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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Yes I read about it because it had the resorts name on the car meanwhile we have people dodging the draft renting out houses from thai owners then subletting them at the double the price to do that you need a WP I doubt any of them have one !
  2. Has this guy got mental issues choosing to stay in a thai prison is utter madness !
  3. Do you go around these bars in disguise as it appears you have a lot of information about what’s going on in 20 years here I have never had a woman come up to me and offer her services to me whist in a bar I have however have in a massage parlour which when I went in seemed a very professional place !
  4. It’s a non starter the guy is a dreamer he couldn’t organise a free drink in a brewery
  5. Her return has already been agreed by brother Tony otherwise he would never if returned expect to see her back in late 240 or early 25
  6. How much was he paid to be in this article. At 22 how is he going to support himself and how did he enter Thailand on a one way ticket the whole article stinks of BS
  7. I think he has a Thai wife so maybe a three year ban
  8. He was doing it from his hospital bed and continued to do it , do these clowns take the Thai pubic as idiots
  9. No doubt they will e heading to Thailand as the thai government are in bed with the Chinese and Russians
  10. You forgot Koh Phangan and Koh Tao there everywhere
  11. Soon they will be taking over the Thai mafia in Bangkokwhen you give out FREE visa to Russians and Chinese your inviting every crook into Thailand it’s clear to see that the islands are already slowly being taken over by these people and it will only get worse and sadly it’s the current Thai government have allowed this to happen
  12. Tha same with traffic lights as many Thais especially on motor bikes ignore them
  13. Any man who hits a woman is nothing short of a sewer rat yes Thailand is different as I have heard many woman say they have been hit by the thai husband but that does not excuse this guy from hitting a woman not related to him the only punishment is to deport him back to his home country his thai wife is free to go with him as the Swiss will give her a visa
  14. If this happens there are going to be a lot of angry business owners who have invested enormous amounts of money .once again it shows that government both past and present continue to ring in changes with very little thought then within a year they flip flop because someone was not happy .if this does happen it will be a certain election loser it does not bother me as I don’t participate in any form of drug taking all I will see is many empty weed shops throughout the Kingdom
  15. I thought Tony was seriously ill or has he made a miracle recovery since leaving his hospital bed
  16. Did he buy it or was it just a photoshoot for the camera 30,000 is a lot more than the average Thai earns in a month last time I was in Bangkok I was so dismayed with all the poor souls sleeping outside my hotel I purchased the contents of the local food cart and got the lady to hand the food out cost me 2,500 baht maybe he should take a walk around Bangkok at 2am in the morning and put his hand in his pocket when he witnesses people with there kids sleeping on the pavements !
  17. Like another billionaire who recently escaped an 8 year prison sentence nothing will happen as there is to much money involved all these peoples bank accounts need to be scrutinized along with all family members one thing I’ve learned in Thailand and that is money talks
  18. Mr Tony is already running the show and has been from day one when the military succumbed to his demands as they didn’t want TMF party running government !!!!
  19. I’ve heard Morrocan prisons are as bad as Thai prisons and if he carried out this senseless crime he deserves everything coming to him if I’m correct they still have the death sentence in Thailand !
  20. The way I read this is a tax reduction on the local Thai alcohol not the imported stuff so those who benefit will be able to drown there sorrows with the cheap Thai gut rot whiskey those of us who enjoy a good high quality drink will e paying what we were paying before this announcement
  21. 19 years here and not a criminal record ever ! please provide proof of your allegations and if you know of these people why have you not named and shamed them either to the police or the immigration office located on the island or are you just spewing out BS
  22. 19 years and haven’t been back to Europe for 18 of those years would much rather travel to other Asian countries . Hopefully will get to Australia to visit some relatives in the next few years
  23. Prostitution is illegal why were they not all arrested anyone who invites a ladyboy back to there condo is an idiot but to invite 3 back what was he smoking !
  24. I’ve been offered an extra night if I wrote a glowing report I declined the offer !
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