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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. "...a packed pick-up truck..."

    This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

    This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

    Yeah too bad that these fellas probably had no choice and travel like this to save a few hundred baht to survive the month.

    That may be true, we see it everyday around building sites however to overload and then speed is totally stupid.

  2. It seems that with so many interested parties, and with a mountain of actual evidence actually shredding the prosecution's case entirely, the court has no option but to acquit be it on a technicality or whatever.

    If they (the prosecution) fight the acquittal then it will show a lot of the RTP's approaches in an even worse light (unqualified translators, sub standard DNA testing capabilities etc).

    Either way the Burmese guys'chances of a bright future are gone. Very sad

    Just look at the boys faces in the pic. They are either innocent or psychopaths. Either way the case is a complete mess

  3. Hmmm there are a number of reasons a person over stay's in a country and not all are simply people trying one on.

    So in case of illness or accident as often happens and still have the 20,000 baht fine, now they want to have a bigger crack,

    Welcome too LOS..............

    I my self just forgot my 90 day check in, normally on the calendar but this time no'p, paid the fine all good,

    If your ill and in the hospital the admin people liase with immigration, so no overstay and no fine. And if your ill and not in hospital, why not.

    Forgot is no excuse.

  4. Finally. Working together instead of finger pointing and isolated (understandable) desperate measures. Maybe, after all Europe is not lost.

    When will people realise that the mojority of these people are not from Syria. The EU does not have the ability to screen thousands of people who purposly dump all ID once they land.

    Among these migrants there will be terrorists anf very soon we will feel the results of this infiltration.

    Common sense says the best solution is to side with Assad and bring the civil war to a quick end. The EU could make it a condition that the Kurds are given a respectable amount of aurtonomy.

    If that is corried out then there would be no reason for refugees and the borders to the EU could be closed.

    There may well be some of the oppersition try to get in but do you want to open the doors to IS.

    AND the people who have joined IS from around the world need to be rounded up and dealt with.

  5. Everyday you read about busts for yaba and meth, and it isn't just little bits of it either.

    Is there a meth crisis in Thailand?

    To be honest I hadn't really heard of yaba before I came here but from reading the news there seems to be a hell of a lot of it about!!

    Yes there is a BIG problem in Thailand. Ya Ba means mad and that is exactly what is does. Mix Meth and Caffeine an you got Ya Ba.

  6. Outrageous, the fact that reducing the farcical attitudes towards road safety isn't even on the junta's radar shows just how clueless they really are. Only today I saw 3 young kids drive into the local anuban school all minus their helmets.

    The only way it will get fixed is by actually massively increasing fines and confiscating vehicles. As for licencing, until there is a system that rewards actually having one they might as well scrap them altogether

    In the village where I lived in the police did about one check per year making sure the kids wore helmets. First two kids turned around and warned all the others the police were there.

    Fine if caught 200 baht

    The joke :- Main police station just down the road from the school. EVERY RTP had to drive on this road to get to work.

    You only have to pass a driving test if you want a licence. Most Thai's don't bother

  7. Surely it does not hurt to show you are aware that Muslims in most parts of the world are now a potential danger. "Democratic" Thailand has an average of 500 + killings by Muslims, every year for the past 11 years, why should any country have to put up with minorities causing that kind of mayhem.

    The "Arab Spring" is nothing more than an excuse for intolerant Islamists to wreck havoc throughout North Africa and what do they have to show for their trouble ?? NOTHING other than a whole lot of dead bodies. Any income their countries relied

    on, was destroyed with the people.

    AND still the EU UK and the USA do not understand. They want to rid Syria of Assad, WHY ?? boo hoo he is not democratic and so what. The UK have democracy but that means nothing when faced with getting important change threw Parliament.

  8. The last few lines sum things up, the words " want and Martyr "

    Are the Palestinians friends and relatives saying these boys did nothing ?? The boy who was shot while "walking away" new he should not run from the police and did he indeed knife the Israeli?

    What this article does not tell you is that the Palestinian kids regularly incite the Israeli police and army. They in turn are extremely careful as they have no way of knowing who may by suicide

    bombers. It would appear that the latest game is to randomly stab Israeli's in the street (including a 13 year old)

    I have said for a long while that until the Palestinians stop the attacks there will be no peace. Israel will ALWAYS seek revenge when attacked.

    Unfortunately the Palestinians have the typical Arab mentality which means that when they kill and main it's ok but if one of their own dies the whole place erupts.

    The whole of the Middle East is a mess and is getting closer to an even bigger mess.

    As an exercise lets look at a make believe position if all their oil stopped tomorrow. The rest of the world is ok because we have alternatives.

    What do they do to make a living ??? As far as I can see they have no Industry and tourism is a no no because of the possibility of not returning home.

    The Sunni's go after the Shia's with a vengeance and we don't care because neither side will say thank you for the help and in any care we don't care much. So Iran solves the problem

    in the only way it can by dropping a couple of bombs. The bombs get rid of ISIS and Saudi Arabia, then their back to the same thing "how do we make a living" with no industry.

    Yes they can live as they used to 2000 years ago but is that what they want? I don't believe so. The UAE have part of the right idea but even they rely on tourists and if ISIS get in there

    they will have nothing.

    So many questions and no easy answers.

    One thing that is certain is that if Islam does not learn to accept that Infidels have a right to live their lives in the way they choose there will be a reckoning. The whole world pays dearly

    to control the Muslim fanatics. While I agree that there are many Muslims who disagree with the Islamist Terrorists there are too few prepared to stand up and be counted.

    If things carry on the way they are patience will run out

  9. When is Thailand going to wake up and create a government department whose job it is to monitor and check these dangerous attractions all over Thailand? Thailand wants tourists and their money, but they could care less about their lives.

    What am I thinking of, anyone working for this mythical department will be rich through bribery and looking the other way. Stupid me!

    I trust you are not suggesting that there is bribery in Thailand

  10. Question number one, Do some AIDS patients actually die in this condition or not ? If so then the truth needs to be out there for all to see and be aware of.

    I have no first hand experience other than the wife has a friend with AID and has medication that appears to control, although I guess she could still be a carrier. She got the disease from her drug using husband, who died from the disease.

    Like Jack Nicholson said in the movie "You can't handle the truth", if it was a true depiction of the final and fatal stage of the disease, then let it be !!

    This disease is and was a problem to be controlled !!

    In answer to your question :- Hiv/Aids does not kill anyone. The disease gradually affects the immune system, meaning the patient can become ill with a number of illnesses. It is this, that can result in death.

    If anyone contracts HIV and is not treated eventually they can get infections that the body cannot fight but not as on this TV show HIV is not AIDS until the CD4 count is lower than 200.




  11. Well, the new police chief has said that 90 % of the case is solved so I guess that only leaves the small matter of who actually was behind the bombing. But I guess I'm nitpicking.

    No terrorists here !!! Abdullah and Mohammed are good Thai names.

    Surely it must be someone else's fault after all they just do God's work. No work, No Industry just killing, been the same for 1400 years.

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