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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. You pay the bar so that the girl can stop working there for the night. The rest is between you and the girl. If you want to show her your stamp collection, that is perfectly fine.
  2. Look at the news. Lots of guys get arrested all the time. And then their pictures are published in the press. And then they are deported and possibly punished in their home countries. Just visit the temples like we all do.
  3. My reply was a reply to the post above. Yes, we can't own the whole condominium, but we can own our own units. At least for me, that is enough, I don't need a whole big condominium building. 😉
  4. Yes, it is not a good idea. And no, you shouldn't do it. But, it still might "work". But not the way it was intended. So, just in case you have someone who proves to you that it "works", by adding such a wire, don't do it! In general, I think ordinary electricians can't be blamed for not adding a neutral to light switches. Because in normal installations, >99%, a neutral would never be used. I use plastic pipes behind the walls for all my electrical boxes. And I use 100% home automation. I like it. I use mostly Shelly devices and WLAN and LED lights. Easy Smart Home Automation (shelly.com) They offer many different devices including units which don't need neutral.
  5. I own my condominium unit 100%, in my name. And I am not alone.
  6. It would be interesting to see some numbers how many condominiums are on the current 50% limit. In Bangkok that seem to be only very few.
  7. Sure, you are right, that all cost a lot of money. Apart from that it is well known that pharma companies sell their drugs for the prices which they can get for the drugs, more or less independent of the production cost. I remember there was some pharmaceutical liquid which was sold in big bottles, cheap. And then some eye doctors discovered it was a great medicine for some eye condition. And then, what happened? The pharma company packed it into tiny portions and sold it for at least 1000 times more expensive - because they could. IMHO pharma companies should make money, sure. But it seems they have profit margins for some products which are just crazy.
  8. Sure. But my point is that people wouldn't buy something "cheap" on the streets if they could buy quality products for a decent price in a pharmacy. The same applies to all drugs - legal or illegal.
  9. I remember him. And as far as I remember he was a chef. With the current PM, I don't know if he can do much more than fried eggs.
  10. How about a little village somewhere up country. Definitely not crowded. And you will have lots of opportunities to speak Thai, or the local dialect.
  11. Why are there massive profits? Because those drugs can be produced cheap. If pharma companies would sell their products at reasonable prices, then those private scammers wouldn't exist.
  12. The maids do that for him. But then, having a show with a couple of maids is maybe not so bad.
  13. That reminds me of an interview with the supposed to be independent red-shirt leaders, I think it was in 2010. Wait, let me call the boss...
  14. I remember a small bar in Pattaya with the name Kölsch. I asked the owner for a Kölsch beer, and he told me he tried, but it does not travel well. So no Kölsch in Pattaya or anywhere else in Thailand - as far as I know.
  15. And did you not see those gifts when Thaksin was in charge? If Thaksin wouldn't have been so corrupt, then Prayut would never have been in politics.
  16. I attached the original pdf file from Stephen Leather which he published for free himself. You can read the copyright information at the end of his book. By the way, this version contains a couple of parts which were never printed. Enjoy! STEPHEN LEATHER WRITES Private Dancer was one of the first downloadable books as I made it available as a free PDF. Stephen Leather - Private Dancer private-dancer.pdf
  17. I guess that one reason is that all the other police officers are also corrupt. Imagine when they would point out one guy who is corrupt, and he should be fired. Fine. And then? The next one. And the next one. All of them are corrupt. And I am sure many of them know many details about the corruption of others. So what do they do? We pretend to punish you with that inactive post, but don't worry, soon you will make money again. The police force like it is has no reason to clean up their rotten house. They are all in it together.
  18. Anybody who wants to be a police officer in Thailand will know that the salary is bad but it's possible to make a lot of money. And they know that they have to buy the job, promotions, etc. I don't think there is anybody naive enough in Thailand to become police officer because they want to restore law and order and do an honest job. So, if anybody wants to be able to live from their salary, then they shouldn't become police officer in Thailand. That is not exactly a secret to anybody.
  19. I can't count how often something like that happened to me. It's always amazing that it is normal for almost all officers to accept cash and the officers know it, and the traffic participants know it. But then, the police want to hide the money like nobody knows what is happening. Hilarious.
  20. what drug is he on? i want some... Let's say product A can be bought with this money, and people love product A, i.e. mobile phones, then I wouldn't be surprised if there are lots of special promotions for those shiny new wonderful things to buy.
  21. 1. I still wait to read any good explanation how spending this huge amount of money will benefit Thais and Thailand. 2. I am sure Thaksin and his buddies wouldn't have come up with something like this without making sure there will be huge opportunities for his cronies to make a lot of money. The government should publish the details so that it is transparent what they want to do. And independent people, maybe even international, should scrutinize this. This is just too much money to play around with because the PM and his boss want it.
  22. Sure, there are the good monks and the greedy monks, and, as you say, in Thailand there are a lot of other things mixed in. My point was and is that even with a rudimentary understanding of Buddhism it is obvious that getting rich and living in luxury is not part of Buddhism. Anybody who willingly supports monks who are rich and/or live in luxury supports whatever, but not Buddhism.
  23. It seems that director was the big boss of the nurse. And apparently, he knew she was married. A responsible boss shouldn't have sex and/or a relationship with people who work for him. Isn't that obvious?
  24. I know I guy who owns a beer import company. He stores the beer in Bangkok in a none-AC warehouse. According to him that is ok. He sells expensive beer for years, successfully, so it seems to be ok. As far as I know different kinds of beer are more or less sensitive to heat. And some can be stored for (I think) years, others not. It's not all the same. I have to admit I never look at the expire date when I buy beer (i.e. in Foodland), and until now I never had any bad experience. But to be fair, I don't drink a lot of beer, so my experience is limited.
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