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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. I've no idea what you're on about. You seem to have been terribly hurt, nay, damaged even, by the vaxers. Is this revenge? What did they do to you? Tie you up and wave a syringe around? Poor bunny. Now it's your turn to sob.
  2. Why the confused emojis? You don't believe me?
  3. You've made a number of comments that reference "fat" people, and kids in particular, @Airalee. It wasn't only overweight people for whom COVID was a death knell. Many other comorbidities besides obesity. Heart, circulation, diabetes, respiratory. Just an easy group for you to target I guess. You know how crushing it is for a teenager to be called "fat"? Bullied, body shamed, humiliated. You're an adult now. Time to grow up. Cue silly sob graphic.
  4. I paid 550 THB for 1 year tax and one year compulsory insurance. Maybe I'm wrong about the 1st class payout. I haven't received the cover note or policy docs yet. Just a quick scan of the Thai version. I went to Macallan on Tai. Somebody else recommended it on the forum. A big office, 6 or 7 people working at desks. Good English spoken. I'll recheck when I get the docs.
  5. Yes, and what gets my goat about foreign criticism and ladyboy bashing, is, Thailand is, as you say, a generally peaceloving and extremely tolerant country. They don't bash ladyboys as most grew up with at least one in their village. Thai women seem to really value their company as they are an extremely good laugh generally, expert at make up, beauty products, and all things "feminine", as that's how they see themselves, and intelligent, in my experience. Why bash them? They see themselves as women, so who are you or I to argue? If you take the time to get to know one or two, they usually have extraordinary stories about their lives. Growing up as a lady boy in rural Thailand, some married to foreigners, property owning, smart entrepreneurs etc etc. There are many in the Thai civil service. In Thailand, it's just not a big deal.
  6. I went to renew my bike insurance yesterday here in Pattaya. The most I could insure myself for, for accidental personal damage was 20k THB. That's what they call first class insurance. The other party was covered for 50k. Without my medical insurance, in patient only, might as well stick with the compulsory 300 THB government cover. This policy cost me 4,230 THB. I guess it's a snip. So I don't know what kind of insurance foreigners can get to cover these monster bills we read about. Surely the premium would be more than the cost of the holiday?
  7. Any mention of gender, and it's worth recalling that everything, animate and inanimate, in all European languages, English being the exception, has a gender. And they by no means agree about the sex of a stone, for instance. Masculine in German, feminine in French. Except some additional words for stone are the opposite. So, what's it all about, Alfie? Take a walk on the wild side! Girls or boys? Oh yes.
  8. Sure. There are 1.9 billion Muslims globally. The largest number are in the Asia-Pacific region. Are they causing you any grief? How many have you met out here? I used to live in Trad province. Many Muslims there. You'd be surprised how many well educated highly skilled architects, engineers are Muslim. They don't brandish it around though. It's not like they're in your face, is it? Not like some! Same down south, though I've not lived there. Take as you find. If you travel with a head full of preconceived ideas, what's the point of travelling at all?
  9. With no evidence or proof of their involvement in 9/11, why? And why would I trust you?
  10. Held for over 20 years without charge? Where else in the world could that happen?
  11. Quite, low season, if there still is such a thing, is heavenly compared to this. But I'm thinking maybe they're here to stay, and low season is a thing of the past, at least in Pattaya. But I can hardly complain as I'm here for similar reasons, for sure.
  12. I have 2 Norwegian friends. They both live here year round. 2 of the nicest ex pats I know. I divide my time between here and Philippines. I'm finding high season hard going. I live in Pratamnak which has gone from being an extremely quiet backwater to hard core crowded, traffic laden horror. I'm hoping they'll all fo by mid January! If not, well ... Maybe time to upsticks.
  13. Good old UK. 1 silver and 2 4ths. Proud.
  14. Oh, you mean science? Yes, the world was created 6,000 years ago and it's flat. Is that it? Nice and simple? All this technical talk makes your brain hurt? Much easier to just believe the BS - cull, poison, plot. Language you understand, right? So tedious.
  15. Yes, I'm impressed! But even now it seems to have garnered little attention. You know, with all the fuss and outrage engendered by the supposed withholding of the documents. With their release, it's odd we're not getting a lot of "See? I told you so!" type responses. Can anyone really be bothered to comb through 300,000 (to date) pages of scientific research trying to find where Pfizer supposedly cooked the books? Much easier to just invent a theory based on their original refusal to release them, engendering imaginings of "They must have something to hide", and countless YouTubers calling themselves doctors decrying the cover up. So, where's the beef? 13.64 billion doses administered worldwide. All other numbers somehow pale into insignificance in comparison. No mass extinction. The world carries on. Even found time to launch 2 murderous wars since COVID. For numbers if vaccines I went here: https://data.who.int/dashboards/covid19/vaccines?n=c
  16. I found your linked post dated November 24th 2024. Not a single reply. Odd, considering what is being claimed now by Ms Wolf. Yes, she posts on X, Musk's madhouse. The link concerns the effects of COVID jabs on female reproductive systems, referencing, but not showing, charts indicating disastrous consequences for 1000s of women and girls. But nobody seems to have followed up on this. Why? There are a million and one anti vax commentators, "scientists", experts, but they all seem to be shy of being seen in public with "la Wolf". But there are links to a Japanese cancer specialist describing "turbo cancer", based on a report of a woman finding her husband dead 5 days after a jab. The war of words, "facts" and "figures" between pro and anti Vax campaigners continues. Its an industry in itself.
  17. You see, "Go have some dinner and a nap and you'll feel better". What do you call that? It's presumptuous, patronising, and offensive. You keep signing off then coming back with the same arguments.
  18. I can add Philippines Airlines and Cebu Pacific.
  19. Yes, I refer to my comments as you insist on misrepresenting them. As usual, you deflect and deny. You're definitely going round in circles.
  20. Another discredited conspiracy theorist. Why are you guys endlessly citing these old hags as reliable sources of information? No, they're not found on MSM, including Reuters, Bloomberg, The FT, the NYT, the Washington Post etc etc, for good reason. They're rubbish, that's why! You have to look in the sewers and trash cans of discarded has beens to find anything to nibble on. Hope you don't catch any nasty diseases there. And what of the original plaintiffs, the PHMPT?
  21. Here's the judge, Mark T. Pittman, at the initial hearing, to agree a realistic release schedule, speaking to the plaintiff's lawyer, Aaron Siri, concerning the nature of the hearing: "But the real thing I want to consider, let's figure out the best, quickest way to get these documents. And rather than arguing that the Government is trying to hide something or there's some big conspiracy here, that the green alien people want to inject us with something, is not going to be helpful, okay? Let's figure out how do we resolve this, and save the other argument for outside of the courtroom." There's 56 pages of this, so cut to the chase... They did agree, Pfizer, the plaintiffs and the court, on an updated schedule. But I can't find any reference to any reaction to the ongoing release anywhere. The plaintiffs seems to have gone quiet. Who knows?
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