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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. Although 90kmh is the maximum speed for vans by law, it may be way too fast for most stretches of road.

    Not very long ago everyone was terrified going by bus to whatever place mostly due to the erratic style of driving.

    Now most tour-buses have been replaced by minivans....let's say 5 vans for 1 tour bus.........you don't need a degree in maths to figure out the increase of lunatics on the road.

    Why are people frightened to tell the driver to slow down. /if they are ignored then phone the company.

    When drivers run away from accidents they should be jailed, minimum 5 years

  2. The world simply don't care, who's the Rohingyas they ask, and why should we care? we're too busy

    with other more pressing issues in the world now, the race to the presidency in the US, gay and

    lesbians right to merry, ISIS is killing and beheading every one in sight, Iran nuclear deal and the

    ramifications of it, and beside, Burma is under firm and unwavering tyrant like

    military junta control, China has some pull there, but other than that, the junta are the supreme

    rulers there, pretty much like N. Korea, and who can touch N. Korea?

    I think Gay and Lesbians have a right to be merry. ( sorry could not resist)

    The problem that Rohingyas have, is they have carried out attacks in Burma, its the same with Thailands Muslim separtists.

    How badly do Muslims have to be treated before they kill young innocent children. Look at the number that have had their

    heads hacked off.

  3. The perfect terrorist target, don't kill people just keep knocking out the electricity at indiscriminate places on a regular basis, difficult to protect and causes massive inconvenience, i'm surprised it hasn't been thought of before, i hope it doesn't catch on, the outages after a storm are bad enough.

    If the separatists knock out the electric poles leave them down for a week. If they do it again leave them down for a month.

  4. What makes them think the bomb wasn't carried into Thailand? Do they think the border is secure or that even if detected at the border, a bribe wouldn't get it past an immigration or customs officer?

    Zaphod I think you need to be reborn again. Even in Thailand the border guards or customs would not see a man with bomb and say " hay you got bomb, you

    pay me 2000 baht or I not let you in"

  5. Electricity in Thailand is dangerous at the best of times. First thing to check is the EARTH. There is a good chance there is no earth.

    Then check the power coming into the property, see how great the supply is.

    Then throw away the regular oven and go and buy a good size and quality halogen oven. They draw low power and if you get one with a rotisserie, cook

    joints of meat really well. There is one that has a kebab attachment.

    I know people will say " oh but the air con draws lots of power " and they are right however that unit is outside the house.

  6. Firstly let me say RIP to the 20 human beings who tragically lost their lives.May God bless them.Also I can only truly hope that all the others injured in this terrible bombing are able to make a full and swift recovery both physically and mentally,but I doubt it.

    Terrorism can never be justified no matter what grievances the bomber(s) held.As proved time and time again in so many other conflicts,the only way to solve an issue is for all parties, from all sides to get together and talk talk talk in the hope that eventually common ground may be sought.

    Terrorism is so easy to achieve,but it's only for the cowards of this world.I'm afraid to say that history will always continue to repeat itself,as people will always fail to learn the lessons of the past,and that is a cast iron guarantee.

    Terrorism can be justified , revenge driven and aimed at the right person(s) or institutions. Attacking cueless bystanders is criminal. Only cowards take the easy way and target those.

    Anyone can go to a crowded place and bomb or shoot . It t akes intelligence & courage to succesfully target the responsible.

    Terrorism is about creating terror. It is rarely driven by revenge. As we all know Thailand has been plagued by Muslim Terrorists for over a decade.

    Over 5000 people have been killed. Teachers, Students and young children are regularly killed year after year.

    So who is likely to set off a bomb at a Hindu Shrine ?????

  7. I can answer one part for you. The repatriation of a body from Thailand is possible, but it is going to cost a considerable sum of money.

    You will need someone to handle the body at this end and ensure it is embalmed to the necessary standard and is placed in an approved container and it is accompanied by the relevant documents during transport.

    You will need to pay for air freight, and then have a funeral director or repatriation agent collect the body from the airport for you.

    It's a costly business. On the other hand, if you don't mind being cremated then you can get cremated here and in most circumstances you can ship the cremated remains back.

    This is an immensely cheaper option. If it is wanted there can be a memorial service in your home country, which is the same as a funeral, but without the coffin.

    If you are worried about being a burden, consider a cremation in Thailand.

    If, of course, you are a Muslim or a Jew then my advice is more than likely irrelevant to you.

    Thanks for your imput.

    Yes, flying my body back isn't an option.

    Thai funeral every time, decide how many days for celebration, 3 would be normal for Farang. Cost about 10,000/15,000 baht. That should include

    the fireworks so you go with a bang.

