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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That must be a really old building. I didn't think there are any buildings under 15 floors in that area.
  2. I set my ACs to whatever I like, daytime mostly about 25 degrees, at night in the bedroom sometimes to 22 - it's nice to cuddle under the blanket. Obviously running the ACs cost money. But how much, relative to all the other expenses? One night going out is easily half my AC bill - without intensive care treatment. So, what's the point of looking at every degree when at the end of the month I don't see a difference of my overall expenses.
  3. Good if you can spot a lie. Personally, I listen to stories, and I don't really think about if they are true or not. And if I see the person several times, then over time the stories somehow add up or not. I think there are few storyteller (let's be nice and not call them liars) who get all their stories lines up. With many of them each individual story might be possible, but together they don't make sense.
  4. They exist. I am one of them and some of my friends also regularly read books.
  5. I think for some guy it's something like this: I will spend anyhow most of my time in bars and spend money. So why don't I open my own bar and drink in my own bar. Make it look like I want, play the music which I want, hire only girls which I like, etc. And if they do that for fun, fine. The problem is if guys think they open a bar to make a lot of money...
  6. You sound like you expect they think about what they are doing. Think again.
  7. How many Thai women did you ever see reading a book? qed
  8. He will probably send her a picture like this to get her attention:
  9. It is not racist to be attracted to this or that shade of skin color. It is racist if we don't want to work or socialize with people from certain skin colors. That is very different from attraction.
  10. Mostly Thais have a different taste then most of us. A long time ago I thought I will check out Thai soapy massage and other places where Thai guys look for girls. I didn't see many attractive girls in those places - attractive for my mind of course. Many farangs, including me, like petite and dusky. And most Thai guys don't like that at all. So, no competition.
  11. It sounds like you would have (possibly) married her if you would not have been in a relationship at that time. Many girls know which story to tell which (kind of) guy. She had a story ready for you. I think many of us who live here for a long time and go to the bars regularly heard many of the stories. And we don't care anymore. And we don't believe the stories. And at least some girls know that. And because they know that we know they don't even try to tell us BS stories anymore. At least I didn't hear any of those stories anymore since a long time.
  12. There are cm and kg... My gf is almost 150cm "high". I like that. And she was <40kg when I met her. I also liked that. And no, she was/is not anorexic - just petite and cute. No, the one in the picture is not my gf. But she is about the same size.
  13. But there are some common characteristics. Back home it was difficult to find any female over 18 with less than 50kg. Here, there are plenty of them and even enough in the 40kg range. And look at a picture of a couple of women and it is not too difficult to guess where they come from. Not same, different!
  14. Obviously not. Bob told us already he wants all that, but he doesn't get it. So sad. 😉
  15. From all the Asians I have only experience with Thai girls. I would be surprised if all Asians are the same. Many Thai girls and women and feminine. Many don't care about feminism - probably many don't have a clue what it is. Most of them try to look pretty and if you tell them they look good they like that. And it's not difficult to find one who likes the traditional role model. He works, she takes care of the home and him. All in all, I think there are still a few pretty farang females. But are there still any farang girls out there who are not influenced by feminism? I have my doubts.
  16. One of those non-binaries? 😉
  17. Just in case you want to use that picture again. I suggest turn it around so that it is not upside down.
  18. Good luck I have no kids. Imagine you have kids, and they constantly get bombarded with this woke nonsense. There are XX and XY chromosomes. That's it. It's not really that difficult.
  19. I am not an American but over the years I read about business in Thailand, visa regulations and many other things. And from time to time I read about some special conditions for Americans. As far as I know there is also a law in the USA that Americans have to report their income from all over the world to America - or something like that. So it is not difficult to imagine that there are also some special banking rules. But apart from that different (Thai) Banks have different regulations and there are lots of bankers who don't know their own rules. It's not easy.
  20. I am sure an easy way to find those agents are in the places where you need them. I.e. if you need an agent for immigration, go there and look at the guys who are first in the row and who advice their clients what to do. They are normally easy to spot.
  21. I don't think there is much point of paying attention. In the official meeting there will be the official rules. But who in Thailand cares about official rules. I.e. no smoking laws in bars are all the time ignored. And obviously they can be ignored because the venues pay the police for not enforcing them. The only rules which count is what was negotiated in private. And those things can be renegotiated when necessary. TiT.
  22. Here are some: https://thailandexplained.com/start-business-in-thailand/
  23. As far as I know you can't buy EN only keyboards officially in Thailand. I guess that matters for warranty, etc. - just in case you care.
  24. It's a Dual 1019. Google it and you will find links in Bangkok and maybe also up country.
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