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Posts posted by cooked

  1. My wife says that all older trees contain a Phi. She refuses to enter the trunk of a hollow tree. The Greeks had Dryads, the Huns had their tree religion (the Romans cut down as many as they could, thus destroying resistance)

    - copied off the web: in 723, a Christian missionary named Winfrid cut down an oak tree sacred to the god Thor. This action is said to mark the beginning of the Christianization of the Germanic peoples, my own ancestors.

    On June 5, 754, Winfrid (now established as Bishop Boniface of Mainz) was surprised and killed by angry non-Christians. The ringleaders said they had acted lawfully because Boniface had destroyed their places of worship.

    We have a few trees around the village with cloth and other frippery bound around their trunks. Leave it alone!

  2. Let's try again, shall we? You need a visa for many countries if you wish to ENTER that country, it may or may not give you the right to stay for a certain period of time. You can't get a visa if you are inside the country, Everything clear up to now?

    You can't get a visa to enter the country if you are inside the country. You can get permission to stay, extensions of permissions to stay, but when these permissions are used up you have to leave and start again.

    That's why you can't get a visa without leaving the country (unless it's an exit visa for some countries).

  3. For some strange reason, you can buy sockets sets for Torx screws all over the place, I only use Torx with my screwgun.

    So, I have a question: where do you buy Torx screws? Thais up here in Isaan go cross eyed when I show them a Torx screw.

    Torx screws were brought out to stop ordinary people from opening things the manufacturers did

    not want the average handyman to open

    So if you are not a manufacturer ordinary screws work fine and there is no market for Torx screws

    Torx screws were invented because they are better, anybody can buy a cheap set of Torx bits and get going, they never stopped me doing anything.

    I use Torx wood screws. They go into tropical wood like nobody's business. I found this out when I used screws from the packing case that I sent over to do other things.

    I get sick of the Philips type screws. Ordinary wood screws are useless in Thailand for most purposes, even if you do fore-bore, which I normally don't have to do with Torx screws.

    Most torx screws are threaded not self tapping coffee1.gif

    I didn't say they were self tapping, did I? They go into teak and other hard woods very easily without pre boring. This is because the Philips type screws are rubbish, I am sick of hearing that noise they make as the bits start stripping off the screw inset as well as that of the bit itself being worn down. If you read my post above you will see that I have used them here so know what I am talking about.

  4. According to 'Read for Life' Thais read on the average 5 books a year. I don't believe this da*n statistic, I think they did their survey amongst students or something, and certainly not in rural areas. In Vietnam they read 30 books a year each.

    Having said that, I wonder how many books a year Farangs read? I only read learn Thai textbooks at present.

  5. We reluctantly chained our dog, letting hom out once a day followed by me with a big stick. He is a stupid Thai dog. He : digs up our garden, fights and nearly kills the neighbour's dog, and recently killed one of our chickens. He also roams off and comes back full of bite wounds. So he stays chained up. Alternative: castration, sell for food.

    Sorry but maybe you don't know how to be a good dog owner? Your meant to be the master of the dog?
    Nice one. We got this dog blessed on us, don't know his history. We have 7 others and I don't need to shout or hit them at all. 'come' means just that, 'out' means out and so on. I whisper mostly, they know.

    The mut stays chained up (he is allowed off once a day, good fitness training for me) or gets eaten. I look after him.

    Sent from my GT-S7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks, no I found that link already, I wanted the interactive site.

    http://www.memrise.com/course/21211/words-from-manee-and-friends/1/garden/grow/ is a bit nearer what I want but it gives me one minute to type new words in Thai. I didn't sign up for a course in speed typing in Thai.

    The old site let you go back, revise, was fun.

    I don't want to learn phrases, I want to be able to read and understand Thai.

  7. I don't know when this happened but I now get 'Account suspended'. I got through the first two books and stopped there for a year. I wanted to start again and then go further. I did find a site that let's you download in pdf but this isn't interactive.

    I really do need to get to read Thai better than I do now

  8. Sinead o'connor was booed at Maddison Square Gardens because she had ripped a picture of the Pope a week or two earlier saying, "Fight the real enemy". It was all about this stuff. She then sang 'War'. Bob Dylan was standing right behind her and didn't move a finger. Kris Kristofferson moved in.

    She was sexually abused as a child.

    • Like 1
  9. What's a safety locker? Do you climb inside it and lock the door?

    I was a lifesaver; I remember myself and my colleagues being shocked into silence when somebody drowned in a surveyed public swimming pool. These guys, believe me, don't give a d**n. We would have emptied the pool to do something like this.

  10. The country doesn't have the money for this! I am somewhat taken aback that they would bother with "environmental impact assessment" in the first place given the right of way already exists and wondering if there is any benefit from dual track running outside of Bangkok. The cost of trackage/signalling/grade separation is substancial. Signalling to Western standards that is.

    Single track with crossing loops works well if the system is bough up to date.


    Outside of Bangkok? Maybe you never sat in a train for hours waiting for another 'express' to pass the other way. Not only in bangkok.

    • Like 1
  11. I enjoy the long lead between your posts.

    Yes Iron works well, add some manure & basic organic fertilizer, if possible keep out of direct sun, keep moist, growth will come.

    Well yes, I like to keep people in suspense. I'll give some more manure tomorrow, expect another post in a week or so.

  12. Interesting though, but may be credible, just look at Tony Abbott who is Anti Thailand this week.

    I remember when comedy was funny and not a political screed. Anyone else that old?

    That's not any knock on you, Mr Beach, it's a perfectly valid link, given this is a virulently political thread (by The Standards of George). Just commenting on so-called alleged "comedy" on the tube these days.

    The Amnesty Law was passed. They then passed, at three o'clock in the morning, a special clause for Thaksin. They passed it. That's when the Yellow Shirts really got into gear and the bill or at least this part of it, disappeared.


    keep up, will you?

    No, the Amnesty Law was not passed. It was approved by one of two required Houses of parliament (and then rejected by the other) and still had a third stage to be formally signed. THEN it would have been passed.

    The weasels of the House of Representatives slipped through a bill at 3 a.m. to send on to the Senate. They did not "pass" such a bill to become law, because no single House can do so.

    In a discussion involving facts, let's stick closely to them.


    Please do as you say

    and study the facts. it was past

    The amemdment was sent to the Senate who rejected it and sent in back to the lower house

    after 180 the amendment would have become Law

    The amendment to the bill passed through the house before it went on to the senate. I wrote this because some were saying that the video was full of lies, but you didn't really expect them to go into all that much detail, did you?

  13. For some strange reason, you can buy sockets sets for Torx screws all over the place, I only use Torx with my screwgun.

    So, I have a question: where do you buy Torx screws? Thais up here in Isaan go cross eyed when I show them a Torx screw.

    Torx screws were brought out to stop ordinary people from opening things the manufacturers did

    not want the average handyman to open

    So if you are not a manufacturer ordinary screws work fine and there is no market for Torx screws

    Torx screws were invented because they are better, anybody can buy a cheap set of Torx bits and get going, they never stopped me doing anything.

    I use Torx wood screws. They go into tropical wood like nobody's business. I found this out when I used screws from the packing case that I sent over to do other things.

    I get sick of the Philips type screws. Ordinary wood screws are useless in Thailand for most purposes, even if you do fore-bore, which I normally don't have to do with Torx screws.

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