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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. Did his 10 friends stay there as well or did they just put that hotel on the immigration form? A group arrival from Sierra Leone, possibly suspicious in and of itself. i guess they might have some legitimate purpose for a visit but ....?

    The hotel is next door to Surasak BTS, so he could be anywhere, quickly.

    The world is supplying Medical Aid to help Sierra Leone with this crisis yet this group are more interested in getting their jollies in Thailand and if

    any of them are infected they don't care.

    Having said that the airport authorities are not very bright.

  2. I sometimes just don't understand how accidents like this can happen so frequently. Don't these motorists ever look left and right if there's a train coming or not? Even a five-year-old knows that one has to look first before crossing a road (or a railway crossing for that matter). How can one be "unaware" of an oncoming train, especially considering that Thailand's trains are not exactly lightning-fast and swoosh by out of nowhere?

    But perhaps I should correct myself: Of course I understand how this can happen. We are living in a country where the general population has neither common sense nor any awareness of or concern for their own safety (and that of others).

    The train was going so fast it took 50 meters to stop !!!!!! so it may have been doing 15 mph. Having said that Thai's do not like stopping even at red traffic lights

  3. Even though it is a collateralized card, the bank wants to be able to hold you responsible for paying the bill if your wife does not,. If they use the deposited money to pay the bill, she cannot keep the charge cycle going.

    Up to you...

    If the card is "pre paid" and CANNOT be overdrawn there cannot be a problem. So turn things around and ask the bank to guarantee that the card

    cannot be overdrawn. If they are not prepared to do this then they have to explain who is responsible and for how much.

    On a UK pre paid it is possible to overdraw by tiny amounts due to the way they charge. I keep one of these cards for emergencies on nights out.

  4. You're talking about "Kin Kow....For the past few weeks I have been following the antics of the "workmen" putting on an extension on the house across the stream from me. The pick-up arrives then all goes quite....Kin Kow....Forty five minutes later the noise begins...one taking off plaster the other 3 fishing in the stream. Then the "boss" heads off in the pick-up...all quite again ....Kin Kow. Then the boss comes back about 4 hours later....big noise working for an hour. Big talking for another 45 mins. .......all go home.

    P.S. Guess where the rubble is from the old kitchen....you got it......in the stream.

    Now you know why they only earn 300 baht a day cheesy.gif

  5. If I and my friends had given a beating to a couple of petty criminals, which had gone too far, I would certainly try to exagerrate their offences, imagined or otherwise, to prevent any kind of negative repercussion for me and my friends.

    The police would be happy to go along as I and my friends are not only citizens of this country but also local residents, while the dastardly perpetrators are untrustworthy, despicable foreigners of the worst and lowliest kind, Burmese!

    The press will just print verbatim anything given to them as a statement by the police.

    This case is now officially closed.

    Johnny Walker's, officer?

    Ah yes, the classic TV conspiracy theorist ! And a crack at the BIBs to boot !

    I wonder if that is really the statement of the 12-year-old or is it the work of somebody else? What rapist would have his mate wait outside?

    I won't wait for the full investigation though.

    "What rapist would have his mate wait outside?"

    Maybe you could let us know how rapists really operate?

    If I wanted to rape a 12 year old, would I choose a house where the relatives are only a few yards away?????? They probably went to steal and the girl surprised them. Because they are Burmese it had to be a serious crime

  6. "Pol.Col. Sonthichai insisted that the dead body found off the coast of Koh Tao shows no marks of murder."

    The body is decomposed and half eaten and they can't identify any marks of murder.

    Ain't they clever these Thai Police?

    RIP whoever you are.

    And this is why people worry about the ability of the Koh Tao police. How can Pol Col Sonthichai say they do not

    think it's murder.

    Surely anyone in their right mind would wait for the FULL PM report

  7. Yes they can.

    ..and leave Assad in power..better than the alternatives.

    That would be major loss of face though.

    Assad is not a saint but look at the alternative. Before the conflict Syria was in the main peaceful. There was religious freedom and girls were educated.

    IS are prepared to kill anyone who does not agree with their distorted idea's, they do not care if they kill young children women or girls. They quote

    from the Qur-an but are just animals

    • Like 1
  8. So if they don't have any victims/evidence they were involved in the scam then why link them to it, is it because they are Nigerian? Why not just run the story as 4 Nigerian men arrested for overstay.

    If you are sitting beside a lake with a fishing rod and a baited line in the water you are fishing, even if you have not caught anything.

    The police have their computers and Thai bank accounts.

