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Posts posted by cooked

  1. For some strange reason, you can buy sockets sets for Torx screws all over the place, I only use Torx with my screwgun.

    So, I have a question: where do you buy Torx screws? Thais up here in Isaan go cross eyed when I show them a Torx screw.

  2. Let's just say, this video is very economical with the truth. The first few sentences already contained lies, Thaksin never passed the Amnesty law, he might have tried it, but it was never passed. I will refrain from some of the other <deleted>, except to point out that reform can only be performed if there is a government that has a clear electoral mandate.

    Of course after the reform by the militairy, there is no doubt the same people, or at the very least people from the same background and same methods will return to power, simply because a large part of the Thai electorate votes them into office, just as happens all around the world.

    The Amnesty Law was passed. They then passed, at three o'clock in the morning, a special clause for Thaksin. They passed it. That's when the Yellow Shirts really got into gear and the bill or at least this part of it, disappeared.


    keep up, will you?

  3. 'Farangs' seem to think that the lack of rights to buy property is directed exclusively at Farangs. The Chinese would have bought up half of Bangkok plus Isaan by now without this law. Second generation Thai-Chinese are doing this. Of course in the tiny mind set of many FARANGS the whole of Thailand is out to get them specifically and they start going on about dual pricing. In the Swiss mountains, locals get a cheap price, tourists pay another price, and this is the same in many other countries. When I go back there I pay half price for rail tickets as do most Swiss apart from those that hardly ever use the train. Grow up and stop moaning. Anyway, I very rarely pay FARANG price, I present my Thai driving license, stay in the car, get my wife to bargain. I have seen bar girls with their FARANG in tow, paying ฿500.- for an object that my wife easily knocked down to ฿350.-.

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  4. The only difference I have actually noticed are that the army check points are actually manned and checking (along the Cambodian border). I slept in Srirachah last night and although the back street where I was was relatively subdued, there were still people riding motorbikes well after midnight. Their comment: 'the curfew is not being applied off the main roads'.

  5. I talked yesterday to the OP on the phone and he is based in Buriram. Seems to be a nice guy (36 years) from Austria and a very calm guy.

    Someone from Buriram and who speaks German could advise him more as I am a long way from him.

    Nothing on Buriram expats forum about this.

  6. Even as a hobby, keeping Koi is not cheap..

    Food, yes mine get shrimp 2 or 3 times a week, but there main food is -TENRYU- I buy 1x 12 KG sack per month @ 750 baht, also have -OPTIMUM Hi Pro- have both 6% and 12% [850 + 900 baht per 12 KG sacks] this I feed them when the colour is not good, but if you have white Koi then be careful as give them to much of the 12% and they turn Pink.

    You need to check each Koi every 2 days, look for colour and parasites, never add new fish to your pond direct, 1st have them in a holding tank for 5 - 7 days, likewise should a fish get a parasite take it out and put in a holding tank, Penicillin normally sorts them out. look how they swim, if only near or on the top = water is not good..

    Guess electric on water pumps, air and filter system costs around 2,000 baht per month.

    Biggest question is what Grade of Koi do you have ? mine are mostly all AAA or Elite Grade - Exquisite patterns drenched in color with top body conformation.

    I am still looking for a -OCHIBA- or a -ASAGI- Koi, [blue and Orange and Blue and Red] the very few I seen over the years are fully grown ones at over 50,000 baht each.

    What grade? Dunno, I just bought for the pleasure of my wife and up to now have been buying very small bags at ฿35.- a go. I will look at for Tenryu, I don't remeber seeing that, but then again I never looked for it.

  7. As a teacher of 9 years (Primary mostly in Australia) i'm here to tel lyou that school is a FAILURE. Teaching time in the average classroom there and I have no doubt here is maybe 30%. teaching is not learning.

    Children ache to learn and with mentoring / motivation will always surprise. Setting bounds and evaluating from objectives is not at all hard.

    Sitting over a child while they learn is not teaching it is intimidation. Once rudimentary reading is mastered - I have excellent - excellent resouces in this regard, - freely available - any child can and will learn. Proviso - they must spend as much time out of a house and away from books as possible.

    You can arrange "intern" work for 2- 4 hour sessions with local businesses for almost nothing. This expands minds, removes the tunnel vision that is the bane of education and and stimulates innate develompemtal streams.

    Socializing with same age kids is usually conrtemptible descent to mediocrity to fit in. perhaps normal,

    Any hald smart Thai teenager can help your kid throough the old Marnee and Friends readers and there are innumerable texts available for math science that are had for tuppence. Age does not weary such knowledge.

    I commend you on the home school approach - the hardest thing is to not teach! Setting agreed objectives - assignments and pathways and then allowing your kids to find online info is wholly superior to a classroom where 70% of the time is spent on crowd control and the rest on mind control.

    Some time with a smart Buddhist monk may be good too. Sorry I can;t speak for state regulations - but I find that school certifications are more a limit to your life than anything else. What was Richard Branson's education? I have had a number of successful businesses, none of which I had any training in.

    You will not learn to love learning when learning is your diet 24/7. Kids thrive on creative play and that should be encouraged

    All the best



    I was surprised to see a teacher here supporting HS, they generally tend to be highly dismissive.

    Another poster wrote about learning Thai as though it was a choice. If the mother is Thai, then the mother tongue is, and will remain Thai, even though the child later learns perfect English. My two sons grew up trilingual (+ a dialect or two), no problem as far as that is concerned. Our neighbours in French Switzerland were Swiss Germans, they started speaking a bad French with their kids when they moved there and I find that the kids are completely screwed up as regards to self confidence and social skills. Growing up polyglot isn't a disease, in Switzerland many kids have two languages plus a dialect.

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