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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. Unlike most Thia's, terrorists are not very good at giving themselves up, so you will have to investigate. OR more likely wait for the next attack. THEN say it was not IS it was another Muslim group.

    HERE IS THE NEWS :- Message for RTP There is no race or country called IS, it is a made up name and the only commonality is the they are ALL Muslims. Some of Thailand's home grown Islamists could now be affiliated to IS. They only have one roll and that is to kill in the name of their God. Then they would have us believe their God is picky so they are allowed to kill fellow Muslims especially if they are children.

    I cannot understand why Muslim women do not rise up and take back their God given rights. If we are supposed to believe the Old Testament (called the book in the Qur-an) we are told that God made man and woman. It is unlikely that HE

    made man and then as an after thought made an inferior version and called it a woman.

    There WILL be other attacks and sooner or later we will have deal with the threats. Putin has the right idea, if they wish to live under Sharia Law then move to a Muslim country that has that. If they want to change the way we live and our

    values then go back to a Muslim country.

    It is worth noting that if the continuous attacks were coming from 1 country, war would be declared and that country would be exterminated, because the attacks are coming from a number of different directions it makes life more difficult

    but patience is wearing thin and something will happen.

    Islam needs to learn to live in harmony with other faiths if they cannot do this them go back and make their own rules in their own country. Of course that country would be ruled be a Dictator who at times would be cruel and do nasty things,

    but in the main there would be peace. Hang on, Muslims had that system in Egypt Libya Tunisia, then came the Arab Spring and democracy ruled. Well it did for about 5 minutes, then fighting started, then along come IS and we know where

    we are now

  2. So what? Same scum.

    I'm glad you're not prone to generalizations!

    One man's insurgent is another man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

    Lumping the "allies" together is an equal generalization as there are some very different agendas and interests at play here

    Islamic "Freedom Fighters" are special. Did you read about the 3 "Freedom Fighters" who stopped at a coffee stall in Syria. Ordered coffee from the 15 year old boy, drank the coffee and when asked to pay shot the boy in front of his family.

    These are your Islamic "freedom fighters"

    They are murderers of women and children.

  3. I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

    The fact is that Islamists kill hundreds in Thailand EVERY year and that's without these ISIL animals. I understand that the RTP are saying that the bombs in Bangkok were the work of Chinese Muslims but again the fact is that ANY Muslim is capable

    of any one of these atrocities.

    Open your eyes and look around the world there are far too many places off limits. OK Mexico has drug dealers but the rest of the world is dangerous because of Islam. You may say the Islamists are few in number but 1% is 15 million, all desparate

    to visit Allah.

    When is Islam going to say that Islamists will never reach "heaven" and will spend eternity in hell. If they are justified by the Qur-an in killing anyone not of their faith and treating women like cattle then we are getting close to all out conflict.

    AND ISIL will kill and maim anywhere in the world. The EU are in the process of letting thousands into Europe, there WILL be a few more Paris style attacks before they wake up.

  4. While I understand most Americans fear of ISIS and the acceptance of refugees, it is within the American tradition to accept them. These people are different than Cuban refugees. There is no war in Cuba but there is in Syria. Frankly, when I see someone dressed in Muslim garb and women covered head to toe, I feel uncomfortable. I immediately think whether there is a terrorist in there. However, reason has to set in and the humanitarian thing would be to accept this minimal amount of people. The screening of them will be done carefully, but there is no 100 per cent guarantee that one of them might be an ISIS member.

    The best solution to this problem would be for America to leave the Middle East altogether. However, they won't do that as the paymaster of American politics is big oil and big oil will fight to the last American's death to keep its business going.I say good on the Russians for taking it on. Uncle Sam and his crew have paid enough treasure . Someday, America may get a President who realizes that he/she is the President of America and not the World and start taking care of American citizens not just American wealthy business. It won't be in my lifetime - maybe my granddaughter's lifetime.

    If I want to go in a store I have to take my crash helmet off. Anyone wearing a Burkka could be a suicide bomber and may not even be female.

    Make it a condition of entry " no Burkjka Zone" Burkka's are not a part of Islam they are part of the male control.

    !0000 refugee's probably means 100 IS

  5. It's not as simple as just use a condom. Everybody makes mistakes, and condoms can break. Positive people taking medication and getting their viral load to undetectable have been shown so far to have a zero chance of infecting others. There are various aspects in tackling hiv. And also reducing the stigma and treating those who have hiv.

    Hi Alex. Too many people do not understand. The Doctors within the Thai medical system try their best but are still restrained by the Government. The CD4 count had to come down to 200 before they supplied antiviral meds, I know they were trying to get this increased to 300 but it is still a silly idea to withhold the meds for so long.

    As you point out, there are Meds available now, that although will not cure HIV but will stop the infection however as far as I know these are not available in Thailand due to the cost.

