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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. Not to difficult to have proof of ownership of the land, no chanote, no construction,

    Let the investigation play out and if all is above board then play on, no need for making threats

    When did he acquire this land?

    from whom did her acquire this land?

    I get the idea the land is part of the National Park. He is suggesting that he has been using the land for some time, therefore it's his right to keep it.

    This is a similar situation to the National Park near Korat a couple of years ago, where people built resorts. They were told to pull the buildings down.

  2. Without a written contract things could be a lot worse. At least the new owner is giving you some time. Your best bet is to try to negotiate with the new owner and come to a happy medium. Your biggest bargaining point here is you are a good renter. Something landlords want more than anything. It puts you in a good position Good luck

    Thai landlords/ladies are the world's worse. It does not matter if there is a contract or not. Do not expect to ever get damage deposit back as they will always

    find something

  3. Wish they would offer the same reward to citizens who report officers extorting bribes. Definitely could improve the median household income level in Thailand.

    The one arrested was silly, everyone knows that the standard fine (tea money) in Bangkok is 400 baht, what was he thinking only giving 100

    Now when I get stopped for speeding what do I do. If police ask for 200 baht (outside Bangkok and Pattaya) do I give money and risk being arrested

    or ?????.

    These people who make laws do not understand the real world. The next thing they will be checking tyres to make sure the cords are not showing too much.

  4. "...police have been able to identify them as a group of Phuket tour guides who have previously attacked Chinese nationals; they are apparently well known in Chinese tourism industry circles."

    "...they will track down and arrest the four “in the hope of restoring the [island’s] tourism image."

    Says it all.

    Why would anyone want to holiday in Phuket??? I think it's time for all tourists to cut Phuket from their itinerary, only then will the crooks take note.

    • Like 1
  5. Is there a motor cycle lane ??? note-how many are over the stop line, how many are on the Z crossing ? They have to be at the front--Thai mentality--same at 7-11 shops.

    From what I have seen - foreigners on motorcycles behave no differently in traffic here

    Adopt the local habits very quickly

    I have ridden here for 5 years and I can confirm that is true. The unfortunate truth is that sitting out the front whilst waiting at the lights is a good defensive measure. Drivers are always jostling once they get moving and this causes a LOT of problems for motorcyclists.

    Safety Tips Defensive Driving and don't hire any motorcycles in Bangkok. Unless you have a full bike licence do not hire big bikes or you could end up like the Russian

    boy a few months ago, he hit a lamp post and was cut in two.

  6. Ok now they will be able to get into more debit and the vicious cycle keeps turning,

    why do Govts. always help the indebted, but don't give any help to people who

    try to save,anyone with cash is loosing it to inflation everyday,with the returns been

    so low.

    regards worgeordie

    This is the same as in the UK. Debtors think they have a right to borrow money and then walk away when asked to pay back.

    Bring back the work houses.

    Definition of poor. Nowhere to live and no food. Definition of not poor House TV Computer Cigarettes Alcohol etc

  7. Methinks all is not correct with this story.    Air Ticket could have been sorted, just contact Airline with passport.   ATM ate card, family has money, send via Western Union

    money delivered same day.   


    If his brain damage prevents him doing the above, he should not travel on his own.     


    As for Thai prisons, they are not nice places.   There not supposed to be.


    I smell Bull poo

  8. "The NCPO should come up with new measures that can effectively tackle the problem of insurgency violence. "


    "measures" are not going to solve anything. The only way the Army can do anything effective is to negotiate. You can't fight a hidden enemy, you can't prevent a hidden enemy from random attacks.

    The Thai government needs to compromise. It's a bitter pill, but the insurgents need to be given something towards what they want. Long term this will make control easier too because if the radicals got their separation, there would be clear demarcation...the enemy is no longer hidden.


    The problem with Islam is, they will not be satisfied with anything short of total capitulation.  

  9. Terrorism by any other mean or cause is still a terrorism, no matter what the reason are or what the

    ultimate goal is, they say that this is not about religion, but strangely enough, all the terrorist in the 

    south are Muslim and most if not all, are non Muslims,


    And before the protesting Muslims of Thailand will vilifies Israel for it's so called atrocities in Gaza , look and

     see what is going on in your own back yard....



    The insurgents in the South are Muslims.   The Insurgents in the South who have murdered thousands over the past 10 years are Muslims.  The Insurgents who kill women, children and

    babies in the South are Muslims.


    The Malaysians who want to bring in strict Shi-rea  law live next door to South Thailand  Oh and their Muslims


    Nothing to do with religion  ho hum

  10. In most cases, a person will get treatment on the NHS at no charge however you will have to have a UK address.

    HM Gov are supposed to be changing the system so that non UK citizens are charged.

    My opinion is that if you have not paid in, then you should not get free treatment. But if you have lived, worked and paid national insurance for 40 years then treatment

    should always be free.

    • Like 2
  11. What is the rough count of Thai sex workers in Betong? Most of their tourist revenue is from sex trade for sure. Are they counting the sex trade money?

    Betong may or may not have sex trade during Pretty Yingluck time as PM.

    But under Gen Prayuth, anything illegal has been stop.

    Including sex trade, as Thailand is a Buddhist countries.

    What ever trade the Islamic people offer I will not comment, but Thais will not deviate from Buddhist teaching on sex trade.

    BTW, the first thing you notice in Betong is a large statue of Buddha. No statue of prophet Mohammad can be seen anywhere in town AT ALL.

    There are no statues in Islam. I don't understand why the comments about sex workers

  12. Probably a cell phone picture from one of the rubberneckers standing around...notice no one is attempting to help/comfort the guy...but maybe all the bystanders were doctors and knew the poor soul was definitely dead so no need to comfort. RIP

    The guy drove head on into the pillar. Busted legs and head. Look at the damage to the front of the bike, the front wheel is jammed back into the engine.

    Don't need to be a doctor to see brain matter.

  13. What is it with local muslims that make them behave like animals? The Islamic states and caliphates in the rest of the world seem to exist in supreme harmony, peace and prosperity earning Islam the moniker "religion of peace". Come on Thai Islamists, stop letting your religion down.

    Oh do wake up. Islamist's all over the world take pleasure in killing innocents every day. If they are asked to justify their actions, rather than explain they will kill.

    Even in South Thailand thousands have been killed. Religion of peace, rubbish.

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