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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. It was all done and dusted before he arrived back in the country the whole charade is a total stitch up by the end of the month he will be running around his vast empire giving out his orders as well as advising the current PM on how to run government
  2. If they were of Thai nationality nothing would be said or at worst a 300 baht fine
  3. Shame on you it’s not a time to joke about someone’s disappearance
  4. What happened to the Kayak and was the lad not given a life jacket to wear .even if the kayak had overturned he should of been okay I kayak a lot in the sea have never had a problem even if I turn it over . Let’s hope he is found !
  5. I joined the British Army in 1969 on receiving my dog tag I was issued with a box full of condoms they were free and when you ran out of them you replenished at the medical centre !
  6. Money talks this guy is a convicted criminal with VIP treatment he will never ever spend one single day in prison i can only conclude that he is amongst the most powerful men in the kingdom he’s untouchable
  7. Very large brown envelopes comes to mind !!!!
  8. The unelected senators are out of work come March as there term in office comes to an end
  9. There like a swarm of locusts dodging the draft it’s not just Phuket it’s the whole of southern Thailandand now we have the Israeli dodgers coming over
  10. These clowns should be in a circus not in government
  11. These people who hide behind a robe of all religions are nothing short of child molesters and perverts they should be stripped of there robes and sent to prison for the rest of there lives . No doubt the Abbott is a very wealthy person and money can be offered as a gift from god to the abused victim along with those who have been sitting on the case for the last 9 months
  12. Don’t go as often he will soon get the message I’ve used my barber for a number of years I go every week I give him 160 baht at Christmas and SONGKRAN I give at least a 500 baht tip as yet he has never mentioned an increase to me if he did I would go once a fortnight rather than weekly I’m only in the chair for 20/30 minutes
  13. I’m not surprised he thought he had closedown the deal only for an old statement he made to come back and haunt him a lawyer got 50 years last week how many years will the fugitive receive
  14. And there was me thinking it was all the Russians escaping from conscription to fight in Putins war that were buying up all the Condo’s I’m presuming they asked the buyers if it was down to Free Visas that persuaded them to buy !
  15. A very large brown envelope comes to mind !
  16. OMG were into the second month of 2024 and already claiming 7 best Amazing Thailand
  17. 13 million Thai baht would not go far in Switzerland but for a Thai living in Thailand it’s a small fortune and if you go around spending it like no tomorrow then there would be a lot of jealousy amongst not just friends but also family . Maybe the police should check her bank account and see if, when and where money has been withdrawn especially since she disappeared all ATMs have camera’s ! Mystery solved
  18. Castration is the only way for these perverts enjoy your time in a thai prison
  19. Here is the back of the packet I there made in the UK
  20. Wow that’s cheap are you sure there genuine I use both kamagra is very cheap but Cialis 20 mg for 4 tablets is 800baht and your like a bar of rock for a good two days so you can bang away all day all night although I buy them from a pharmacist on the island the package is from the U.K. anywhere else such as India are copies . Eat plenty of bananas and water melon I eat 5 bananas a day I only use the magic jell or pill if I’ve got a real beauty staying with me for the weekend . I am 73 years young so need a bit of help now and again with the Cialis I get no after effects except for having a tent pole in my trousers for most of the weekend hope this helps !
  21. He’s been cleared but next week comes a more important hearing in the courts I have a feeling that might against him I hope I am wrong
  22. Stick him in prison I think there are many overstayers especially Russians running away from conscription but the Thai authorities don’t want to fall out with there good friends the Russians and Chinese so they turn a blind eye
  23. Gambling is prohibited but you can buy as many government lottery tickets as you Ike for the twice monthly lottery is that not gambling and let’s face it you gamble every day when you cross the road or get into a vehicle
  24. I don’t do the stuff but have been successful in growing 2 plants which produced well over 50 buds so I was proud of my achievement I tried a third one but the rainy season killed it off as I just let it grow in the garden no magic lamps just natural sunlight
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