  6. That's a relief...

    Thai Muslims are some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. But some of their people have shown they're capable of terrible violence. And IS is just a bunch of hired guns. Seems like a recipe for disaster.

    Substitute Christian for Muslim and your comment is still valid. Two words. Northern Ireland.

    Yes, the IRA are an excellent parallel to the Southern Insurgency, their struggles have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics, to assume a link to ISIS based on their religion and violence is based solely on bigotry.

    That's a good point. And possibly a good topic for another thread. "Are Islamic Thais Capable of Jihadism?" I really can't picture it. I'm just concerned that IS seems to have the ability to recruit individuals inclined towards violence. But I shouldn't assume anything.

    They certainly do have that ability, and there is no reason why some Thai's could not go to fight in the Jihad, anyone could, but I don't think they will ever get the South to join the caliphate, and that should be the biggest fear of any country with a Muslim population.

    I fear what could happen should ISIS establish import export partners further afield, we don't need more weapons getting into the wrong hands. Terrorists can empathize with each other regardless of their cause, the IRA was armed by Libyan terrorists for example, and should ISIS be able to move things to SE Asia, then perhaps the troubles in the South could get even worse, that's about as far as I fear for an ISIS involvement in Thailand.

    All that appears to be needed is a youth that is disaffected and feeling even so slightly put upon in order for there to be a chance of radicalisation.

    They blow up the Thai army every day, so I don't see what relevance it is to say there is no isis in Thailand..

    Yes​ there are very nice Muslim Thai's but there are also the ones that behead little children. AND the nice Muslim's protect them

    That is just degrees of behaviour.

  7. And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

    You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

    What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

    The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

    Are you suggesting that a group who have killed over 6000 people including beheading young children have no simularities to ISIL ????????

  8. Well,well. A Thai complaining about noise. A first for everything.

    This is part of the problem, THAI's will not complain or confront. I love the Disco rafts but the music is supposed to stop at a 11pm and it does not.

    The last time I went with our village we were parked beside a raft with families aboard. We turned our music down at around 9.30pm and off at 11.00 ish

    The raft on the other side of the family kept going and I went and complained at 11.30. They then moved to the other side of the river and kept the noise level high all night.

    The people on the family raft thanked me for confronting the ignorant gits making the noise.

    WHY is there not a patrol on the river policing the noise. They could charge the raft owners a few baht to cover the cost.

  9. Europeans thought life is all about front lawns ans soccer preimier league, and problems are far away and the business of the government. Now the trouble seems not that far away but to trample on their tutored lawns and soccer fields, and no solution/escape on the horizon. Maybe there are kinds of problems you cannot solve by just calling 911...

    911 proberbly makes you an American sooo lets change the view.

    3000 Mexicans make camp just South of the Rio Grande, then they all decide to cross at the same time and fight the border patrol. What would happen ????

    1) France needs to move these people

    2) The EU need to understand that just letting these people in, is just delaying the problem. The Arab Spring was a revolution started by terrorists, there was no proper leadership and indeed there is still none.

    The UK EU and USA do not seem to understand how these people need to be controlled =. Saddam did Gaddafi did, Bush didn't and neither did Blair.

    3) Most are not refugees they are the remnants of Assad's opposition who are now running away.

  10. Were they pushed to the ground and kicked in the repeated until loos conscious and left for dead? were they rapped,

    murdered or threatened with a weapon? were all the valuables stolen and left them penniless?

    in No to all the above, than let them go with a warning or a 1,000 baht fine....

    There are fools ,and there are complete fools guess which group you belong too

  11. remember, some bastard at that airport planted a bomb, the resorts fine but the airports a no no

    Huh ?

    Planting bombs at resorts is fine, but not at the airports ? Tell me you're not serious.

    I was on a Nile cruise boat in July 2005 when militants detonated 3 bombs in Sharm el Sheikh. One in a marketplace (because the bomber couldn't get to his target because of police roadblocks). The other 2 were detonated at hotels. The Egyptian government claims 64 were killed but the hospitals claim they had 88 bodies.

    They have committed numerous other acts of terrorism against innocent civilians as well. Doesn't make a difference if they bomb a resort or an airplane, it's still a cowardly terrorist crime.

    Why would we trust the words of the Egyptian Government. They are all part of the Arab Spring and respect nothing and no one.

    If IS want to put a bomb in a plane then they will be allowed access by any of the security personnel. " if you do not allow us to put bomb on plane we will behead your children" You think that can't happen think again.

    A FEW ISIL fighters made the Iraq army run away

  12. Teenagers on Motorcycles !! The latest problems in Isreal are being caused by teenage Palesinians, so nothing co ordinated by this peaceful religion.

    When are Governments going to realise that these people are ALL potential terrorists. Germany will live to regret taking in so many Muslims.

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