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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. At the age of 15 all these in possession ???? Bloody hell wondering when they are 30 what will they have on or with them? APC, Tanks, chenuk? Apache?

    Will they be prosecuted ???

    The boy who was beaten was 15. The three shown hear were late teens 19 or 20.

    The fat slob needed the guns as he could not run away.

    Jail for 20 years in adult prison

    • Like 2
  2. It.s just about the start of the High Season again, all the crooks lady/prostitutes with $$$$$ signs in their eyes arriving to rip-off the unsuspecting trusting tourists wanting to have a great holiday and so many/too many deaths already!!!

    "Unsuspecting and Trusting"??

    Russians have more street sense by age 5 than most Americans at age 40.

    The victim was a grown man who was out there having fun and accepted the risk.

    Happens all the time.

    Sometimes you have to save people from themselves. He should not have been able to rent a Jet Ski in dangerous conditions. The operator was hoping

    he could get some money for fictitious damage.

    • Like 1
  3. So many things are wrong here.

    -Jet skis should not be on any Phuket beaches, period. If this was enforced, the points below would be moot.

    -All jet skis ridden require a Thai captains license, this Russian did not have one, the same as every other jet ski renter in Phuket. Why isn't Marine 5's boss enforcing existing laws on the books? The answer is rhetorical and it's all about the baht.

    - Conditions were far too dangerous for the jet ski clowns to even consider renting them out.

    -Why isn't there a better medical procedure used for conditions like this? Seriously taking the guy to Patong, then deciding to transfer to Vachira, really doesn't cut it. Why wasn't he taken straight away to one of the private hospitals? Ambulances should be stationed not more than 5-10 minutes away. This is a holiday island with first world prices for goods and services, yet 3rd world medical emergency services.

    -Marine 5 boss calling this an "accident". No it's not an accident, it's a serious incident due to your dereliction of duty by not enforcing laws that are on the books for some reason unbeknownst to the general public. Shame on Marine 5 and it's lack of a backbone on the jet ski issue.

    The people who rent things in Thailand do not care about safety. I've not been to Phuket however in Pattaya you can rent big bikes without even having a full licence.

    • Like 2
  4. A weak reason to stay involved in the iraq mess.. supporting the shiites in a civil war because the other side that's getting screwed might get pissed off at all the bombing of their positions and behead someone IN europe.. from what i recall the beheadings in iraq and syria of western hostages who's governments refused to pay the ransom (most of the european prisoners were freed after their governments paid the ransom) the ones that were beheaded were american and british, the 2 main countries bombing iraq and syria and the 2 countries that refused to pay the ransom.

    IS are not just killing Shiites, they kill anyone who does not agree with their ideas. Their idea's of course change daily so they kill IS members as well. There are videos of young boys beheading men and in Thailand a few days ago Islamist's killed a 9 year old boy and his older brother.

    This is why we need to fight them, although I admit that Obama and Cameron have not got a clue how to do this. We need boots on the ground in Iraq. Form a line at the Turkish border and walk forward, cleaning out any IS fighters on the way.

    Assad is no angel but he has had to use tactics to control the animals in his country. Syria was a secular country until IS and the other Islamist fools started the civil war. Christians and Jews could worship there and schools were open to boys and girls.

    As for not paying ransoms, the only way to deal with that is to take 100 IS fighters for every 1 of ours. If they behead one of ours then string up the 100 and cut a small piece off every day. Brutal, horrific, against UN and Geneva conventions, yes BUT these people will take note of nothing less.If you just kill them they are happy to die as they think they are going strait to Allah, of course we know that if there is a hell that's where they will

    be living.

    • Like 1
  5. I spoke recently to a young man who is a sailor in the US Navy. He had been located for some reason to Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The area has a problem with feral dogs. Every few years there, such as when a child was mauled to death, a "cull" is announced. All pets are to be held inside and the locals set loose with their firearms to clean up the area. Bounty set at five dollars a tail. 50 baht would be good for Thailand.

    It would be a good days work to rid the world of American Pit Bull dogs.

  6. "Officers visited a number of motorcycle shops around the island looking for information on the number plate of the bike" - is this for real?

    Aren't all the number plates of vehicles on The Land Transport Office data base?

    Can't the police just search a computer data base for the owner of a vehicle, via its number plate?

    Think of the expense making a phone call.

  7. What are the police going to compare the boys DNA too. They should offer evidence to show that the sample they are using for a comparison came from Hannah. The sample therefore must be a mix of Hannah and the rapist. The Lab should also be able to tell if the sample contained sperm.

    The biggest problem, is that the boys have been in the hands of the police for weeks. This has given the police ample time to find DNA samples.

    Of course it is also possible that they are guilty.

  8. DNA test will clear my son: headman

    Oh yes I am sure it will. But it won't mean he is 'not guilty' will it?

    By the way... He was cleared a month ago when the cash went under the table.

    This is nothing like the Red Bull case is it ????

    The police should have the original sample taken from Hannah. This sample show have a DNA mix of Hannah and the person who had sex with.

    " Unbroken chain of evidence" Hmmmmmmm Ithink not

  9. A second test to compare with what. That is the key thing. No-one is doubting the tests. Everyone is doubting the samples which they were compared with. Where did these samples come from?

    "Unbroken chain of evidence " I bet they cannot show that to the satisfaction of the UK police. The only reliable DNA would be sperm from Hannah

    and a sample from the boys. Of course they have been in the hands of the police for some time.

    If they have the original sample from Hannah this should show DNA from her and the assailant mixed together.

