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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am happy Thaksin was removed. I would have preferred if judges would have declared him guilty earlier and thrown him into jail. When he hid his money in the names of his maids and drivers would have been the right moment. But as we all know that didn't happen. The biggest problem that I see in Thailand is that the masses don't want honest smart guys in charge of the country. They could have voted for Abhisit. But no, they prefer a criminal or his little clone sister. Thai people regularly vote for known corrupt politicians or if those are banned then people often vote for the children of those corrupt politicians. And then they seem to be surprised that when they vote for corrupt politicians that they end up with a corrupt government. Like: Who could have predicted that one? Simple minded uneducated masses are voting - and not only in Thailand...
  2. And Move Forward is fine? Why would a Thai billionaire go into politics? History repeats itself.
  3. Please don't tell me that you play with Lithium batteries and are not aware of the fact that mixing them with water is a very bad idea.
  4. Are you sure? I like Elianeck. Lots of beautiful girls - made in virtual reality.
  5. No! At least not according to the taste of many guys. Long time ago back home I thought maybe every 100th woman looks acceptable and maybe 1 in 1000 is beautiful. After living in Thailand and visiting "home" a couple of months ago I saw exactly one beautiful woman. And I am pretty sure she wasn't interested in me. Here is Thailand just walking on the street or sitting anywhere and watch the girls walk by there are always beautiful women.
  6. Maybe KhunLA is a women. It seems lots of western women don't like the Thai competition.
  7. I hope you are all prepared for a Lithium fire. If one of those cells fails in the wrong way all those cells will be on fire. And then there is nothin you can do about that fire. Just wait until it's over and hopefully it didn't damage too much nearby.
  8. But then how often did Thaksin tell us all he finished with politics? And how often did he start again to meddle in politics - or he just never stopped. It is time that Thailand gets new honest and competent politicians. The only problem is that most Thais seem to prefer to vote for the well known corrupt crooks. TiT.
  9. To quote Woody Allen: „Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right.“ ????
  10. I remember the "reflections" dance floor in that bar. The good old times.
  11. I like how she points her fingers: You stay down there and don't move until I tell you! ????
  12. Sometimes it's better to dream about them and dream about how wonderful it could have been. A long time ago I met one girl on a night out in Pattaya, absolutely stunning. It was in a disco and she wanted to party until early morning. Then she joined me in my hotel room. I had a shower and waited for her in bed. Then she had a shower or maybe she was only sitting in the bathroom, I don't know. Maybe an hour later she came out of the bathroom, she looked at me and said: Your still awake, I thought (hoped for) you were sleeping. We had sex after that, but it was about the worst I ever had. I should have continued to dream about her in that disco...
  13. Also not so decent girls will appreciate it. ???? It helps to talk to them before they learn English.
  14. I think it's great that you put in the effort. But do you think it's a good idea to learn some dialect instead of Thai? What if you go to a city and try to speak with the people in that city? Or if you try to speak with officials (even a few words)? Will they appreciate your local dialect? And what about if your relationship ends for whatever reason? Do you want to stay in that village/region? Or do you want to be more flexible? And then meet another woman with another local dialect?
  15. If someone would drop you in a little Thai village with everybody only speaking Thai, would you learn the language? Sure, and fast. Because you have to. If you like in Bangkok or a tourist place then you get away with English but you limit yourself. And you make yourself a target for all those people who like ignorant people who speak not a word of Thai. Start with the little things like numbers, left and right, Thai food names in Thai and continue from there. If you use those words then more and more Thais will speak in Thai to you. You won't understand all of it, but after a while you learn more and more words. Will it help in a relationship? That depends on what you want. If you want an educated lady who knows English that might be fine. If you settle for a Thai girl who learned English in the streets then don't forget where she learned her English. And last but not least: What impression do you want to leave? Do you want to be see as that ignorant farang who doesn't even try to learn a few words? Or do you prefer to be seen as they guy who puts some effort in learning the language from the country where he (wants to) live?
  16. I leave the boy and transgender and whatever to others. Believe it or not, some girls are happy with guys who are significantly older then they are. Maybe it's the fact that the older guys don't want to or aren't able to f@$& 3 times a day. Or maybe the fact that many of those older guys are happy to have one girlfriend at home and they don't go out drinking and f@$#ing around like some younger guys. There are many possible reasons and not just money. Money might be a reason but reality tells us there are lots of other reasons why couples stay together.
  17. I guess the problem is that many foreigners are used to the fact that many people in Thailand ignore many laws. I.e. on the Sukhumvit Asoke junction every few minutes at least 20 motorcycle riders ignore the red light. But at the same time basically everybody is wearing a mask - including the riders who ignore the red light. Many Thais are scared of Covid and they take it serious. It seems many of them are not aware that a lot more people die because of traffic accidents especially with motorcycle riders. TiT!
  18. I live in lower Sukhumvit. We didn't have tourists for a long time. Now we have more and more of them. It's obvious that they are tourists, and many of them don't wear masks, or maybe they have them on their arm or neck. Personally I don't blame all of them for importing Covid, but I am sure with that attitude they help spreading Covid. I can't really blame Thais for thinking farangs are the bad guys when at least here most of the people who don't wear masks are the farang tourist.
  19. All this is obviously important. But I have to admit my concern was that it is comfortable for her to work in the kitchen. Currently in my rented apartment the counter tops are 90cm and she would like them lower. How much lower is the question. And another question is how I will like that in case I cook a little.
  20. That was a long time ago and I don't remember too many details. But as far as I remember she was already occupied with another guy. And on my next visits to the bar she was gone. Most innocent cute girls don't last long in those places...
  21. That reminds me of a very cute and innocent girl in a restaurant. I didn't dare to ask her out. Next time I saw her a month later or so she smiled at me from a gogo-stage...
  22. I saw at least one video from a guy who bought a bike from a rental shop in Pattaya. And I think I remember an entry in this forum from a guy who did the same in Bangkok. I am sure that are shops which were used to many tourists but without tourist they have too many bikes and maybe sell them. It's just an idea. If the OP likes it he can spend an afternoon look at bikes for rent and maybe ask if he can buy one - if he likes any of them. And worst case it was one afternoon wasted.
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