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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And which user has enough knowledge and time to decide how they tweak their Windows? I work with computers and it's my job to have at least an overview what is going on. I don't want to be the first person who installs updates and I look at news about updates which cause problems. So it is likely that I will avoid at least some problematic updates. But there is always a compromise between letting Windows updates fix security holes and possible new problems. And some of those new problems only happen in configurations which exist seldom. It is very unlikely that all problems are reported in the first week or so. And then we have to decide what we do and what we don't do. That is a very difficult job and definitely not something a "normal user" should decide.
  2. Really? I enjoyed nightlife in Bangkok since about 1995. Obviously it changed, and many years ago certain things happened which mostly don't happen now anymore. But I think pre Covid anybody who wanted to have fun and who was not too stingy could have a lot of fun. I heard about wild things which happened before I arrived in Bangkok. I am sure it would have been exiting to experience that. But I can't say I feel like I arrived too late and missed something.
  3. In many videos, especially from Americans, they talk about renting professional tools i.e. for tiling or other jobs which require special tools which are only seldom used (by DIY workers or people who do jobs like that seldom). Is something like that available in Thailand and is it common that people rent professional tools? I ask for two reasons: Maybe I want to do some things myself like putting a couple of holes in concrete. I guess it might be cheaper to rent a HILTI for a day or two than buying one. And some workers are good, but they don't own professional tools, or maybe the company where they work has those tools but the workers want to do some extra jobs. It would be good if it would be possible to rent tools i.e. to cut tiles or whatever is needed. Does that exists in Thailand? Prices? Links?
  4. ADV 350cc vs Duke 390, I am sure you can do the math. And no, I didn't consider anything big like the Forza. I prefer something narrow and light and powerful. ????
  5. There was a time a looooooong time ago when Stickman wrote about fun in the bars. That is why many of us read what he wrote. And then he changed and many people didn't read him anymore. And then Stickboy came up, IMHO better than Stickman ever was. Later Stickboy also bought the domain Stickman.
  6. Did you ever try a real bike? You know, with gears and not so and not with 100kg plastic to make a small bike look big?
  7. The problem is that the updates are not useless. Often they fix problems and security holes. Would you prefer an not-updated Windows which is vulnerable to malware and hackers? In my experience Windows runs best if you install as little as possible any 3rd party system tools. I.e. stay with windows defender, don't install any optimizer or registry cleaners and all that. Sometimes Windows just needs time! On my main desktop computer I (let Windows) install updates more or less when they come up. My current installation is about 5 years old with many programs and it works fine. On an old notebook which I use seldom I always have to wait for Windows when I want to use it again. Now if I know I will use that old notebook tomorrow I will open it today and let it install whatever updates it wants. And often there is a restart and more updates, and maybe another restart and more. And then maybe an hour after that the notebook is still slow because Windows is doing a lot of work in the background. But if I just let it run it updates itself and the next day I can use it without problems and with normal speed (for an old notebook). My advice: Be careful what you install, remove programs which you might tested but don't use. Let Windows do what it wants to do and be patient. Is that perfect? No. But I don't think there is a better alternative.
  8. A friend once lived near work about an hour away from Sukhumvit. Then he moved to Sukhumvit about an hour away from his work. His reasoning was this: If I live an hour away from entertainment then likely I will only seldom just go there for a beer because it is far away. I agree with that. It's good to live near to where you want to have a beer or two - and of course no drunk driving. And about traffic: Get a motorcycle! I ride in Sukhumvit and sometime to the Central World area or Silom etc. in the worst traffic. With a motorcycle that is just about acceptable. With a car it would be horrible to do that regularly. BTS is obviously an option but often it is: motorcycle to BTS, going up the station, riding on the BTS, going down the station, and another motorcycle to the destination. Possible but far away from fast or convenient.
  9. That's funny. When I arrived in Thailand more than 20 years ago I walked along Langusuan to find a suitable apartment. At least at that time I couldn't afford any nice apartment in that soi. ????
  10. I liked the website to inform myself what was going on in Bangkok nightlife. The problem with his and other Twitter accounts was for me that there was just too much. Obviously it's nice to see from time to time a beautiful girl. But with Twitter it was 10 girls, 10 "I have a beer in xyz" and one news message. At least for me that was a reason not to follow him (and others) on Twitter. On the WWW it was easy to just scan the news and look at anything else on demand.
  11. It is definitely nice to have your own vehicle. I am happy with my motorcycle and that is perfect for me alone or together with my gf. But whenever we have a visitor then the question is always: how do we get to xyz with 3 people (or maybe more)? I guess if someone lives all the time with 2 or more other people together than a car makes sense. And maybe one day, when I am really old, I don't want to ride any bike anymore. Maybe I will buy a car at that time because it is just convenient to have one.
  12. Thanks. There must be more to this story because the Twitter account would work from anywhere in this world. And he had lots of followers. It seems all posts are deleted. The website still exists
  13. It seems the Titter account @StickboyBangkok does not exist anymore. Does anybody know what is going on? For the moderators: I am not asking personal questions about the guy behind that account and I am certainly not asking about any member of this forum.
  14. It still looks like a big boat with a small engine. ????
  15. That makes a lot of sense! I guess one way to find (in modern technology) experienced contractors is by looking at suppliers in Thailand. I found i.e. this one: Tile level quick - RUBI Thailand That tells me that it is likely that there are professionals in Thailand who use this system. That doesn't mean this is what I will buy but I think it helps in making up what we (in this case I) want. I guess an alternative is not using large tiles. Because according to the video above some problems like the leveling between tiles only happens with large tiles. Maybe it is a good idea to use not so large tiles to avoid certain problems.
  16. In my experience there are mostly two kinds of videos on YouTube. Those about crazy influencers and cute cats and similar which have millions of subscribers. And then there are videos from experts who know what they are doing and most of them have few subscribers. Obviously for someone with initially little knowledge like me it takes some time to be able to judge who knows their job and who talks a lot without much knowledge. But in general I think it is obvious in many videos if the person who made them spends more time on providing information or making themselves look good and editing the videos for hours, etc. I.e. in this video the guy from above explains why and when to use tile leveling system, and when they are not needed. It sounds informative to me.
  17. Over the years I read Private Dancer a few times, I still enjoy it. I remember when I read it the first time there was a chapter which played in the back office from the bar where Joy worked. I remember that office from real life. It was in the back of Voodoo in Nana and the guy who worked there in real was described in the book. I was there once inquiring about my favorite girl from that time so I could emphasize with Pete from the book.
  18. Come on, Private Dancer is the best non-fiction book about life in Thailand. And there are lots of characters in that book. You can identify with anyone you like and I am sure we all recognize people who we know in some of those characters.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if Elon buys the island and after that all the land is sold for double the amounts of bubble currency. With crypto no crazy fantasy is too crazy. Invest now!
  20. He is obviously looking at all those monitors near him where he can see all those crypto currencies going up all the time. How exiting!
  21. I am sure the crypto professionals here know this already. For all the others I suggest have a look at this video. It's amazing! And then look at this article with even more exiting information: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jan/16/cryptoland-runs-aground-as-12m-bid-to-buy-fiji-island-for-resort-falls-through
  22. I just found this channel and especially this video about tiles on concrete floor. To me, with my limited knowledge, that seems like a good job.
  23. That is interesting. I just searched for "membrane" on a couple of Thai construction supplier sites but they all came up with nothing. Do you know which brands are common in Thailand? Is there a Thai name for that? Thanks
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