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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Will now all mothers who send their daughters to make money in the entertainment business be charged/arrested? Or will everything continue as normal? Personally I think it's up to the (adult) girls what they do and how they make money. But unfortunately there are many mothers who demand money from their daughters and who know what the girls have to do to earn that money. TiT
  2. saw a documentary once abt taking ordinary people, somewhat over weight as ordinary goes these days, and having them go through a few months of training to run a marathon.. In spite of all the exercise hours, weight loss was very minimal. I know at least two guys in Bangkok who had a belly. Both decided to walk more instead of (motorcycle) taxis and both lost a considerable amount of weight.
  3. Live your life the way you like it! If you like food and drinks then enjoy it. If you like exercise than do that. If you really want to be slim then do whatever is necessary. But, IMHO, think why you want to be slim? So that the girls can call you sexy man? Personally I weight too much and I don't exercise enough and I am happy the way I am. I am no young man anymore and even if I would be fit and slim then I still wouldn't be the dream of 20 year old girls...
  4. You forgot the option: - I am not happy here. And I wouldn't be happy anywhere else, because I always complain. Unfortunately many people are in that category. Personally I am happy here. If I wouldn't be happy here then I would go somewhere else.
  5. Are you sure? I also like beer lao, especially the dark one. But it seems that is almost always more expensive than other beers. And it seems many people are not willing to pay more for better tasting beer.
  6. Kids cost a lot of money. That's one reason why I have no kids. And about retirement: Sure, it's nice to retire and then have money. But if the alternatives are working hard and saving a lot of money and then retiring OR working not so hard and having fun and not retiring then personally I prefer option 2 - at least in my job which I like. And lets not forget that there are many people who work hard and dream about retirement and then they die early or are sick and can't enjoy the retirement anymore. Carpe diem!
  7. I did mostly the opposite. Not too much work, lots of good lunches and coffee breaks, time for the girls, etc. Summary: If I die today and I have a minute to think about my life then I can say to myself: I enjoyed it and had a good time. And just in case I will live long enough until the moment when there is no money anymore then I can still remember all those good times.
  8. That's great news. Thousands of girls who normally do their best to help the tourists to spend their money will now concentrate on us, the "locals". More competition and no more crazy tourist prices. Sounds good to me.
  9. It is time that Thai parents (and not only Thai) realize that children learn from their parents and it depend very much on the parents how children grow up. And even after they are (physically) grown up a lot of their behavior still depends on hw they grew up. Children don't just become responsible adults by themselves. Why is that so hard to understand for many people?
  10. When will he be sentenced to jail for all the trouble he created in 2010? Some years ago he was considered to be a terrorist. He should be in jail for the rest of his life - together with the other red-<deleted> leaders and their master.
  11. Obviously you meet the wrong girls. I make sure I meet the girls who make sure you see a little of their underwear. Preferably a little string or lace. ????
  12. Why do you think we should think about why they do what they do? There is no logic and it doesn't make sense to try to find logic when there is no logic.
  13. I think it's easy to understand why lots of guys like to customize their bikes. And part of that is making the bike sound and look "faster". Guys with big bikes don't need to do that. But boys who can't afford big bikes want at least something that sounds like a big bike. I remember that because there was a time when I was young and I had a small bike. But being a member of several facebook groups is definitely something I don't understand...
  14. In my experience of Chinatown if there is one shop for something then there is a street full of shops for similar items.
  15. I will definitely check out the hardware house in Bangna. In the moment I am looking what they have on their website. Let's see. https://www.hardwarehouse.co.th/brands/bosch.html
  16. The problem is that not anticipated things could happen. Will they open on 1st November is nothing exiting happens? I guess so. Will they also open if there is i.e. another dangerous virus version? Some things are unpredictable.
  17. That's the before picture. Now show us the after picture and we can see how it worked out with getting old. ????
  18. Thanks! I found this shop online. I followed a link from the official Bosch Thailand site. https://www.tcltools.com/ They seem to have a good selection.
  19. I like to buy several tools and (2nd priority) construction material. What are the best places in Bangkok to buy such things? Here is my priority list: Good selection with things in stock or reasonable order times. Competent people, if they also speak English that is a plus but no requirement. Website with details of what they have (English preferred but better Thai than not at all). Reasonable prices. They don't have to be the cheapest but not overpriced. Online order and shop would be perfect. I am not looking for a farang only shop like the big one in Ploenchit. I expect that a good shop is not in the middle of the town. I am looking for a shop where Thai professionals would also buy.
  20. I am getting annoyed by Lenovo. I want to order a ThinkPad and on the website is written the delivery time is 4 weeks. To be sure I really get this thing within 4 weeks I chatted with them on their Lenovo sales page. It seems depending on the mood of the person I am chatting with it might be 4 weeks or maybe 6 to 8 weeks. It is very annoying. Does anybody of you have any experience with them and how to find out how long it will take for the delivery. Can they guarantee a delivery time if they want to? I am pretty sure if I oder something now then all the parts must exist already. So they should be able to see somewhere in their IT when model x with configuration y will arrive in Thailand. Or do I see that wrong? I don't write the model number here on purpose because this comment/question is about the principle of them promising "4 weeks". The model which I want is not available in any shop. Otherwise I would have bought it already.
  21. As far as I know it is illegal to import 3d-printers into Thailand without a special license. Does anybody here have detailed information about this? And maybe a link to the law? And what is the situation about 3d-printer parts? I.e. stepper motors can be used for many things, I guess they can be imported without a license. How about nozzles? filament? ... I know that lots of parts are available in Thailand. But I wonder what my options are if I want to import some parts. I guess there must be a clear regulation about what is legal and what is illegal. Or is it Thai style: It's up to the officer and his mood on that day?
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