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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. The great W C Fields wrote a wonderful sketch entitled "The day I drank a glass of water". It resulted from finding himself in a bar on election day in the US, where alcohol is, or was, also banned. When he enquired about the origin of the law, the barman replied "The people voted for it", to which he memorably replied "That's carrying democracy too far!".
  2. Hard/soft boiled eggs, salad, fruit, plain rice, lots of individual dishes you can make a ready meal out of. Not every day of course, but on long coach trips for instance, or even in Bangkok Pattaya hospital they have a 7 on the ground floor. I used to sneak down there early morning on my last stay there. Place was deserted. Large cappuccino, toasted sandwich. Mmmm.
  3. You couldn't care less? That's a good enough exit point for me. But, let's see how he gets on with his global tariffs. His repatriation of 20 million. His exit from NATO and all the other threats he's made. He "joked" about making Canada the 51st state. I don't think the Canadians were that impressed, ditto the world leaders at Davos. Same with Denmark and Greenland. But, to return to the topic. He likes Starmer. Everything else I said ran on from that. He's only been POTUS for a week. I sensed a mellowing. You seem to really resent that.
  4. No, I used irony in the phrase "Oh yeah, I forgot" to which you sarcastically replied "Yes, of course you forgot...". Here's a link to his speech at Davos. Naturally he doesn't push the 51st state angle. He actually says they have nothing we need. So why would he want to annex it? https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6621641
  5. No, I didn't forget. That's irony, which you don't get.
  6. Oh yeah, I forgot, super power Columbia caved in.
  7. He backed off the threats against Canada, Mexico and Colombia. What do you call that?
  8. I've never encountered a Starmer worshipper. I don't believe he's that popular at all. He was all the Labour party had at the time. It's just one of those oddities that Trump should come out with his hymn of praise after his team, simply poured scorn on him. I think it's wrong footed everybody. Now, everybody's scrambling to get back onside. That is hilarious!
  9. Does it really matter? You don't like the idea of Trump mellowing, right? You like the America First, MAGA ,drum pounding, breast beating, alpha male, cave man Trump? I guess that's what got him elected. He's 78 I believe. Give him a break, if he dials it down a notch or two.
  10. I'd prefer a headset, and looked on Lazada too. Maybe the Marshall Major IV @ 499 THB? How much to get a really decent model, say 3k THB max? If they last 3 years I'm happy. I see they go up way above that. At what point does it become overkill?
  11. I'm talking from his electioneering bombast. Now, it seems negotiated settlements are the best way forward, with Colombia, Canada and Mexico, for example. That's his forte, after all. The Art of the Deal, and all that. He does have a flair for talking with leaders others can't get near - Kim, Xi maybe, even Putin. Denmark seems not to be included as yet, but I'm sure he'll get some sort of consensus, which has to include the Greenlanders. What seemed at the outset as totally outlandish claims now appears a distinct possibility. Not in the format he originally proposed, but working towards some sort of an "understanding". How much better than Putin's heavy handed, hot headed, catastrophic invasion of Ukraine! As for the rest of his foreign policy, that has yet to be revealed. He always puts several shots across the bows of his targets prior to engaging in talks. Vietnam, probably the EU, China. It's a clever tactic. Makes people sit up and pay attention.
  12. Yeah, very silly coming from a government minister, but he was in opposition when he made those remarks. He wasn't alone in that, either. Trump seems to have mellowed in some respects. In others, he's entertainingly hardline.
  13. Lammy is also busy walking his previous statements back, as are most of the world's leaders. Trump Mk II certainly seems to be a different kettle of fish from Mk I. It's all very intriguing.
  14. There you go again. Hijacking the thread for attacks on Starmer. Read the BBC report. Trump likes the guy. The topic is not how you feel about him, is it?
  15. I have trouble picking out the almost consonantless speech of many screen actors, so dialogue becomes a meaningless noise. I know I can use subs but many movies don't have them encoded or whatever. So I was thinking of investing in a Bluetooth headset linked to my TV. Does anyone do this? Does it work? Is the clarity and volume good?
  16. The topic was initially the Trump administration's alleged dislike of Starmer, a feeling matched very closely by the majority of posters here. But it has morphed into Trump's own personal liking for him. Your tossing in poll results about his popularity amongst British voters is not on topic. There are plenty of threads containing such sentiments already. This isn't one of them.
  17. Stay on topic please. And Daily Express? 🤣🤣🤣
  18. Yeah. Hail to our great leader the Right Honourable Keir Rodney Starmer, QC, KCB. Long may he annoy the easily triggered.
  19. Hello? That explains nothing about the provenance, the reinterpretation, possibly an AI rewrite. Why not quote the article verbatim, as in the uncredited BBC report?
  20. Sorry, I don't do sarcasm. Irony, yes. I know where your comment was coming from. Simply a snide comment in the face of what could be a refreshing upturn in US/UK relations. But the idea a Labour leader could win praise from DJT? Preposterous, right?
  21. Qed. Whichever way it comes out the Starmer haters must have their say. So much posted on here by the same crowd, over and over. If Trump wants to talk to Starmer, how is it, except in your ridiculously biased opinion, a "not so enviable task of actually having to speak to Starmer on the phone"? Now you're Trump's spokesperson right? It's a rare day that Trump is diplomatic, for sure.
  22. Yes, in the update it does. I commented on the original, which was from a "based on" - what does that actually mean?) - report in the Independent. The update isn't credited, although it appears to be from the same article I linked to.
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