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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Why aren't you at the khumb mela?
  2. You might as well say "...if the Jews remain on the land". There was war and violence when Ben Gurion and co fought against the British in Palestine. And latterly in 1948 when 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from Palestine in the Nabqa. And endlessly thereafter. The Jews packed their bags and left way back in Roman times during one of several diasporas. They returned a 1000 years later to reclaim it. Well you know, possession is 9/10 of the law, and Jews gave up their possession. And I'm sorry but the Old Testament would never be accepted as a title deed in any court of law. Now they're claiming the whole of Palestine , which doesn't exist according to the ultra orthodox Jews. Only Canaan and Judaea, as mentioned in the Old Testament, and they make up "The Promised Land". Oi vey. We have a covenant from God already! Well, with the Yanks on your side, more like.
  3. "Hump like a nymph" gives the game away. An incel, misogynistic, manospheric escapee. You have no say in it. Get back, demon. Women own the means of (re)production. Unless you're prepared to rape and/or forcefully artificially inseminate women, there's not a lot you can do about it. The bottom line is, if you can't reproduce, shouldn't we be thankful?
  4. Why didn't you then? No balls already?
  5. Involuntary celibacy. Meaning they can't get laid, right?
  6. Not spontaneous at all. She and her husband had been discussing it for several years. X only gives you a warped distilled through the looking glass version. There are others. Try googling "michigan legislator sterilisation" or similar. And other links.
  7. It's an immensely complicated, not to say convoluted subject. I thought I knew where I stood, and that I was on "safe" ground in criticising Israel while reserving respect for the Jewish people. Seems now it's not that simple. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism
  8. I think there's still 2 years to run on the causing death by reckless driving charge, but exactly when in 2027 it expires I'm not sure. No doubt, as with other law evaders, he'll reappear stepping out of his private jet the day after if not apprehended earlier.
  9. Midnight to midnight on Wednesday, ie 12am Wednesday to 12pm Wednesday. 24 hours.
  10. I have to say, her departure and eventual return concern me less than that of the Red Bull Brat. Maybe start a gofundme to hire a shamus?
  11. Sad for the incels to see one more woman they'll never father a child with, I guess. It's a shrinking pool you're witnessing. Plunging birth rates, women taking control of reproduction, old bitter men sidelined. Why don't you guys tie the knot? In your willies I mean. You're about as much use to the human race as an ashtray on a motorbike.
  12. If any of you maggers could be bothered to follow up on this typically misleading X garbage, (and of course, not a single woman amongst you), you'd find that the reason that many women, and by all accounts, there are many, have given for preventing conception with DJT as POTUS is because of the likelihood of the inability not only to terminate, but also about the possibility that contraception might well become subject to review. You guys have no idea about conception, pregnancy, or childbirth. You think that a woman should just "get pregnant" whenever a guy wants, and remove her control over her reproductive system. It's not for men to decide, end of.
  13. Actually, based on non recognition of the state of Israel. Hence no diplomatic relations. Seems I've had to fill in for people who don't post links.
  14. "Israeli passport holders are not allowed to enter Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen." There are different versions of this list, and differing rules if you have an Israeli entry stamp in your passport. Point taken, though. Here's just one source. There are many: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/x-post-shows-nations-that-deny-entry-to-israelis-country-says-were-good-5254780
  15. Yes, I found it and edited my comment. Apologies - my mistake.
  16. And completely insane it would seem.
  17. My annual checkup at Jomtien Bangkok Hospital cost 5460 THB, with many tests and analyses and full reports and values, both above and below "norm". The doctor suggested I go for further consultation at BPH due to the findings in one test. The specialist recommended an overnight stay, and the subsequent procedures were covered by my insurers. I don't see how flying to India with all the additional costs, is in any way preferable. And it seems you flew back to the UK for your treatment on the NHS. This is simply incomparable to staying here in Thailand and following my insurers procedures, which are far from arduous, and having everything covered for 10,700 THB per month, with no additional travel and accommodation costs. My understanding was there are endless waiting lists for any treatment on the NHS, and you'd need somewhere to stay, which in London is not cheap. In short, your suggestion doesn't make any sense to me. I'm 75 with Afib but I'm covered for heart disease after a 2 year moratorium for up to $400,000 per year, or per treatments. The cost of my various hospitalisations has already exceeded my premiums. I've never before been hospitalised, in 73 years. YMMV.
  18. Thanks. Enjoyed the ride for sure!
  19. Yes, that's right, Jack's brother King took over. And their old mum is still around, and the wives who are extremely proficient in English and at sorting out paperwork, service history etc etc. There used to be a little hut across the road which was the office for hiring bikes. Cheap as chips during COVID. 1200 pm.
  20. Er, right. I see what you're saying. I'm sure I read the emergency insert instructions with A321neo emblazoned on it. Must have been an A330 or A350. It was very quiet to boot. Brand new. Nice upholstery too, sky blue.
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