    Funeral in UK cost £4/5,000

    Why would anyone want to ship dead body around the world, waste of time and money. Get solicitor to make a proper will or there will be problems.

  8. 800 or 8000 thousand for the bus ?

    It's was costing around 700 baht from Pattaya to Udon Thani that's for a vip air bus. Then there is the cost of regular bus to Nong Khai I think is about 50baht.

    It is possible to get a vip bus to Vienntiene but you have to get a visa before travel.

    As for accidents :- The mountain road on way to Korat has frequent accidents but I think the VIP buses are usually ok.

    Spend a day or two in Nong Khai very nice town and hotels are inexpensive.

  9. This thing seems to have been fairly carefully planned, so it seems unlikely that the guy would not have taken some steps to disguise himself.

    He looks like a Thai boy with a full beard. Not a 5 minute job to grow so where are Thai's likely to have full beards ???????

    AND where is bomb making common ????

    AND where are 500+ Thai's killed every year by terrorists ????

    AND It's not rocket science

  10. The chances are that bombs of this exact type have been used before. The Thai police just need to do a proper forensic job and send the results to the UK USA Israel etc.

    Of course if the RTP had blocked off all the routes going South !!!!!!!

    While I realise that people will say it is wrong to blame Muslims, the fact is that the majority of these attacks are by Muslim Terrorists.

    There are 1.35 billion Sunnis and 150 million Shia in the world. The former are trying to kill the latter so, in effect they are at civil war.

    Mainly because of these animals we all have to spent billions every year on security, why??? Because they have most of the oil, that's why.

    Then ask another question, who are the most backward countries ?? who are the most underdeveloped ?? Who's people need outside help to survive ??

    and who pays most for supplying that help??

    Having had the benefit of the oil revenue for about 100 years the Middle East should be a shining beacon to the rest of the world. Every one of those countries

    should have desalination plants and world leading industry but no, most of them have buy everything in from other countries. The UAE are making some effort but

    they are the few among the many.

    When these Kings and Princes travel the world they waste vast amounts of their countries resources, do they think of the families who struggle to eat every day,

    of course not.

    There should not be one Muslim country in the world where people starve

  11. I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

    I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

    Every year for the past 10 years the Islamists have killed over 500 men women and children in Thailand. With IS thinking they're invincible I'm not surprised at these bombs.

    These bombs were designed to kill and maim and will not be the last. Any group who believe that killing young children by cutting their heads off do not have ANY right to live.

    Muslims tell us that these groups are a tiny minority however they are still being protected by the majority. Go to any village in the South and ask them to point out the Islamists, will they do that, of course not.

  12. Bus crash near Thai border kills 16


    PHNOM PENH: -- In one of Cambodia's largest death toll from road accidents, at least 16 people died and 23 more were injured on Thursday when a bus careened down an embankment near the Thai border as its transmission and brakes failed, The Phnom Penh Post reported.

    Hing Theung, police chief of Trapaing Prey commune in Oddar Meanchey’s Anlong Veng district, said the private bus from Phnom Penh, filled largely with elderly women, flipped over after crossing the border back into Cambodia via the Choam Sa-ngam border checkpoint in the accident that occurred at about 11.20am.

    Twelve people died at the scene while four others died from their injuries at the local hospital. Another 23 remain hospitalized, with some in critical conditions.

    The death toll is the nation’s largest since a deadly crash in Svay Rieng in May, which saw 18 garment workers killed as the minivan in which they were travelling collided head on with a speeding bus.

    According to the Ministry of Interior’s Department of Order, 1,229 people were killed and another 4,090 injured in the first half of 2015.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/bus-crash-near-thai-border-kills-16


    -- Thai PBS 2015-08-14

    The brakes have nothing to do with the transmission !!!! Driving too fast or fell asleep

  13. The solution is easy, either ban Jet Ski's or make a law that says the operators must have insurance. Then all the pilice have to do is

    visit these operators once a week and check the paperwork.

    If a tourist is asked for money then it's automatically a rip off.

    Same should happen with motorcycle hire. At the moment most motorbikes are not insured,, so when the operator steals the hired bike the

    tourist may have to pay.

  14. Unless they want the barrel threaded for a silencer - the max list price is $499 (499*35=17,465 baht) and as low as $425 (425*35= 14,875 baht).

    150,000 @ Bt18,000 = Bt2.7bn.

    And don't forget the 15% "commission".

    What could go wrong with this plan?

    Did someone say "fire engine"?

    So they're getting these for just over $500??? Seems really low.



    Were did you get those prices? The model chosen is about $550-600.

    Also it doesn't state how many magazines, holster etc that comes with. I imagine it's a complete kit.

    These are to used as service weapons, personally I'm with everyone that states these should be administered by the RTP. It's ridiculous for an armed police force to expect officers to buy their own service pistols. The army certainly don't so why expect the police to!

