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Posts posted by SK1972

  1. Tuberose......if you are not too familiar with the Bangkok and dont want to be ripped off by the taxis and touts, you can always hire a van with driver(accomodates 7-8) to take you around. It beats the hassle of getting lost, waiting time and etc.

    If the tourist attractions are in BKK, the price is THB1,800 for the whole day (usually 9am to 6-7pm) including petrol.

    If the tourist attractions are out of BKK, the price is still THB1,800 but petrol is to be borne by the hirer.

    I know a very good one, Khun Lek who took my family around and he speaks English. His no is 09 7815648.

    And NO, I do not get any commission for this!!

    Good Luck!

  2. William.....it would depend on how you intend to get your gf a Canadian "status". Are you legally married to her or just a gf? If she is applying on her own merits she has to be properly educated and qualified or have some sort of skills required by Canada for skilled migration.

    I am not sure what your status with her is or what you meant by Canadian "status. I do know it takes some time to get it processed and approved.

    I also have a friend who got conned by an "agent" who claimed he could get my friend's gf's migration approved. It was rejected and he has been trying to get it appealed since (past 1 year).

    I know the Canadian Immigration website is very long-winded and detailed but think of it this way, she must be worthwhile for you to do all the work, right??

    You would be better off contacting your Canadian Embassy at

    15/f Abdul Rahim Place

    990 Rama 4 Road, Bangkok 10500

    Tel : +662 636 0540

    Fax : +662 636 0565

    Office Hours : 0730-1600 (Mon-Fri)

    Good Luck!

  3. Gray.........it all depends on how conservative/old fashioned the person is. I dont see why they should care if they are selling "Garuda" figurines to every tom,dick and harry in Chatuchak Market. Anyone can buy it and do as they please with it. Some even use it as decoration in their toilets!! (foreigners)

    It used to be symbolic and it still is but if they are selling the figurines so freely......why should they care?

    FYI, Garuda is also a symbolic figure in Indonesia.

  4. It wasnt a visa to Austria. It was the fact that she had a 3 or 4 year wait for her UK residency visa suddenly turned into a 3 or 4 week wait.

    He fast tracked it and he is still complaining that he didnt do anything wrong!

    What do you expect? This guy was most probably thinking with his dick............his gf most probably told him........no Nanny, no Honey!!! Or maybe he was having "relations" with the Pinoy (Filipino) Nanny on the side :o

  5. Big Spuds....... sorry to know that you had to learn that the hard way. Never "value" the goods you are sending to Thailand as the "tax" they charge here is excessive. I know some want to "value" their parcels in order to claim insurance (in case it gets lost) from the courier company but it just isnt worth it. You would most probably end up paying double, as you experienced first hand. Tax rates here are also not constant....they vary a lot.

    There has also been incidences where a lot of the parcels go "missing". I work in a company where we get a lot of samples everyday from overseas........and even the samples sometimes get taxed or go "missing".

    I just dont trust the Thai Post!!!.....not anymore! :o

  6. When you say go to the UK.....is it for good or just for a visit??? If they are just visiting, then a tourist visa would be easier. If they intend to live there, then a spouse visa would be better. It may take a while...but its better to be safe than sorry.

    Maybe you should ask her to check with the British embassy or with the Scouser, he seems to know a lot about this!

    Good luck!

  7. it's my 6th marrige and the last one

    Sonthaya...how do you know its your last one??? You are not dead yet!! Never will know.......just yet until you are in your grave :o

    Had one friend who married a Thai woman (not BG) and came back one day from work to find himself locked out of his house.........they have been married 15 years and 3 kids.

    Not saying it will happen to you but one can never know. It's always a risk!

  8. Pedestrian crossings/zebra crossings are just "mere decoration" in Thailand. No one has any respect for them unlike other non-Asian countries.

    They just do not stop for you here and its always "me first". Flashing of their headlights here mean "get the ###### out of the way, I want to go first" and not at all an indication of "after you or you first" like in Europe.

    Bummer! :o

  9. I doubt the Ministry of Tourism in Malaysia would do much about this. Just out of curiousity, is the "alleged offender" a Malay/Muslim? If it was, it would all be hushed down.

    If I were you, I would write a letter to the New Straits Times or The Star newspaper in Malaysia. They would definitely do something or publish it!! Give them a copy of the police report too.

    There are negative things/people in every country. It is too bad you had to experience it first hand :o

  10. One way tickets are always expensive. Alternatively, you may try to get a return ticket with a 6 month open return or a one year open return which is better.

    If your ticket agent doesnt know what they are, then they are useless......use someone else!!

    Good Luck!

  11. I even signed over a company car which was a 9 month old SL500 Benz. I also gave her $65,000 when she said she wanted a deposit for a house to buy with her b/f. I gave it to her on the condition of a divorce.

