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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. This guy was on his deathbed two months ago the police hospital must have performed a miracle as now he’s running around visiting every man and his dog reminds me of the film the Life of Brian Jesus was crucified on Friday and on Sunday resurrected can only conclude that like a cat he has 9 lives
  2. It’s called theft I was out the other night on my own had a meal and a couple of beers asked for the bill and when it arrived I told the waitress it was undercharged she was adamant it was correct I called the headman over told him what I’d had and yes they undercharged by 100 baht had they realised the mistake later the poor waitress would have had it taken off her salary I went home and had a good sleep !
  3. He’s not the only convicted criminal in government so what difference does it make as yet I have to hear if any other party such as MoveForward have any convicted criminals it’s clear to see that crimes committed in Thailand are rewarded to higher office
  4. The local plod love having there pictures taken did it take 5 of them to apprehend the accused
  5. It always amazes me how Thais always come to a quick conclusion when accidents happen if that was the Western World it would take at least a week to reach a final conclusion due to ingen investigations I for one do not use long tail boats I had one experience some 15 years ago that was enough to convince me not to do it again !
  6. I’m presuming a company set up by the deceased owns the land and property I wonder if he Rex husband is a shareholder of the company and who is the main thai shareholder all the deceased could do is to leave her shareholding no mote than 49% to her housekeeper this could go on for years and years the only winners will be the lawyers in the meantime who will maintain the upkeep of the property .ive been involved in several funerals over the last couple of years the most expensive was 30,000 baht ! RIP to the deceased if I was a family member I would be having an independent postmortem to see if was suicide
  7. He must of been 3 sheets to the wind to place it in his passport or was he desperate to spend the next 5/10 years on free B&B at the Bangkok Hilton
  8. It’s the oldest profession in the world it’s now Thailand legally recognised it and follow the likes of those countries Amsterdam and Germany as examples and provide certain areas and buildings where the sex trade can carry on there business without fear of persecution. Every ladybar in Thailand and there are many 1,000s had girls and ladyboys selling sex and they survive by paying off corrupt officials on a monthly basis
  9. From being on your death bed in January to being able to greet people in the streets 3 months later is an absolute miracle
  10. Follow Tony’s example and go live in Dubai much nicer than the UK no doubt his sister could do with some company while she waits for her brother to arrange her safe return to Thailand
  11. RIP to the deceased but having read the story several times there are many unanswered questions also the Thai housekeeper can only organise her funeral at the request of the deceased family as the French Embassy has to report her death to family who then take charge of her remains I would have thought that an autopsy would be carried out immediately to ascertain the cause of death I for one am not convinced it was a suicide
  12. It’s not aimed at expats it’s aimed at the 70+ million who live in Thailand Tony needs the money there are lots of brown envelopes to fill !
  13. What passport did he use to enter Thailand British or Thai if it’s the latter he might get away with a lessor punishment
  14. The Thai people are not stupid they know Tony the puppet master is barking out the orders to his puppets it’s called the Magic Roundabout
  15. By all accounts he makes life difficult for farangs one day don’t be surprised if he ends up as PM like the previous police officer !
  16. Lock the pair up and throw the key away selling your kids for drugs what a low life where are the children’s mother and the drug dealer abusing those innocent children those poor kids will be scared for life : (
  17. What arrangement have they agreed on that’s the million $$$$ question
  18. A Russian with an Italian restaurant what’s it called Launder De Mony ! Sounds like he’s a nice guy with a collection of deadly weapons I wonder how he managed to get them no doubt from Thai mafia friends ! Why was there a need to mention that it was his GF who grassed on him I’m sure she must of been known to some of his close friends ! The plod have allowed to much info to be released !
  19. The only country where I’ve never been asked for proof of a driver license is Thailand anywhere else in the world you have to show it after all a driver license is like a passport giving all your details
  20. The majority of Russian woman not only beautiful but very sweet ,they know what they want in life and will tell you so ! It’s mainly the men who are very hostile and troublesome and if Thai people think it’s bad now it’s only going to get worse as the mob move in to take control !
  21. The government have to accept some of the blame by handing out free visa’s to all these Russians who arrived in there 1,000s in an attempt to escape conscription in Putins war against Ukraine . The situation is only going to get worse as Russian mobsters arrive to take over the likes of Phuket
  22. He should be punished far more than the Swiss guy she could have gone through the glass panel such was the force stick him in prison he can enjoy the ride whilst there what a coward he is !
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