    The price list quotes prices for 1 piece ( £466) they asked for a quote for 150000 pistols and the price is lower, that's normal. What would worry me is the policeman saying normal price is 70000 baht (about £1400) which is nearly 3 times the list price.

  15. No GF not Working Possibilities with earning some Extra Income though.Extremely Low Maintenance She always has been and that`s Living in the UK as Well.Just worried about Problems with Renting out accommodation and having it Vacant at all.

    I think that We could Probably get by on Interest alone it`s just obviously a long Term thing without really knowing the Future Economy Etc.

    I know I am just Wanting Christmas to come early and all and I really don`t expect to return back to the UK to live again biggrin.png

    Thanks for Your reply though



    Hi Barrie

    If you sell up, the interest income from your capital will be about 4K, not sufficient to live on. 150K may seem like a lot but your only 45 so a " boy " lol.

    I used to live in Udon and it certainly is far cheaper than living in Bangkok. I think you need to budget about 40000 baht minimum.

  16. Jihad is not about deals, compromise and power 'sharing', I would say.

    In history, if it ever made pacts it was 'after' the fact of victory and clarifying to the conquered just how things are going to 'be' from now on.

    It gets spun as doing 'only' what needs to be done in order to stave off opponents, and nothing more, but that was not the prophet's model certainly 'within' an area of competing factions. It was to end in either total annhilation of opponents or their defeat followed by humiliating removal of power and submission to Islamic political dominance. It is 'realistic' for power sharing to be a solution in Afghanistan but historically it never seemed to work out there and it generally goes against the usual drive of Talibs who see the Pathan as the 'true' elite ruling Afghan and all the other Afghans such as Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazara as inferior peoples.

    Add the Shi'ism of Hazara into things and they were seen as dogs.

    In the case of the Taliban in Afghanistan, I think all the above is to be considered because even 'if' this guy is interested in a deal he knows he could be viewed as a sell out, a traitor, the weakling successor in history of the mysterious mythical strong man Omar. Nobody wants to be 'that' successor. Yesterday a 'supreme council' disputed the appointment of Mansour anyway and said they will elect the successor. Even if Mansour is 'Jihad-Lite', I suspect the emergence of a new strain called - "The 'real' Taliban"

    You are correct when you say that Mohammed was only interested in annihilation of opponents, mind you it also has to be remembered that the "prophet" never made a prophesy. One would have thought that he would have seen the problems with the Shia and Sunni's.

    Shiria Law :- If Muslims think it is a good idea maybe we could bring back some of our older UK laws, just for them.

  17. Officials transferred after nine Lao teenagers are rescued

    Jirasak Wongkhamjan

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- NONG KHAI'S Tha Bo District deputy chief and five senior officers from Tha Bo Police Station were transferred yesterday following the Tuesday night rescue of nine Laotian girls aged 16 to 19 from two restaurants.

    Rawichai Paritpahol has been transferred to an inactive post at the city hall, while provincial governor Suchat Noppawan has set up a fact-finding panel to investigate the official's alleged negligence in allowing such a crime to occur in the district.

    The five officers Pol Colonel Somchai Sanguansakpakdee, Pol Lt-Colonel Thansamai Phromsit, Pol Lt-Colonel Ratchapong Artkaew, Pol Lt-Colonel Anant Supanpasat and Pol Major Suriya Taothong were to report for their new positions at the provincial police operation centre later yesterday.

    The owner of the Pulsap karaoke bar, Sompit Dongluang, 41, was arrested and her six Laotian employees were rescued.

    In Sri Chiangmai district, KS restaurant owner Kosol Uppahad, 60, and his three Laotian employees were rescued.

    A special task team of Nong Khai-based Interior officials launched raids after the provincial Dhamrongtham Centre received complaints of prostitution and human trafficking.

    Officials collected the victims' personal information and checked their bone mass to determine their actual age before pressing a human-trafficking charge against Sompit and a charge of employing minors against Kosol.

    A 17-year-old Laotian waitress at Pulsap said she had worked at the bar for two months for a daily wage of Bt300 and occasionally served as a sex worker.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Officials-transferred-after-nine-Lao-teenagers-are-30265532.html


    -- The Nation 2015-07-30

    The girl was paid 300 baht per day, so not a slave. She sometimes worked as a sex worker, so when the opportunity was there, she took it and made a little more money.

    So this is normal. It is not people trafficking. While I do understand that trafficking goes on it is not common with the over 16's. The people who own the bars do not want to run prisons

    when there are so many willing workers.

    It seems to me that Thailand is reacting to pressure from the USA and as usual the Americans do not have much of an idea .

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