    Sorry Mattnich..........this sounds pretty similar to what happened to my friends who married Thai women (not BGs) except the divorce part....... Most of them had to buy their wife a car, a house etc....all in the woman's name......

    Why don't I want a western wife, well I just don't want another wife/QUOTE]

    Doesnt mean you had ONE bad experience with a western woman, all western women are bad. There are bad women everywhere, Thailand included!

    Bad people are bad people (men and women), no matter what nationality or country they are from.

  12. Daimai..............this is normal in all countries with all providers. International Roaming is never cheap anywhere!!!

    DTAC rates are better than AIS. I changed from AIS as they charged me for IR calls which I didnt answer!!! Outrageous.

    Sorry to know that you learnt it the hard way. Next time you are overseas, dont bring your phone or switch it off!

  13. I agree with SBK. Flirting is a sign of disrespect irregardless of whether you are present or not. Worse if you are ! :o

    Looking is all right...........no drooling though! :D All men look at attractive women, it's just natural. Women tend to look at attractive men (if we ever see one :D ) too. So long as they do not act on their harmless looking, I don't see why it should be a problem.

    Doesnt mean we are married/exclusive we go BLIND!!! :D

    Jai Noi.........now now, no slapping....only in bed! :D Just kidding

  14. Well said SBK and Tutsi! Glad to hear that at least one farang man in BKK thinks that not all farang/expat women are ugly, fat, jealous creatures with a vengence on Thai women!! :D

    Not all farang (men or women) here are bad and not all Thai women are bad.....it is the matter of finding the good ones that are hard!! :o

  15. Mandy......2 years seem like a long time for a long distance relationship. Do you think your relationship will withstand the time frame? However, please DO NOT migrate earlier if you think it is not worth it and jeapordize your career with your present firm.

    I think not calling you is utter rubbish. If IDD is cheaper where you are, he should at least offer to pay half your phone bill. Whether you take the money or not is irrelevant. A relationship is suppose to be a partnership......."not you pay all and he just takes". Is this the kind of man you want in your life? Let me take a wild guess, when you say you visit, means you are the one who pays for your own ticket to visit him................does he ever visit you or is it too expensive to fly to BKK instead. <deleted>!! :D

    From what you write here, I sense you have a lot of doubt which is not very encouraging. Doubts arise from instincts and if your instincts are telling you to thread carefully, it is not a positive sign. Take things slowly and let him make the first move. It doesnt necessary mean that once you move here, the relationship is going to last, you have to think of that too. :D

    I am not sure how long you have known him or how mature this guy is but I think you should not be the one sacrificing all the time for him! :o

    Jai Noi........good for you then!!! I am sure your wife would love to hear more about this..........can I have her no? :D Just kidding

  16. Tuberose..................since you are coming from Aussie, if you can arrange a stopover in Singapore on the way to BKK, the prices of video cameras there are much better, cheaper and of better quality. Go to Lucky Plaza in Singapore, great deals!!!!

    Good luck!! :o

  17. Leprechaun...........you didnt book it right with Emirates. I tried a booking as follows :-

    Route : BKK-Dubai-London Gatwick-Dubai-BKK

    Dep BKK 22 Mar at 1.20am

    Rtn 3 Apr at 9.15pm

    Total was THB28,470.00 (all inclusive)

    I didnt know when you intended to travel but you mentioned Mar/Apr. THB32,000 is outrageous and must be through an agent.

    I heard Phuket Air is horrible and about the same price.

    If you need help, SHOUT!! :o

  18. a2396..........i have heard your story once too often!!! If she is worried Mama may hear, move out of Mama's house or move Mama out of your house!!! Solves the problem/excuse!!!

    show her you the boss.....she is full of shit......give her a good turnover and slap her around a bit 

    kreon........don't tell me cavemen still exist, I thought they were extinct!!! Are you one of them?

    What kind of man would "slap" is wife if she was denying him sex? I am not saying she should be doing that but what you are asking a2396 to do is real low down chauvanistic male!!! What will you advise him next? Pin her down and rape her?? Outrageous! :o

  19. Has anyone seen a girl listed on these dating sites, they recognise from a bar or MP?

    Some very pretty girls are listed.

    Udon..............do you realize some of these girls do not put their real pictures on the website or have "cosmetics" done to their picture (less pimples, slimmer, younger etc). Anything is possible with the advance technology of digital imaging!! :o

  20. Hmmm.....so centre..........are you moving back to Thailand for the women ? Sounds like it (just kidding). :o

    I agree with Donna.....women are women and we like to be treated with respect. Pampering us once in a while is also acceptable! :D

    Be yourself......unless you think we wont like you as you are (kidding again). We prefer the real person, not someone pretending to be someone else.....the truth will be revealed at a later stage anyway!

    Good luck! :D

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