    These Nigerians are illegals and potential fraudsters.

  9. Yes, I know that it was wrong and that it is theft, but I fear that Mr. Peter Joachim will be regretting his choice for a long time to come.

    It still amazes me that a relatively small incident like this is reported the way it is, showing visual ID of the victim and his name for verification.

    Lesson would be to think twice about reporting crime and sorting the situation out yourself. That is not a recommendation BTW.....................wink.png

    The boy aged 25 cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Must have had a hard life.

    I suspect Herr Joachim may be new to Pattaya

  10. The BiB assessment of the motive for the female student murder, doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Why ??? 4 Students, 3 with headscarves 1 without.

    Every year hundreds killed by these animals. The Thai government have tried a number of actions over the years to no avail. time to declare war

    on Islamists.

    Did people see the pictures of the 9 year old decapitated by these a**holes. They are not part of the human race and something needs to be done.

  11. Maybe this is because the whole case is such a cluster that it's virtually impossible for anyone be it British Police or anyone else to make head or tail of the 'evidence' collected by the Thai police.

    This is already a much talked about subject but what I still don't get and what I don't believed has been mentioned is how have no witnesses have come forward claiming to have heard a commotion, the screams of the victims on the night of the fatal attack.

    Presumably there would have been some noise from the victims. I imagine someone in their position would literally be screaming for their lives, yet it seems no one heard this in the dead of night on a quiet island? No local resident, fellow tourist or no body staying in a bungalow nearby heard a single thing of this horrific and fatal attack and double murder.

    Nobody was woken up or heard of the commotion as the two innocent victims were being murdered?

    I find that hard to believe.

    Good Points.

    While we know that even smallish Asian boys can be a bit feisty, it was according to the RTP a 2 on 2 attack, " no noise" not sure if that is realistic.

  12. Why would the authorities allow snorkelers or divers in the water with long tail boats at the same time? It is inviting injuries and deaths. Making things safe means making rules about who can do what and when they can do it.

    Now your being silly. Don't these poor people have enough problems with traffic laws. To make swimming safe as well is just unnecessary.

    I've not been to Koh Tao but I presume the boat and jet ski hire is simular to a number of other places, where they are spread all along the beach.

    In Pattaya/Jontiem the boats and jet ski's have to use a separate area and come in through a buoyed off entrance.

    If this Swiss guy turn's up dead, Koh Toa days as a tourist destination may be numbered

  13. I agree he is probably a bad boy BUT most of the actions taken against him in Australia relates to money lending. He is being called

    a loan shark because his interest rates are between 150 and 360% per year.

    The British Government actually condone loan interest rates of up to 4400% APR yes that's correct 4400%. Everyday on TV these bandits

    advertise loans with rates of between 2000% and 4400%. OK they don't threaten to brake your legs if you are late paying they just send

    threatening letter from made up solicitors.

    If Tim Ward was expected to keep his rates down to 200% he had to have some kind of effective collection system. The loan sharks in

    Thailand sometimes shoot a late payer as an example.

    As for the money and gold he said was stolen, Tim buy a big safe and cement it into the floor.

    An example of bad boys:- When I was a kid I lived close to the East End of London. It was the time of the Kray's and they were bad boys BUT

    you never heard of elderly people being beaten up and street crime was minimal.

  14. I am always shocked when I see foreigners riding around without helmets. It is a matter of education. They should know better. He made his choice, it was a bad one and now its game over.

    Only good thing to come from this is if another "immortal" foreigner buys and wears a decent helmet.

    No licence plate so presumably not a short stay tourist. Should know better, not wearing a helmet especially at night.

  15. Words fail me !! Honest to Christ if this is was sanctioned from the very top it beggars belief, don't bother answering as I already suspect the answer!!

    They don't need guns to protect themselves that IS the role of the RTA !!

    In other words we're not up to the job, you can do it yourselves !!! Shocking !!

    AND who have they given the weapons to???? The insurgents are Muslim, a high proportion of the residents are Muslim and it seems

    all Muslims are very anxious to meet Allah.

    500 + people are killed in that region every year and although these terrorists are difficult to find it is the armies job.

  16. I would question the word Coy, more like egg all over their face , it isn't the first time and looking at the RTP exceptional talent it won't be the last by along shot, the worrying prospect is that any new inquiry will only be able to use the evidence available, that might be not enough in the eye's of experts , so they will just muddle about and crap on as usual and still either arrive at the same conclusion or dither till everyone forgets about the case and it goes under the radar like quite a few do. bah.gif

    What was the outcome in the Red Bull case ???

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