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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I agree. And I think that is one of the reasons why most (I guess) owners of expensive cars have a first class insurance which will pay when others damaged their property.
  2. Let me guess: he charged more than the bank. And he had stricter ways to demand his money back. Is that a legal job in Thailand?
  3. The question is obviously also how much you would get from an insurance. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a calculation like: 28 year old bike = 2% of original value...
  4. It seems some people have clear habits of what they eat and when they eat. Personally I love big breakfast buffets. And I try to have one of those at least once a week. But sometimes I eat noodle soup, khanom chin or just a croissant or whatever. I have very little in my fridge for the reason that I don't want to waste any food. Every morning is the question: What do we like to eat today? And then we take the motorcycle to the market and/or Foodland, etc. Personally I like that a lot more than thinking day(s) in advance what I want to eat in the next days.
  5. What is a BM? Is it similar to a BJ? ????
  6. Which Foodland please? Since a couple of months they don't have it in Foodland in Sukhumvit Soi 5 and Soi 16 anymore.
  7. And then there are still people out there who still think Thaksin and his little sister did everything right. They are both wanted criminals and they should be in jail.
  8. I did what my brother told me to do. I have no idea about those things. Or did you really think only because I am the small sister of Thaksin I know what I am doing?
  9. If it was Peggy yes. I had something like this in mind. But obviously with a petite brown "honey".
  10. They used to sell it in Foodland, and maybe they still do that in some Foodland branches. I often eat it at a hotel breakfast buffet.
  11. Are you sure that the 1st class insurance covers the property damage of the other vehicle? As far as I know the 1st class insurance covers the damage of the own vehicle. And as far as I know people have 1st class insurance for exactly that reason: If someone else with no or bad insurance cover damages their vehicle then the own 1st class insurance pays for the damage of the own vehicle. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  12. How about optionally a little whipped cream or Nutella on the honey? ????
  13. A night out is a combination of girls and whisky. ????
  14. Tomato juice, hot chocolate Dark multi grain bread with salmon and mustard-dill-sauce Two eggs benedict with duck eggs Dark multi grain bread with cheese Butterzopf with jam or Nutella Espresso More espresso At least that is one version of the breakfast I like.
  15. I don't think there is anywhere in Thailand high security for housing. (HiSo) people get annoyed if they are not recognized and have to show some pass/ID. And people get annoyed if they don't get their deliveries, etc. With a proper security there wouldn't be any exceptions. But too many people want exceptions when they like them and complain about bad security when this is also done for others. TiT
  16. These sites are good to give an overview about which buildings are in which area and a rough idea about the prices. But unfortunately many of the listed properties are not available anymore. It seems agents just keep them listed to get contacts. Recently a friend wanted to check some of those properties and according to him about 80% were not available anymore.
  17. From time to time I use it (without VPN) and I never had any problems/complaints. And some people who I talk to have the same experience. However, I download software and movies which are also commercially available. I wouldn't even think about downloading anything "special".
  18. That depends. Someone told me in some places they call it intensive care and in others naughty boy corner...
  19. I am just reading a Stephen Leather novel were one guy sees two Asian hookers at his door. He lets them in and the first one gives him within seconds a BJ while the other one undresses and jumps on top of him. Then soon one of them gives him a deadly injection and he dies within seconds with the girls around him. That sort of death doesn't sound too bad. ????
  20. Gogo bars bring a lot of money for lots of people. Some official and some not so official. How will the police officers survive without all that extra cash? Just keep in mind that prostitution is illegal in Thailand. That should be a good indicator about the future of the nightlife. How many bars will survive and make money is a different question. And landlords (or mafia groups) who think they can charge tremendous amounts of rent will probably find out that that there are limits.
  21. yeah, I have met guys who lost a bunch of weight - told me they used to eat 3 pound cakes w/coffee every morning but cut back to one... I think there is more to the story Maybe there is. According to them the walking was the big difference of what they did.
  22. Now the questions is obviously if the intoxicated driver is a HiSo or at least rich. After that is established then the police can decide how to continue with this case.
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