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Posts posted by SK1972

  1. I think LIFE is what one makes of it. You enjoy life if you are happy and no one else can make you happy except yourself.

    Why are men happier in Thailand and think its better than "back home"?

    Firstly, the cost of living here is much lower and they can afford a lifestyle they cannot back home.......secondly, lots of young women here will look at them where else most wont back home............hence, they are happy!!! No brainer there...... :D

    Why is it not boring for them? Let's see.....different girl every night or easily replaced if they leave........ Everyone loves attention........especially abundant attention from the opposite sex!! (or same sex in some cases). Why else would a lowly paid English teacher earning THB30,000 be here?

    There are a minority who come here for career enhancement.........but come on, lets be realistic!! :o reality check!!!

    Before I get slated for this, I am NOT a lonely, fat, ugly, jealous farang woman! :D

  2. Ryan.....the Chinese race, regardless of which country they are in now have always been considered the "hard working" lot. Employers in a lot of Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore would prefer to hire a Chinese compared to the other races. Why? It is a known fact that most Chinese are hardworking and reliable. :D

    I am not flaming your wife but she should be PROUD of her origins/roots and say she is Thai Chinese instead of "pretending to be Singaporean". People would think worse of her if they find out the truth and come to the assumption that she was a bargirl trying to hide her real identity, ever think about that? The truth always surfaces......whether one likes it or not. :D

    Terdsak........there are ugly and beautiful people everywhere..look around you. There are even fat ugly farangs in Thailand :o !!!! It is not the nationality or race/origin...... Anyway, inner beauty is always better that external beauty........especially when the external beauty has "claws/fangs" ready to stick into you!! I do agree it would be ideal to have both.......inner and external beauty :D

  3. Upcountry...........Well, it depends on your "luck" actually. I have some friends who sent electronic goods (GPS, digital camera) to Thailand by mail and they "disappeared". Even some of my letters (from relatives/bank statements) go missing........so you never know. Maybe that particular postman doesnt read Enlgish......... :o

    I was told that some registered letters/packages go missing and it takes months to trace them.......all the hassle?? Better to hand carry !

    Courier service is much better and safer. It is expensive but at least you know its guaranteed to arrive! :D

    Sneef, I already told you. Vat refund is only applicable for goods bought fro Thailand.

  4. We usually have a tree and exchange gifts on Xmas morning with family and relatives who spend their Xmas in Thailand. :D

    Pretty fun considering Xmas is not recognised as a holiday in TH.........and the Muslim countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia do......go figure! :o

  5. Neole, why dont you contact the Russian Embassy? It would be much easier and the information would be more precise.........

    Russian Embassy

    78 Sup Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

    Tel : +662 268 1169/234 9824

    Fax : +662 237 8488

    Office Hourse : 730-1430 (Mon - Fri)

    If she doesnt have much money in her bank (I would advise against you "lending" her the money) and not enough "evidence" (no property in her name, new business and etc) she will come back, it may be tough.

    May I also add, its a FREE holiday for her..........she shouldnt be so choosy!! If she is so choosy now, imagine what she will be later in life :o

    Good luck!

  6. Catat...........AUA is suppose to offer Thai class at reasonable prices, some of the other schools charge outrageous prices..............if you want private lessons, email me and I can hook you up with a farang woman who has been taking private Thai lessons. :o

  7. Steffi...........I dont think being married to a foreigner makes any difference for overstaying. Why overstay? Just get the visa extended legally or etc. The women whom were "deported" due to overstaying........most probably their husbands didnt have the means to keep them there or didnt want them anymore.

    If you cant stay in the country anymore, then just go back, whats the big deal? :o At least the person would not be illegals in their own country and have a better chance of securing a job or being independant.

  8. Sneef...............all items bought from overseas and sent vide courier are taxable. If there is no invoice attached, they will tax it based on their previous records or at their whim and fancy. There are stories of some items which have gone "missing".

    You do not get the VAT back as the camera was not purchase here in Thailand. VAT refund is only applicable for goods bought in TH.

    Only option you have is either have someone bring it to you when he/she comes over from US.

    Good luck!

  9. When you mention "biting", is she biting with her teeth or giving you a "love bite"?? If it hurts so much, then tell her to stop biting so hard!!!! Showing affection is one thing but hurting you in the process is just crazy!!! :o

    If she really cares about you, she would stop.........then again, does she understand English well for you to explain this to her?

    Alternative, BITE back! :D

  10. Brice...........TV women........TV meaning "Too Valuable" women........"Too Voluptuous" etc. :D

    TV women meaning Thaivisa forum women!!! Get with it Brice! :D (kidding)

    The TV women I have met so far are nice (except for one who will not be named), sensible, sober (mostly) and love to have fun! :D

    Dont go to the Bulls Head, go to Dubliners or Irish Xchange as that is where some of the TV women hang out. I know some who will be at Dubliners tonight.........(hint) :o

  11. Why don't you want to talk to farang girls outside Thailand?

    Do not be fooled by the very nice farang girls posting in this forum, very few of them are in Thailand

    BC..........prolly cos he is a Thai man and can only afford to "talk" to farang girls in Thailand :o

  12. LC..........I dont think it solely depends on culture and background. I know some people who have good family backgrounds and culture. Their parents are so kind and reasonable in contrast to their offsprings who are complete <deleted>!!! :o

    Children may be good when they are young until they reach teenage years and absorb bad influences by peers or the "new age groupies" and etc.....or even when they are more matured but want to "fit in" into a group or to associate themselves with the "high-sos" :D

    Good and bad in every country........may it be USA, UK or Australia. However, I have dated men from these countries and I find the Aussie men more laid back and less arrogant but thats my opinion from my experience. It may be different for you depending on your experience.

    I just dont think its "right" to write them off as "no good" just because they are not Brits!

  13. Diabetes is not such a bad disease to have compared to a lot others in the world. At least its manageable by drugs (either vide insulin injections or oral medication)

    I know of kids who have diabetes and they dont think its the end of the world....they just have to adapt.

    Sorry to hear about your health worries but look on the bright side.......it could be worse!!! HIV or Herpes?? :o

  14. Any place is no place to be in you run short of money. Personally I'd rather run short of money in sunny Thailand than in miserable Europe, at least the north of it.

    Meom......that may be true but it would be better to run out of money in your home country than in someone else!!! Who would help you then? If a Yank was in US when he ran out of money he can go on welfare and etc............you cant do that in Thailand!

    There are always positive and negative aspects in every country in the world, there is no "fantasy" country.......although some tend to view Thailand as their "fantasy realized". :o

  15. Wouldnt it be much easier to try to find flights that depart from the same terminal in the same airport so she doesnt have to go through immigration/customs. Transit usually does not require custom clearance.

    Secondly, if she is going to Bermuda, cant you find her an alternative flight route besides going through UK??

    I think Thais need visas to visit Bermuda, so you better double check!!

    So what if its a little more expensive............. Solves everything doesnt it?? :o

  16. Just approach them as you would a normal woman................if they are interested they will talk to you...............if not, they will tell you to bugger off!!! :o

    Hey, rejection is not nice............no risk no gain right?? :D If you never try, you will never know....................be a man!!! :D

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