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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Where is it available, I see only the first series?
  2. Isn't this an old doco from 2015?
  3. Watched it until the end, but must admit was pretty bored with it by then.
  4. No doubt.
  5. I had about 10 crowns done when I first arrived in Thailand and have since lost every one of those crowned teeth due to decay getting under the crown and not being aware until it was too late. If I could go back I would have had implants no matter the cost.
  6. Thought this was a very good first episode, will definitely continue with it.
  7. There's 3.9 million muslims in the UK, are you saying they were all born there?
  8. Giving access to hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees who refuse to assimilate?
  9. I'm unclear as to why the mob were angry. Were they angry at the stabbing of the Bishop or supporting the attacker?
  10. It also runs on mains power, which is how I use it.
  11. Three people from my partners family were ripped off 50,000 baht each to supposedly get a working visa for Australia, but the agent did absolutely nothing. The three people had virtually no money so they would have been rejected at Australian Immigration anyway. Just dumb country hicks who believed the agents BS.
  12. Who would do that in Pattaya? I also have two machines, an Omron and a Chinese cheapie, both from Lazada. Both machines give almost identical readings which suggests that they are either both wrong or both right.
  13. Still available on Lazada but maybe old stock.
  14. I already have the HEM 7130, not sure what the differences are as there are so many Omron models.
  15. What is the purpose in monitoring blood oxygen and what can you do if levels are too low?
  16. I reckon it's 4 or 5 years old.
  17. Had a visit to local dentist last week,did a BP reading prior to tooth extraction and it was 165/85, and it's always high at hospital visits. At home usually 130/70, pulse 65.
  18. What model?
  19. I have an Omron HEM 7130, which I've had for a few years, and am beginning to doubt it's accuracy, as I always get a higher reading at the doctors or dentists than at home. I know some increase is due to "white coat syndrome" but I still think it's time for an upgrade. Any recommendations?
  20. This is very good, I wasn't even aware of this case as I was living in Australia at the time. I found PB and TG very slow downloads but found it to watch on YouTube.
  21. Not sure if a bank will accept a copy of a will.
  22. Unless you value "period correctness".
  23. 400 baht a month, but we have a lot of plants plus lawn to water.
  24. Carrying back half a block of ice, balanced on my handlebars, from the ice works, wrapped in a hessian bag for our ice box. Taking our own pannikin to the shop next door for a pint of milk. The council night soil truck emptying our sh*t buckets. Buying skinned rabbits by the pair from the butcher.
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