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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Walk into any bar and not onlycanyou smell the weed everyone who smokes it ends up passing it around it’s going to be extremely difficult to close the industry down to many involved in the growing and distribution of it the only thing I see is the price has drastically come down for a spliff or two
  2. Problem is the online reporting is not fit for purpose and if you have a one year visa why the need to report every 90 days the whole reporting system is farcical
  3. Yes I’ve used it at my local police station no questions asked and although I had my passport in my pocket they were happy with my pink card although I’m sure if they wanted to check with the IO they could as it’s more or less next door
  4. I use it in Bangkok although I live some 800 kilometres away I use it when I fly internally or when I stay in hotels . I purchased a vehicle for over 1 million baht no questions asked using my pink card !
  5. In my case it was pretty easy as I own a property it took all of 30 minutes and yes I took a Thai friend with me that was 8 years ago cost 200 baht I use it for internal flights checking into hotels purchasing vehicles I even get discount from my dentist so it’s worth having due to my age I don’t have to renew it Happy Days !
  6. A young 7 year old boy had the same encounter on the beach in Hadrin a year or two ago unfortunately he wasn’t as lucky and died of his injuries
  7. From experience I can tell you yes but only if it’s a joint account if it’s in your name only it’s very difficult one lawyer suggested that you give your partner the card number and tell them to withdraw all the funds asap this illegal otherwise it’s a long drawn out process that involves going to court to gain permission get a Thai will drawn up it may help and although I was the executor named in the will it still has to go to court the account was in the Bangkok Bank
  8. My whatsapp is on my iPhone but I send pics to my WhatsApp via my iPad
  9. In 20 years I’ve never seen a vendor displaying a permit what I have seen is bars demanding you buy a refreshment of some sort if you want to sit on one of there chairs
  10. Beaches in the kingdom are not private therefore you should be allowed to sit where you want. I have a beachfront property and often get people sitting on towels sunbathing I don’t go to them demanding money because this morning like every morning I cleaned and raked the beach !
  11. I must have been walking around with my eyes closed as I missed them how do they arrive at these figures
  12. Its now called the United You have to have 35 years to qualify for the FULL state pension any less you get a percentage
  13. I will vote for the party who confirm they will unfreeze my OAP at the moment I lose 2,000 baht per week and in April it will be even more otherwise I won’t bother wasting my time and energy
  14. Please explain your reasoning I’m not a fugitive criminal have lived in the Kingdom for nearly 20 years and have invested in property during that time period to get a pink card is not simple you have to have certain documents maybe you know all these so called fugitives and criminals to come up with such accusations
  15. It’s bad enough waiting to withdraw money from the bank getting them to check on visa status would be doing all those IOs out of a job the simplest method would be to have a proper update on a computer attached at the local IO
  16. I use mine all the time never had a problem flights hotels police station hospital, I even pay the thai price at the dentist not foreigner price cost me 200 baht and it’s for life as I’m over 60 even used it when I went to the Toyota showroom to purchase my SUV
  17. How many Russians and Chinese are cheating the system no doubt 1,000s
  18. That was always the deal otherwise he would never have come back to Thailand his sister will be back by the end of the year my question is what deal has he and his party put together that the unelected senators will keep there posts when there supposed term of office comes to an end in March of the year !
  19. This tells us who is running the show the very sick man holed up in luxury in the police hospital . The good people of Thailand have been well and truly shafted by his unelected party . No doubt the unelected senators have been told they will remain in post after March 2024 when there term in office was meant to end .
  20. Of course they have any intelligent Person would of realised this deal was done prior to forming a government I’m eagerly awaiting to see what deal was done for the unelected senators when there time is up in March
  21. Trouble is the government constantly flip flop as they pass laws with little research i don’t do any form of drugs what worries me more the amount of deaths on the roads it’s time they introduced proper driving test like the western countries
  22. Make your own Will if it’s simple and have it signed all at the same time you and two independent witnesses ,the witnesses cannot not be related ie husband and wife time and date under each signature then if you want have it translated into Thai if you don’t want to do that then you can have one drawn up for about 3,000 bht if it’s more complicated then it would be more costly you can then deposit it at your local Tassaban if you want as they say in Thailand “Up To You” I’ve already started giving my grandkids my money as your allowed to gift so much per year plus it saves any squabbling when your will is presented to them
  23. I have just been involved in a cremation and having ashes returned to the U.K. cremation was simple enough your embassy would contact one of your family NOK to inform them of your demise if you died in hospital it’s a lot easier however if you die at home then the police get involved and to be honest it’s a pain in the back side that’s what happened to my friend he died at home so the police were involved so try die in hospital if you can as they organise everything even contacting your embassy to have ashes returned to the U.K. the following have to be with them 1 passport of deceased 2 death certificate best to have both Thai and English 3 cremation certificate issued by the monk at the temple where cremation took place i haven't got a clue as to what the transport cost was as the family arranged and paid for that all I did was hand over the bones which I placed in a large Tupperware type container with lid the weight was 3.5 Kg it would be cheaper if someone was to take the ashes back with them the rule is they must be in you carry on luggage not . in your suitcase that goes in the hold I don’t know the reason . When I die I have a friend who will take care of my funeral then when I’m burnt and my ashes are put in the sea only then will people know that I’ve gone to a better place I’ve already made wills and a short video with Frank singing I did it my way !
  24. How convenient that tge police hospital has a broken cctv and it’s been broken for several years . And those who visited the hospital were not allowed to see the patient as a government minister I would of thought they would be allowed to have a chat to make sure that he was being looked after properly This whole thing is pure BS and of course they new of the visit so it was well planned to have both police and prison guards to watch over what could be an empty room . In my humble opinion I wouldn’t be surprised if he was sitting at home speaking daily to his stand in PM and come next month he will make a miracle recovery so much so that he will be going morning jogs in his local park
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