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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I also like the background information about is and how difficult it is to play it.
  2. The girls had something to eat, or should we say to swallow?
  3. I just opened my SCB App, the first time after months. Domestic and international online payment was blocked. Normally I use another card from another bank, this is why I didn't notice anything.
  4. Nobody is ever responsible for anything. I thought every Thai person knows this.
  5. Did you try to call them or chat with them or user LINE? At least in my experience short sentences in chat are easier to understand and to answer. It's not optimal, but it does the job. Good luck! I use Lazada and online bank transfers. It works fast and hassle free.
  6. What do sanctions actually do? Do they hurt the rick leaders? Do they hurt lots of ordinary people? I think it is wrong to think sanctions are always a good solution to hurt those who are responsible for something bad. They may hurt those at the top a little, but more likely they hurt lots of ordinary people a lot. I think the situation is too complex and we know too little about that is happening and how the situation can be "adjusted". Who here is an expert? It's easy to demand sanctions to hurt those bad people somewhere in the world. But does that actually happen? Or is it often wishful thinking?
  7. I don't know an expert in Phuket but maybe you don't need an expert. Years ago external hard disks were mostly sold as external cases with internal hard disks inside. You could open the case and then connect that hard disk directly to the motherboard or with another adapter. Is that what you have? Then you can/should try that. And if it is a sealed external hard disk then often it is like above, just without screws. Often you can ply it open and then remove the internal hard disk and do as above. Basically any computer technician can do that. I did this many times and often it worked. If you absolutely love those pictures and videos then you should hire an expensive professional company. Last time I checked there was no such company in Thailand. Otherwise try above and/or freely available software. https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Main_Page
  8. Do you have enough money in the bank to be able to live without health insurance? Obviously paying 12k per month is annoying. But if it give you peace of mind then probably it is a good idea to spend that money. What would otherwise happen if you need an operation for several hundred thousand THB? Maybe also think about your risks: Are you riding around with a motorcycle? Are you healthy? And last but not least if you develop a chronic illness without health insurance then it is possible that no health insurance wants to insure you anymore at any age at any price. Personally I didn't have a health insurance in Thailand when I was younger. Now I have one, and it feels good. And when I talk to others who don't have an insurance that is always a nice reminder that it's good that I have one.
  9. Great! She does not want to introduce you to her family. You can't have it better than that! Most of us are more or less forced to see the family, including all those consequences. Enjoy your life without the family!
  10. Sorry, no! In many notebooks the existing HDD can be replaced with a SSD is the same form factor, i.e. 2.5". The SSD will be much faster - like day and night. On startup and while using it. It seems some cheaper notebooks are deliberately sold with slow HDDs to give the dealer the opportunity to sell much more expensive notebooks from the same brand with SSD. Buying one of the cheap notebooks with HDD and replacing it right away with a SSD is sometimes still cheaper then buying the more expensive model which has already a SSD build in. I saw that i.e. with Lenovo ThinkPads.
  11. A change from a HDD to any SSD will make a big difference. Check the specs of the laptop and what is can handle. And what are 22-80 SSDs?
  12. Just keep a basic rule in mind for Thai traffic: Size matters! Pedestrian, bike, big bike, car, truck, big truck, something like that. If you see a truck rolling along the street then just accept that he has the right of way. Because that is how he will behave.
  13. If you drove a minimum around Bangkok you would find out, that many many people actually ignore zebra crossings. And that includes zebra crossing with red lights. I ride motorcycle and I like to stop. But I always have to look in the rear mirror and be carful because there are just too many drivers and riders who totally ignore zebra crossings.
  14. How about installing cameras on all those crossings which automatically take pictures of vehicles which ignore the red light? And then, maybe as a next step, to automatic registration plate recognition and fine them all. That should make sure that a lot of people will stop and a lot of people will have to pay. And more pedestrians will survive. Win/win/win, it should be a no-brainer. But then again, TiT.
  15. Can someone tell the cops about this law please. And is there something like dereliction of duty if Thai police officers just don't care? We would have a lot less accidents and a lot less dead people from accidents if the police would enforce the rules at least from time to time.
  16. Probably she thought the landlord can sell all those treasures, then deduct the two months rent and the rest is profit. ????
  17. I guess it is more likely that it was one of those guys who learned COBOL in a Thai university not too long ago. He got the degree but ...
  18. Great. What does he wants to learn to code? I.e. does he wants to code how to let some lights blink? Or does he wants to simulate how two lifts work together when people press buttons? Or how about some formula in Excel? In my experience people learn best if they want to learn something specific. And best there should not be a ready made solution for that problem, because it is so easy to copy and paste. When I started programming about 1992, there basically was no internet at that time. I started with a 1000 pages programmers handbook about the macro language from Ami Pro which was a word processing software. I needed to format text depending on data. I.e. if a number was 1 then it showed "1 item" and if the number was 2 it showed "2 items" and if the number was 0 it showed "no items". Nothing fancy, just something which didn't work out of the box and had to be programmed. I learned this by looking up commands in that book. And then more commands, and then I read the whole book to get an overview about all those interesting commands. And then I tried to do this and that and I got better. And because there was no internet I couldn't just look it up and copy and paste it. Good. Even in these days I would still recommend a book. Because reading a book makes people think. And programming is about thinking (and not copy and paste). Any simple programming language will do at the beginning because it is about the principle of learning about programming like IF THEN ELSE, etc. And when he wants to use the internet I highly recommend this website as a start with lots of questions and answers. This is used by beginner and by professionals. https://stackoverflow.com/ You can search for things like "how do I learn programming?" or about every detail of any programming language and any problem. And the good thing is that (also) experienced programmers answer. A good teacher should be able to guide him. But I am sure there are too many "teachers" out there who see their job description as: Now he knows these 30 commands from this programming language. He can answer the test questions. Done. And what did he really learn? Did he solve by himself a problem which he wanted to solve?
  19. If possible ask her to wear it for a couple of days. With my helmets it took a couple of days before they were in their final form - and/or I am used to them.
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