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Posts posted by razer

  1. I think teenage sex has been around for a couple of million years. I know my parents never had sex but I am sure teenage sex was going on in their youth. Just not with my parents. Only commenting on the headline.

    Teenage sex proliferates in every country where there is poverty and under educated people. There has to be a concerted effort by the government to inform, and educate both parents and teenagers.

  2. The only people I ever met here with Permanent Residency are retired millionaires. Enough said on that. Permanent residency just means you don't have to jump through the hoops like a trained dog for immigration. Taiwan and many other countries offer permanent residency if the person applying has lived seven consecutive years in the country without criminal record or in some cases like Taiwan, married a local citizen, have a job and are raising a family. There are no other rights and privileges. Never understood the logic in Thai Immigration anyway.

  3. Standing in a nice, orderly queue at Lotus, 2 Chinese women walked straight up and put their basket on the till counter....trouble is, the staff served them first, didn't tell them them others were waiting! I just put my basket on the floor by the till and walked out, can't be bothered with that sh*t.

    I find this a common failure of Thai retail management. The store loses money because the check-out clerk serves the queue breakers. The check-out clerk doesn't care ... they don't understand ... the managers should train them.

    On occasion, I have seen a check-out clerk refusing a queue breaker ... so proper training works.

  4. They are illegal immigrants unless they apply for asylum for reasons of persecution. That is the way it works everywhere .... The UK ... the EU ... the USA ... everywhere.

    Though I sympathize with their plight, I understand the reluctance of a non Muslim country to bring in Muslim immigrants. The behavior of Muslim minorities in the Philippines, Bali, Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia (need I go on?) lean towards violence and extremism inside the host country.

    The social contract we make if we are an expat or immigrant is to abide by the laws of the land and respect the social and cultural norms of the host country. Not all Muslims, but fundamentalist Muslims believe Islam and Sharia supersede the laws and social norms of the country they choose to live in. Furthermore, this is encouraged and funded by Islamist in other Islamic countries.

  5. The moral obligation of any hospital private or public, is to save lives and administer emergency care. I think after the emergency care and the patient is stable, a private hospital has the right to continue care or send the patient to another hospital. The USA is not a good example of government morality and the USA medical system, ranked around 17 in quality of care, is morally bankrupt. Human lives are not a business.

  6. HeHe ... walked about 500 meters to a major intersection on the west side by the river. Traffic was backed up as far as I could see on that road. Traffic was light and moving freely on the other major road. Stood at the corner for 12 minutes (I timed it) and watched the traffic cop chatting on his mobile phone. How do I know? He was very animated and laughing while he talked. So what the hell ... I walked across the road against the light. Traffic was that light. The cop never noticed me since a lot of people crossed during that 12 minute period.

    Hey Chula ... Hint ... Hint

  7. LMFAO .... fining big business 10,000 Baht for not posting prices. Ouch!

    Seriously, if they really want Thailand to be a HUB of something this is a good place to start. Lots of money in the healthcare business if it is on the up and up.

    Generally speaking, Thai thinking never really understood repeat business. Everybody is a one-time Charley so screw the hell out of them.

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