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Posts posted by SK1972

  1. Marriage should always be convenient, in one way or another!!

    Wow, that explains why a lot of farang men marry Thai women! I am not naive, I know a lot of people marry for "convenience", may it be for sex, money, power, career advancement or in this case, just to stay in the country.

    I just cant believe that some people take marriage so lightly. :o.what happened to the good ole days?

  2. Sorry............witch's brotherhood??? Are those kratoeys??? Should it be witches' sisterhood or wizards' brotherhood??? :D

    Have fun! you know I cant make it tonight!! Dont forget you have a date, so LC would be the "extra", LMFAO :o............or is it a threesome?

  3. Married to a Thai has no advantage for employment! :o

    Employment will depend on your qualifications and experience. Without a degree, it would be hard to obtain a work permit......unless you want to be a language teacher. Not sure what kind of job you are talking about.

    I know someone who has been here for more than a year (qualified and experienced), yet is unable to employment .....work permit is a hassle. If you have special skills, that would be ideal.

    Good luck in your job search.

  4. Jock.......Did you read my whole posting or just the parts you wanted to read? Selective reading eh? I am a woman and I definitely have no "horns" in my pants. Hope that is not your preference, if it is, hey its your life! :o

    Pat Pong, sorry I dont have BO or bad breath, do you??

  5. I know there are some cheap 1 bedroom apartments near Surasak BTS in Sathorn, right above Family Mart, renting for about THB6-8K a month. I dont have the phone number for it though.

    I can try to find out and post it when I do............. :o

  6. shorter than me ( i'm 5ft 7in )
    Bloody ###### Totster..............I am 5'6" and wil be taller than you with heels on!! :o
    Nah, just some little girl-pup with long hair...

    woof...woof.... arf arf...................or do you prefer the yip yip kind? :D

  7. Bkkman............what about telling us more about yourself before asking us??? Why do you want to know anyway?

    OK, I am a jealous, fat, hideous farang woman with a huge ass and tits, no teeth, cannot get any man in Thailand and I will be 80 in 2 days time.................that put you off yet? :o

  8. To call someone who commits suicide a coward is assnine.

    So..........if someone owes a lot of money to a loan shark and decides to kill himself before the loan sharks get to him leaving his wife and family to deal with the loan sharks is not a coward??? :o

    I say it all depends on the situation.

  9. If the police will not do anything about it and you have made the necessary reports, what do you expect the people here to do to help you?? Kill him for you??? :o

    I dont understand why you would post this here again after all the advice from the previous thread. What do you hope to accomplish? :D

    People here can advise you or let you have contacts of "hitmen" (which I think some of them have from the previous thread) but ultimately it is still you who has to act on it.

  10. Sad to say, a lot of foreigners are disillusioned by Thailand. Thailand is a cheap country to live in.....however money goes quite quickly when one is enjoying themself. :D

    Some of the foreigners living here are here because they can have a lifestyle which they can only dream of back home...........so long as the money doesnt run out. Some are here because of career advancement and global exposure etc.

    There are always pros and cons to each country. :D

    Why commit suicide?? Thats the coward way out! :o

  11. Simon43, cream is not from the UK but Belgium. He is still legally married to another woman at the moment so he may have to wait till its all settled until he can try the 'co-habitation' visa (if there is one in Belgium). :o

    I still think cream is better off consulting his Belgium immigration/authorities about this for more precise information

    Good luck cream :D

  12. Kat............good luck finding that sort !!!! :D Would be pretty hard to find.............

    Sego, you have to know what you want first..............then again you are young, so enjoy yourself!!! :D

    Nat............Sober??? Are you sure??? :o

  13. but normal women....They are all so eager to speak english or flirt in Thai....and there are so many pretty women around.

    Hmmm.............they must only do it to farang men then........what I see is that some of them can write very good English but hardly speak it and if they speak English well, they suck at writing!!! :D

    I have spoken English to some of the women on the BTS going to work........they all looked at me as if I had "horns on me head" and say "pood angkrit mai dai" :o

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