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Posts posted by razer

  1. The Islamist are at our doorstep.The bombings in the south are probably just light taps on the door. Just 3 days ago .....

    "Malaysian police have arrested 12 people linked to the militant group Islamic State and seized explosives, foiling a plan to attack several locations in and around the capital city of Kuala Lumpur."


  2. I have been in a lot of earthquakes, the biggest 7.6 in Taiwan’s 9/11 and I don’t remember feeling a 6.3 in BKK last year. The article is a little misleading. If such a quake hit BKK I am so sure the devastation would be unimaginable because of contractors cutting corners to skim some cash, fake permits and over all corruption in building BKK shopping malls and condos.

    Just remember, after a big quake there is: No fresh water; limited or no food for purchase; no batteries; no candles; no electricity and no cash money available. Banks won't open until there is electricity and that takes about 6-7 days or longer depending on circumstances.

    After 9/11 I always …

    Keep 18-24 liters of drinking water on hand at all times.

    Have a 2 liter block of ice in a milk container in my freezer to give longevity to stored food.

    Keep about 3,000 baht cash in small denominations on hand at all times + USD if needed

    Candles and batteries plus an external battery for my laptop and ipad.

    Have a portable gas burner for cooking (the camping kind)

  3. Abhisit ,,, You did nothing about the corruption that was rotting Thailand, you did nothing about international criminal activity at the highest levels Thai society, like human trafficking, the illegal drug export business, ivory trade, endangered species exports and sales, (and on and on) Yingluck did nothing either, nor did any PM and political party since who knows when. So let's stop this US style politics. A lot of things need to be fixed before the likes of previous elected parliamentarians are back in power.

  4. We assume everyone who comments on TV live here, but clearly, many people who comment do not live here. Maybe they came as a tourist and had a bad experience or used to live here and had a bad experience and some I am certain are trolls. To be sure, Thais do some very bad things to foreigners but many foreigners behave here in ways unacceptable in their home country which reflects badly on those of us who live a normal life (by western standards) in Thailand.

  5. I discovered that TripAdvisor does not vet the comments ie ... 50 fantastic comments from the same ip within one hour ... I caught a hotel I stayed at doing this.

    You can take this with a grain of salt ... there is a lot of motive for special interests to use their employee time writing fantastic reviews.

  6. I does not matter how long you have lived in Thailand. Sonkran is not about DISRESPECT. Originally it was all about RESPECT. For some idiots here it means (If you don't want to get wet don't go on the street) So, if I want to take my wife to a nice restaurant for dinner in celebration of Songran ... well then ... even though I dress for the occasion you think I should expect to arrive at the restaurant wet with wet powder on my face and clothes? Learning to respect others is desperately needed among Thais and foreigners during Songkran.

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