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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It seems you know what you are talking about. And I have no experience with building a house in Thailand and no experience outside of Bangkok. My only experience is with renovating a condominium in Bangkok from scratch. I insisted on a quotation which separates work and materials. And I insisted on exact descriptions of the materials. This tile name from this brand cost x amount for y sqm, etc. Exactly which brand and name of paint, etc. I think everybody should insist on that. Because otherwise it will be likely the cheapest of the cheapest. Because there is no reason for a builder to buy anything better that the cheapest. And who wants to live in any building which was made as cheap as possible? And in Thailand as cheap as possible doesn't mean as cheap as possible with certain minimum standards. It really means as cheap as possible.
  2. A lot depends on the building materials. I.e. you can buy a toilet for under 2000B or one over 20k. There is a wide range. Same with tiles and many other materials. I am sure many people here can give you some ideas. One big question is what your aim is. Do it cheap? Luxury? A couple of nice ACs? What do you want?
  3. Most important is to set priorities. A long time ago I worked with this, on paper. Time/System – Time/system (timesystem.com) I think I also read a book from them which was helpful.
  4. A similar system exists now for Android. Here are some devices: Chipolo Point finders for Google's Find My Device app - Chipolo Be careful if you want to buy them. Almost the same name device exists for Apple and Android. And for Android they have one model which works with the Google's Find My Device and another model which works with Android but not that app.
  5. Some time ago when I was a little younger in a country far away I had often a couple of drinks and then drove my car back home after partying. Obviously, I knew that I wasn't 100% alert and I drove a little slower than usual. But I never ever was so f#$#$ drunk that I would have totally smashed a biked by moving a car a few meters. Option 1, you had drunk so much that you were not even able to walk straight anymore. Then don't drive! Or this is just one of those BS stories.
  6. Why do you think they are like they are in the village, and they are not like they are in the tourist areas. I also behave different if I see my family or if I go out with my friends in Bangkok. Sometimes we adjust according to the conditions and to fit in.
  7. Are you oppressing those trans women? You bigot! 😉
  8. Did that happen in this century or maybe 50 years ago or so? 30 years or so ago I know many girls in my home country were a little on that feminist trip. Now it seems many more are feminists and undesirable (for me). I have good experience with girls from Brazil and Thailand. But I didn't travel much so maybe I missed some important places.
  9. 555 Imagine they all are talking about how fast their car could be in a county with good roads and no speed restrictions.
  10. I suggest go with a company/agent. It's a long time ago that I did that, so I don't have up to date information. But at that time they knew every day where to go on that day and where not. Obviously you can go alone, but it's not really cheaper. And it's so much more convenient if someone else manages possible hassle for you.
  11. Your post and questions seem to be real - so let me try. Many of us, including myself, look at our individual situation. I came to Thailand because I didn't like it much in my home country in central Europe and after I made holiday in Thailand and some research I moved to Thailand. My reasons to move were, in no particular order: The weather, many mostly young and friendly people in Thailand compared to many old and unhappy people at home. I like the look of Thai girls (often petite, brown, small) a lot more than most western girls. And I like when girls are feminine and not feminists like in "the west". I earn enough money in Thailand to live in comfort, life in the middle of the city, go to nice restaurants, etc. At home my income was also good. But life was a lot more expensive. I could go on and on. But did you notice what I didn't mention? Politics. And I didn't mention left or rightwing attitudes, and anyhow there is a lot what just doesn't fit into left and right thinking. I am sure in every country are conservative people and progressives and more extreme and somewhere in the middle. We all can find people who are similar to us in ways which are important to us. So, for me, my move had little to nothing to do with what you write. And let's assume for a moment a person moves to a conservative country. Why? Option one, is to fit in with likeminded people. Option two is to play missionary and tell those others about the way they should live their life. I.e. I saw a preacher on the street outside of Nana. I am sure he didn't go to that place because he wanted to be entertained and he didn't go because he thought just like all the other people in that area. We do what we do because we are motivated by whatever reasons. And for each individual the reasons might be very different.
  12. Yeah. But to be fair, the same is true with many people all over the world.
  13. Fairness? Was his treatment fair when he was a couple of weeks in hospital instead of years in jail? Was he telling the truth when he said he would retire from politics (again) and only care about his grandchildren? They should treat him with fairness? Then lock him up!
  14. Obviously, the cases have nothing to do with each other - even if some people try to connect them somehow. And let's see if his father, the president, will pardon him. Joe Biden said he won't do that. How would the orange guy react if a family member would be found guilty? We can all guess...
  15. I wonder if the police would react. I guess if a person gets hit by another person, then the victim can call the police and the police would probably come. But if an outsider sees or hears that, would the police come if the victim doesn't complain? And then it seems it is not unusual in those situations, that if the police would show up, maybe 30 min later, and ask what is going on, then maybe the victim would say something like: we just played, nothing serious, nothing to see here. And then? Probably nothing.
  16. It seems in Thailand lots of police officers have second jobs like working for loan sharks or something like that. I wonder if it would be possible to hire two or more of those officers to knock on the door of the neighbor and ask him to be quiet. Would that be illegal? Would it be possible to hire them for such a job? I don't know. I know some Thai people who are involved in the underground lottery - which is of course illegal. And I would think that maybe they know some influential person who provides a service to tell the neighbors to behave. I guess as long as they don't use any force that would be legal. Or not? What do you think?
  17. Good luck with that. I know one farang who just moved out of our building, after living there for more than 10 years. He had such a Neighbour. Lot of noise and violence. He complained to the management. It seems they told him something like: Tell us exactly when what happened and give us some prove (audio and video recording). He was not able to give them any prove, and it seems that was for the management a reason not to do anything. So, he moved out. One challenge seems to be recording such events. It seems it is not allowed to have cameras in the common areas which record everything. So how would he be able to have a prove? Should he walk fast out of the room with his phone and record what is happening? Should he go near to the room of the neighbor to record that the noise comes from there? It seems such situations are not that easy to solve. And it seems the management doesn't really have to do much - if they don't want to.
  18. Just do something - whatever you think is ok. You will make mistakes. We all made mistakes, many of them. So just make sure that you don't promise the first girl that you will marry her. Tell her you are lost and want to learn about life in Thailand. After a while you will learn, and then some more, and some more. Take your time, don't marry in the first couple of years, and make sure you don't produce children. Something like "don't worry, I take the pill" is not good enough. It is extreme unlikely that the first one is the right one. You still have to learn.
  19. It seems you do a lot of suspicious things. Gazillion times. Wow, that's really impressive. I agree.
  20. There should be a full backup of the site before he started to work on it. If he didn't even create that backup, then he should better look for another job.
  21. Install the last backup and tell the client you are sorry, you can't do the job. In case the client paid already anything return all the money immediately. And if you know someone who might be able to fix the problem recommend that person to your client.
  22. Which one? There are many of them out there. And not just in Thailand.
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