    Every time I read about this case I think of the Red Bull boy.

    • Like 1
  10. From what I understand from my Thai friends, Thailand already gives meds free of charge to those with AIDS, however not to people with HIV who have not developed AIDS yet. Might be good to treat all and also use education to decrease the number of new infections.

    That used to be true but I believe the situation change 2 years ago. The number changed from 200 to 300

  11. I believe the threat to burn these boys. I am a partner in a resort up North and one night 12 [repeat twelve] cops came in after the restaurant was closed and demanded food. When we told them the kitchen was closed they said they would burn the place down if we did not comply.

    Not one of those 12 was decent enough to suggest they do not bother us.

    Sorry to single you out mate but c'mon where's your brain?

    We started off with them claiming they were slapped and as the dasy go by anyone can see they're making it up as they go along.

    These are serious allegations but these 2 failed to ,memtion it in several conversations until now. Duh!!! must have slipped their minds

    They are lying through their teeth IMO adviced by lawyers to try and get as much public support ass possible and people like you are falling for it

    I don't know if they are guilty or not BUT they would be unlikely to tell the whole story until they new they had some protection. If I remember the police

    were worried they would kill themselves Hmmmmmm

  12. On thinking about the UK police arrival. I think one of their main jobs has been stated as checking the DNA, but...

    The Burmese boys originally first had their DNA taken early on and were not found to match (not arrested) as the BIB went after wild leads and foreigner (deceased friend) etc. So, I fear this early DNA that was taken and was used by the police to find patsies and then then use their collected DNA to plant on the victim's body - probably just the girls who was raped. That would mean that before the bodies were returned to UK, the Burmese DNA was where it would need to be for a later conviction and if the UK do any checking it will match. The UK need to concentrate on finding and ruling in any other DNA present and getting some DNA of the alledged murderer (bar owner's son) to see if they can rule him/other(s) in and certainly not agree just because (if) the DNA in Hannah matches the Burmese.

    If the bodies were not returned to UK before the first early DNA collections on the Island when it is reported the 2 Burmese boys were tested and no match found, then the DNA evidence could have been planted for later confirmation of guilt from testing the bodies in the UK and thought to be proof? aimho

    Twix Fully agree, the DNA tests seem to make little sense. I presume the DNA sample taken from Hannah was in the form of sperm, that being so,

    unless they have taken a sperm sample off the boys the UK police could test that.

    The boys will know if and when they had to supply a sample

  13. Loansharking is pandemic in Thailand. It will never be eradicated. This is purely a pr campaign only. bah.gif

    Not excusing LOS but look at payday loans in Blighty if you want to see loan shark interest rates. Multiple thousands of percent APR.

    I know money doesn't necessarily bring happiness but having none can certainly bring misery, regardless of ones geographic location.

    How dare you badmouth Wonga there is nothing wrong with making a profit and 4400% is reasonable so sayeth the Tories but UKIP have the answer. Well they

    had the answer but the Tories just stole it and now have a limit on interest rates. (I think from January)

    However the UK still does not have a Usury law unlike our German friends.

    Thailand unfortunately has the same problem as the UK, in that people borrow money and do not worry about paying it back until someone threatens

    to break an important part of their body. While I do not like violence I dislike debtors more.

  14. Tragic events with the 3 Israeli boys but as usual the Israeli response it out of all proportion and is indeed murderous and hateful. I'm glad people are protesting this.

    Hang on a minute 1) there were 3 Israeli boys killed and Hamas did NOTHING 2) An idiot Jewish settler killed 1 Palestinian boy and they go mad.

    I feel sad for the kids that were killed but Israel has a right to defend itself. Hamas sent nearly 2000 rockets into Israel and although most were shot

    down the intention was to kill and maim.

    You say Israelis are murderous and hateful but look at the mess Bush and Blair have made by killing a strong leader. Saddam was not nice but he

    kept the lid on the pot.

  15. Unusual for japan man to be involved in bf gf non-sense. Or is it?

    Why any older guy with money can have a considerably younger gf telling him he is a hand-sum man.. meanwhile sharpening her knives before going in for the kill as that way she will have faster access to the cash and does not have to keep telling the guy he is hansum and faking it all the time.

    Does not matter if your white / asian / black we can all fall for it. Relationships where people give monthly allowances to the other party and stuff are risky because you attract someone with money and they just might figure out a way to get it without needing you.

    Far safer to rent a girl for the night if you want a younger play thing.

    These cases are so common, this is why the police find the killers quickly. 5 minutes after buying the house the wife (or boyfriend 's) family suddenly come to stay and not go home again. Then you bad person and the family say go away. Big party follows.

    When that not work you end up like Japan man.

    I always prefer to rent, had Honda last visit, pay collision waver and give back, no one hurt and everyone make a little profit.

  16. It's the terrorist way. Instil fear into the younger generations - like attack their schools. I'd sure like to see an attempt at such in the US or the UK nowadays - with such increased intelligence post 9/11 - they'd be shot dead in seconds, and every moment of their movements would be known about, way before such an attempt.

    In short, the Muslim terrorists are at the losing end in the West, so now they try to infiltrate the developing countries, as money speaks.

    Poor show guys - you should take on the battle against the West YOU started, and see exactly how far you get now. Then again, you can't even make the news or any noise in the West... forget - bunch of twisted losers.

    I'm glad you have confidence in the "Wests" intelligence but I think you are wrong. There will be more attacks in the near future and there is little we

    can do to prevent them.

    Until we forget about human rights etc we will continue to encounter these attacks.

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