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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The only favorite "color" which I have is black, like a shiny black car. That won't be a good choice for the walls and floor. ???? Probably I will go for anything between white and black, some kind of grey for walls and floor. That is neutral and I can add some color with a sofa, etc. I know about the load bearing walls and I won't touch them. And obviously whatever "I" do has to be approved by the building management. They won't approve it if it's unsafe etc.. No glossy tiles form me, at least not on the floor. I hate slippery tiles.
  2. Fair comment, Ok, let me try again. I wrote "what I miss is any evidence that the story is true. He just tells it like: That's it, I know it. I have to admit that doesn't convince me." That doesn't mean it's unbelievable or that I actively dispute it. It was the first video I ever saw from that guy and he just tells a story. He doesn't quote any sources or i.e. interviews former employees. That makes me skeptical Maybe he is an expert and maybe others here saw other videos from him with accurate information. If I see videos from people who I trust (more or less) then of course I am less skeptical. Maybe I will watch some more of his videos and let's see what else he has to say. I won't spend much time on that newspaper because they are irrelevant by now.
  3. Now I watched the video. And what I miss is any evidence that the story is true. He just tells it like: That's it, I know it. I have to admit that doesn't convince me. And that he calls that newspaper in 2022 still a successful newspaper is also "interesting".
  4. It seems the USA is meddling around in many countries. So this wouldn't exactly be a surprise. I will watch the video and just to be sure I will still find it I put it on my YouTube watch later list. ????
  5. This video has lots of samples about the weight and strength limitations. https://youtu.be/DQx5SVj0biA
  6. We all get tracked. I think we can only avoid that if we leave all electronic devices at home.
  7. To stay with Supertramp: Take a look at my girlfriend She's the only one I got Not much of a girlfriend I never seem to get a lot Apart from that, my girlfriend really likes flowers. She is different! ????
  8. That reminds me of my friend with this new iPhone. In times of Covid and masks he would love to use fingerprints but it seems his (the newest?) iPhone only allows face recognition and no fingerprint scanning anymore...
  9. I thought about such doors, i.e. for the kitchen. But then I though it will be difficult to open such a door with both hands full, i.e. carrying a tray. Do you use those doors? What is your experience?
  10. Yes, that makes sense. The location of the toilet and kitchen are one of the few things which I don't have to think about. They are where the drains are. And the drain locations are fixed. One thing less to think about.
  11. Thanks, you confirm my thoughts and add some more. I also thought about that problem of getting older and getting out of that bathtub and things like that. I will definitely add some handles to be prepared for old age. I also read about toilets with are a little higher than usual. Good idea. I like open spaces but I hate bad smell. My Thai girlfriend likes garlic and I don't like that smell. So the kitchen will have a door and a big exhaust to the outside.
  12. Thanks, I bought already "Home Designer Pro 2022" to do exactly that. Maybe I should print it on my 3D printer before I (let other people) build it. ????
  13. Thanks for your whole post and especially that line. I didn't think about a floor drain in the kitchen but I see your point that it makes sense to have one. And if this is planned in advance then it's no problem to do that.
  14. It's funny what you conclude from my posts. I don't know where you get the idea from that I don't want to pay or pay just a little. I do pay for professional services and I am willing to pay good money for good service. I don't see a point of hiring somebody cheap and then complaining about bad service/work. And about tradesmen prices: Festool in Thailand just offered to me 35% discount. Obviously I also don't want to waste money. I.e. if I buy tiles then I think if I should buy them myself or let a contractor buy them. The contractor might add a substantial amount for nothing, why should I waste that money? As a tradesman you should know all that.
  15. I wrote above that picture "This looks like a functional idea, just a sample" If you really need a reason for lots of book, apart from possibly reading them: They are perfect diffusers.
  16. Thanks, I thought about that and maybe I will do that. But some things can't easily be changed. I.e. I like a tile floor. I know already I don't want slippery tiles like they seem to be used everywhere. Probably I want some kind of grey because it is a neutral "color". But which grey? Dark or light? And small or large tiles? All the same tiles or maybe different tiles in the kitchen? These are just some of the possible questions.
  17. Do you have any rule/advice when to use concrete blocks and when breeze blocks (and which once)? I read somewhere (I think in this forum) that breeze blocks can be are problematic in/near wet rooms because they soak up water. True? I thought about different wall types and I think one advantage of any kind of bricks and blocks is that we can easily screw (heavy) things to such a wall. With drywall a picture frame is no problem but fixing a big cabinet can be a problem.
  18. Soon I will renovate an old condominium. Old furniture out, some walls out, everything new. I have some ideas but I am not an architect or a designer. So I looked for YouTube videos with ideas. I found lots of how-to videos about renovation. I don't plan to do a lot of work myself but I think it's good to know how things are supposed to be done correctly. But then there is the design. Where to put which furniture? Should the door of that room be on this or that side. Should I add some room dividers? Which colors for the (tile) floors and walls? Lots of questions. Obviously there are tons of videos out there. But until now I didn't find any YouTube channel which I like. Some have some good ideas. But often there are videos like: How to make your home look more expensive? I don't care if it looks expensive. I want that I like it. What are the newest trends? I don't care. Especially because I don't want to change things in a few years because of a new trend. Decoration tips like: Put three different things with different sizes on a table! Why? I thought I will use tables for whatever I want to put on them. I guess sooner or later it will be a good idea that I talk to an actual interior architect and/or designer. But before I do that I would like to watch some videos with practical ideas, "what works" and not "what looks good (but is impractical)". Can you recommend any YouTube channels, books, etc.? Best case for living in tropical climate in a high rise building. Here is an example what I don't want: A table with a funny form with things on it which I don't need. This looks like a functional idea, just a sample:
  19. I wonder how the kids would react if you show up with one of those. Probably: Wow, where can I get that one? Worst case put a sticker on it and people will love to buy it.
  20. I see it like this: With a Chinese phone the Chinese might spy on me. With an American phone, especially outside of the USA, and/or with American cloud services, I can be sure that the NSA and maybe others spy on me. What a choice!
  21. It's sad that you have to admit you have no idea about love. I could try to explain to you the difference to lust but I am pretty sure you wouldn't (want to) understand it. Try to enjoy your loveless life.
  22. I gave up after a few lines. Option 1: You have no idea what you are talking about. Option 2: You have or had the wrong woman as your girlfriend or wife. My gf likes flowers. Most of the time she buys them and sometimes I buy them. No demands for gold and mostly she doesn't need any cash because I pay for everything. And in this case everything means a nice life without excessive spending. IMHO if people make comments like above that only show that they choose the wrong wife or they are convinced that they have to pay and should pay for the company of her or any other lady. I have some words for those guys but they would be deleted here.
  23. I knew about LIDAR from robot vacuum cleaners, they use that technology successfully. And when I used a home design program and I measured an apartment I found an article about using a phone with LIDAR for that. The idea is like: Point that phone at a couple of corners and the software will calculate all the distances. Interesting! But I am not willing to spend 20k extra for a phone for a function which is nice but which I will only use a few times.
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