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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The rule for me is that if she works in a bar then she was hired to work in the bar. The owner and manager are responsible to obey the laws. And then it's about my personal taste. I wouldn't buy a drink for anybody who behaves like a (innocent) child. Areas like NANA have a strict entry control. I am pretty sure that won't let anybody under 20 enter that area.
  2. I saw several movies (I wouldn't call them documentary) like that over the years. I never saw even one which accurately described the situation. It's like a new tourist comes to town and has no idea and then after 3 days he thinks he is the expert, and he returns home and tells people how it is - added with a lot of personal agenda.
  3. I live in lower Sukhumvit with many tourist. 90% or the time I refuse the taxi-no-meter, I just ask the next one, or the next one. In few cases I just pay 100B instead of 50B i.e. if I am in Soi 11. But then, most of the time I ride my own bike. I only have the taxi hassle maybe once every two weeks.
  4. What do you mean, "no cash changes hands"? Is it better when the money is transferred electronically? Or do you think the police looks the other way for free? The drivers and the people who often park illegally and who are ripping off the people. They are the problem - or one of the problems.
  5. I am sure she will step in the footsteps of her father. Many years ago, he promised us he will solve the traffic problem in Bangkok within 6 months. One of his exiting ideas was to have longer green intervals at the traffic lights. What a glorious idea. I am sure many people will remember the genius of that family.
  6. I am happy when my Thai taxes are used to give him a simple room like above and feed him with rice. There is a special old mature rice promotion going on in the moment. Perfect.
  7. First step: BIG fines for taxi-no-meter and all the other well-known scammers. Second: Fire all the police officers who regularly take bribes from above. Take lots of pictures and videos and publish them. I guarantee lots of tourists, and not only tourist, will love that.
  8. In the middle of Bangkok, in reasonable condition in an old building, it's ok. Not cheap, not expensive, ok.
  9. Buy the custody for your daughter from the rest of the family. And then leave, fast. And yes, this is not a joke. I know a farang who did this - for a couple of million THB, officially with the approval of a Thai judge.
  10. I am pretty sure the money has to arrive in Thailand in foreign currency like USD, EUR, etc. - not in THB.
  11. I bought a condo, and I didn't know the official name of this document. I, and many others, just know that you need proof that the money has to come from abroad. So maybe when you ask people, just ask them if you have cash in Thailand if that is good enough to buy. How about that document that the money has to come from outside of Thailand. As far as I know you actually need that document at the land department. So maybe the best place to ask is the land department.
  12. Less demand in Thailand and higher production costs because of the hot climate => more expensive.
  13. Do you really think the girl at the counter knew about that? The people behind the counter and on the phone are mostly sales people. They want to sell. If you have a technical problem then you should call the support. Yes, I know it's annoying, but TiT.
  14. Why are there so many Americans who want to listen to him and who want to buy his products? What tells us a lot about that strange country.
  15. Is that the priority for the PM of Thailand? Shouldn't that be a job for the Bangkok administration? And while they are working on that project, can anybody please clean those canals a little. Maybe just enough that not anybody dies if he falls into one of those sewers.
  16. How about they cancel that whole thing, buy about 50 million smart phones, and distribute them to the poor. I guess it should be possible to buy them in bulk for not more than 1000B per phone. Or would this upset all those middlemen who are the real beneficiaries of this scam?
  17. There will be some influential person who will help them - maybe sharing 50/50.
  18. And how does it look like when everybody grew up? Something like Biden against Trump?
  19. I guess a common answer will be a variation of: Wait, let me check this with the boss first...
  20. When will the EC dissolve that party which is openly run by that criminal who promised us all he will now only play with his grandchildren?
  21. Let me guess, they didn't arrest the others who charge 10% per day. Because those 10% leave enough profit margin to pay those annoying authorities... TiT
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