anybody who decides not to use it properly?
  2. Facebook is great. Get the fb name of one girl in a bar and look at all her friends - the other girls in that and other bars. This gives a wonderful overview about the girls and their boyfriends, children, and and and. Most of the time what they publish has little resemblance with what they tell us if we ask them... Personally I would never publish anything on fb. Why should I? Does really everybody I know need to know what I had for breakfast or lunch today? And do I want to show my colleagues where and how I party? No!
  3. In other news: After Patong entertainment businesses are legally open, the police will earn at last 100k less per night.
  4. Most women all over the world want to marry guys who are richer than they are. That is a fact. Some of those women are poor and they really need someone with income to be able to live even a modest life. Other women have a good job and make money but they still want a guy who earns more than then do. Men want pretty young girls. That is nature, because those young healthy girls are the best for spreading the genes. And some men pretend that they prefer their own old wives - at least when those wives are listening. So women have this desire and men have this desire. Sometimes it's money for a young body. And sometimes it's the promise to take care of her for a long time. And often it is called love. That's life. And then there are the rest of the people who are not so young and pretty and not so rich and somehow they find each other. But the principle is the same. Get the best what you can get - anywhere in the world. Now what is the problem with this? Obviously those old and/or ugly women back home complain that men don't want them. That's really sad for those women.
  5. I live in lower Sukhumvit permanently since >25 years. How about you?
  6. Interesting. A thread with the title "Avoid trap of losing money to women" and then posters who find reasons why they want to give money to some ladies.
  7. Mama = Mother is the important part of that word. In other words: A women who worked for many years as a bargirl and when she was too old to go with customers she trained the new girls. I am sure she is happy she found a place to sleep for free.
  8. You must have an interesting definition of "dead". And are we maybe a little racist calling an area "Arab Klong"? I prefer little Arab, with some good restaurants. And about the "upper class": What do you expect in a area with high price land and buildings? Places for cheap Charlies? "O Nut onwards better:)" Great, you found a place for yourself.
  9. What's next? A turbo charger? It's a Honda Click!
  10. I live and lived with view to that place. One morning, looking out of the window, something was different. But what? And then: Until last night there were lots of bars over there. And now not anymore. Interesting. One thing I learned that day was that it is amazing what Thais can do if they have the right motivation. The bars existed until after midnight. And by morning, maybe 7am, the place was flat and there was a thick concrete wall around it and security. All done within about 6 hours at night. Before I would have though that is impossible in Thailand. It was well organized and possible. TiT - this time in a different way.
  11. Before it was a garden which nobody visited. And just another tourist place.
  12. Thanks for your fast answer. Personally if it is important then I only use quality products. And possible life threatening electrical connections are definitely important enough.
  13. Why? It seems (at least on the good products) the quality is great. A good and fast connection. Why not?
  14. Correct. And there is also this invention. For some devices they are necessary, for others optional.
  15. In part I agree with you. And obviously it is not difficult to call all his supporters uninformed stupid idiots - I am sure there are enough of them. But that is not the whole truth. That so called leader wouldn't be in that position if not lots of intelligent, well informed and rich people would support him. Poor stupid losers wouldn't be able to decide who becomes president if there wouldn't be enough powerful rich people with the same ideas. That is another part of our current media and especially social media. "The others are all stupid." No they aren't! At least not all of them.
  16. Yes, similar to this. Any objections? This is just a picture from the internet, not my installation. I will do it straight.
  17. Yes, correct. But sometimes they are right/correct. And sometimes not only the rightwing base should be triggered. In principle I consider myself left of center. And I see a lot of things which the rightwing, and especially the radical rightwing, do wrong. But I also see things which the radical leftwing do wrong, like above. I think the problem from many of us left of center is that we often only argue (and/or hate) all those right of us. But I think we should also acknowledge that there are some crazy radical left people and ideas which we should oppose. And we do ourselves a big favor of we oppose the radical left. Because if we don't speak up then those people on the right will rightfully point to those people on the left (anywhere a little left to radical left) and say: Look at them, they are all crazy like those people who want to be called "they". We should oppose those idiots. And what do people who oppose those crazy radical left-wingers? They vote right. If the left of center would make clear that we don't want to have anything to do with those radical left then maybe more people would think twice before they vote right. It would be great if they would just vote a little right of the radical left. They should vote for the center or maybe even a little left of center. Because left of center is still right of the radical left.
  18. Yes, but if it is in the wall then normally single core is used - at least according to my knowledge.
  19. Unfortunately that does not happen only in one school or one district. Many schools and universities have more and more crazy ideas like that. And it is getting worse all the time.
  20. Over the years the police stopped me hundreds of times, mostly for riding not on the left lane with a motorcycle. In almost all cases it was friendly. And in almost all cases I paid 100B or nothing at all. They want money, I think that is obvious. What is maybe not obvious is that they want money fast. Because if they have to argue for an hour to get 500B then they didn't really get much money. They could have stopped every 5 minutes another driver and collet 100B each. So one way to do this is to be friendly and have all the time in the world. A friend, who could speak fluent Thai, showed the police officers who wanted money all the other passing vehicles. 100B, another 100B, another 100B, how long do you want to talk to me? ...
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