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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. No, tried turning it on and off at the breaker but it didn't fix it. It's a Samsung.
  2. I considered that, but I didn't want it half fixed. I can afford it without going hungry, so why not?
  3. The fan works fine but the remote won't turn it off, it has to be turned off at the breaker box.
  4. People would soon stop buying them if they developed a reputation for bad quality.
  5. The rarely used aircon in the lounge won't turn off. The compressor does but not the cassette or whatever it's called that has the fan inside the room. The technician says it needs a new control board or something that costs around 3000 baht. Does that seem about right? He replaced something that sounds like a capacitor and regassed the compressor and replaced a globe that lights up when the aircon is running for 1400 baht.
  6. It was a Panasonic, couldn't tell you the model #. This was in Australia over 25 years ago. In fact I still have a Panasonic plasma 50" that I bought when I arrived in Thailand 14 years ago. Never gets used though.
  7. To think I paid around 120,000 baht for my first 42" plasma TV, and had to buy a digital tuner separately.
  8. Not for me. I found it to be totally formulaic, bordering on boring.
  9. But he hit it right on the head, told it exactly as it is.
  10. The phrase 'Cry Wolf' is used to indicate that someone is exaggerating or raising a false alarm. Example of Use: “Don't pay attention to Peter (Bob); he's only crying wolf.”
  11. You realize that "crying wolf" only works once?
  12. Hate to have my hopes dashed like that. That's so cruel Bob.
  13. Is this all online?
  14. I see you didn't respond to the fact that you spend all day here, so how exciting is your life?
  15. It's an eyesore. Cut graffiti in the bud before it becomes an epidemic.
  16. Lousy Carter. This is pretty funny, but only for those with a wry sense of humour.
  17. Have a friend in Adelaide who says the dream of owning a home for first home buyers has become out of reach. They are looking at prices starting at around $500,000 and up, median price is $850,000. Sydney and Melbourne even higher.
  18. The Truth vs Alex Jones. What a horrible excuse for a human being this guy is, and his 75 million followers are no better.
  19. Always been a music lover, had a big collection of both CD's and vinyl before I left Australia 14 years ago. Until recently used to listen to free music on apps like Radio Paradise, Jango and Accu radio, but now, at nearly 82 I find I prefer peace and quiet. Nothing wrong with my hearing, it's just that music doesn't move me like it used to. Sad.
  20. You always take the weather with you.
  21. It's available on PB as well.
  22. I'm after a cheap second car for my partner to use as a runabout. She hasn't had any on road practice since getting a licence, so prefer her to learn in something where the dings won't matter. I believe these early Fords had gearbox issues, but wouldn't this have be rectified in a 10 year old car?
  23. Obviously you either didn't read my comments in opening post or just don't give a sh*t. This is not funny, so respectful replies please.
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