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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I never made it that far. Or to quote Elvis: "A little less conversation, a little more action please"
  2. Did they ask you what you want? 18, small, brown and innocent?
  3. I saw her on stage in a gogo bar. Do you want a drink? Soon after the first words: Let's go!
  4. I don't want to live so long. 80 is maybe fine, I don't think 90 is fun. I think I do my best to spend all my money before my 75th birthday. That will be a lot more fun than trying to save for my 80th years.
  5. It seems for some people any miss whatever competition is politically incorrect because it's about the beauty of women. And it seems the organizers want to show other qualities of the women like how much the love world peace, etc. Personally I think the people want to be politically correct will never be happy. So what's the point to even try to make them happy? Miss whatever organizers should just concentrate on the only important issue. We love to see pretty girls with few clothes. It doesn't matter if the love cats and dogs and want world peace. They just have to look good.
  6. I have the Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/xiaomi-air-purifier-3h-pm-25-45-1-i587850141-s1091456990.html That works fine. Xiaomi has now newer models and there are obviously also other companies. I don't know how the others compare.
  7. My recommendation for everyone is to buy an air purifier. I did that last year and it made a huge difference. Personally I only need it at night at home. I have no problems outside or at daytime. But I guess that is not the same with everybody.
  8. You do something wrong if you look at social media to see those girls...
  9. I just searched the internet for a sexy picture of her. I failed.
  10. Is there anybody out there who wanted to drink alcohol and didn't find it?
  11. That reminds me of the good times. Hopefully again in a month or two.
  12. There are lots of guys who think they are smart and think if they buy a girl lots of tequila then they have a better time. If these guys pay double for that experience then that is entirely their own problem.
  13. Is Thaksin still connected to PT? Is PT ready to tell their voters that they have nothing to do with Thaksin anymore? The answer is obvious. There is no question of who is the leader. There is only the question of who is a proxy. And proxies are interchangeable. It's time that Thailand gets a real opposition without long established corrupt politicians and without billionaires who pretend to care for the poor. But would a majority of Thais ever vote for honest competent people who are not connected to any existing corrupt establishment? I have my doubts.
  14. Some girls love tequila and the more they drink the more they get used to it. And the girls who don't want to drink too much tequila make often sure that they don't get (pure) tequila. If you think you need tequila as an indicator if the girls are girls then you certainly do it wrong.
  15. Here you can learn from the top Apple specialist why you shouldn't buy Apple.
  16. Many ads are personalized for every individual user. I see i.e. ads about parts which I previously searched for on google or Lazada. So if you see ads for X then likely you or another user on your computer searched recently for X...
  17. It seems it doesn't matter which pictures I post. There is always someone who thinks he spots a ladyboy.
  18. That depends on where you look for them. Go to a good gogo bar and the percentage is near to 0. Go to some other places and the percentage is high. It depends on what you want.
  19. Important is that you realize that the local embassy (the one which you selected in the form) is responsible for your application. Call them! Tell them your application is urgent because you fly on ... That's what I did.
  20. In principal I agree with you. But I wonder why we don't read stories like that (at least I didn't see them). If this would be a big issue then I would guess we would hear or read more often about farangs who lost big money because they had to pay for the damage of someone else vehicle. Where are those stories? Or did I miss them all?
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