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Posts posted by razer

  1. There are, to be sure, many, many smart and ambitious Thai students who are a pleasure to be around and work with and I see them on their way to success in the real world. However, in Thailand, students (at university level) expect to pass, regardless of what they do in school and ... they are passed even if they should fail. Perhaps this is because of what I call misplaced values.

    Misplaced values? I did an informal survey just out of curiosity a few years ago and did it more than once. Only referencing things I know on a first hand basis.

    Thai Pride - Thai food, beaches, shopping (seriously)

    Japanese Pride - Quality products, cleanliness, efficiency, quality infrastructure

    Korean Pride - Quality products, cleanliness, efficiency, quality infrastructure

    Taiwanese Pride - Quality products, cleanliness, efficiency, quality infrastructure

    Thai Face - Someone criticizes you for your failing to do something right ... someone holds you accountable for your action

    Japanese Face - I brought shame on myself for failing to do something right

    Korean Face - I brought shame on myself for failing to do something right (but not as serious as Japan)

    Taiwanese Face - I brought shame on myself for failing to do something right (but not as serious as Japan)

  2. Laughing gas is not addictive, not physically harmful, has a short life span and is, in general, harmless. It just makes a person laugh.

    So who is creating the issue and WHY are they doing it?

    Why the fk doesn't TAT use the word farang when trying to attract tourists? Because they know it is a disrespectful term And so does the oped of this article.

    From Into Asia website ... "Farang is basically a neutral word, but people who respect you (or who should respect you) will not use it - if you hear a work colleague, for example, refer to you as farang they probably mean it as an insult while a taxi driver or market vendor doing the same is unlikely to mean any offense at all."

    Reflection: I am sure Thai readers get tired and insulted by Thai bashing BUT ... I think most of the Thai bashers on TM don't live here. Some people have nothing to do but troll this and other sites and post hateful things.

    We have a saying in English and I am sure there is a similar saying in Thai ... "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

  3. Yep ... It's everyone's fault but the Muslims. What else would one expect in a publication in an Islamic country.

    It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or execute honor killings. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals.

    My message to all peaceful non violent Muslims. It is the fundamentalists ... the fanatics ... who rule Islam at this moment in history. You are not safe be you Sunni or Shiite.

    Something similar happened in Europe in the late 1930s.

  4. This is incomprehensible. Why cut down trees that are already mature and covering the ground? When they cut the trees, the land will be exposed and be prone to erosion. Are they planning to surreptitiously benefit from selling para rubber wood? Some transparency is necessary and a lot of explaining needs to be done. Hevea brasiliensis (rubber trees) are after all forest trees as well. If it is biodiversity that they want, then let nature take over and replace only trees that are deceased. You can also thin out the stand and replace it with other tree species. But to remove 60% of the stand is illogical.

    Agree ... why not keep the trees, let the poor harvest the rubber in a cooperative style system and share the profit with the government since it is on public land?

  5. Thanks Gents ... these 90 Day things are so stupid (in my opinion)

    Yes, keeping track of foreigners in their country ... how dare they.

    Didn't have to do any 90 day report in Morocco (work permit and residence for1 year)

    Didn't have to do any 90 day report in Malaysia (work permit and residence for1 year)

    Didn't have to do any 90 day report in S. Korea (work permit and residence for1 year)

    Didn't have to do any 90 day report in Taiwan (work permit and residence for7 years)

    Didn't have to do any 90 day report in Iran (work permit and residence for1 year)

    Check it out

    No periodic report at all. Just a report when changing addresses.

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  6. If Blatter isn't corrupt, he certainly is incompetent. He has been living in a 5-Star bubble for 20 years or longer all expenses paid by FIFA.

    He doesn't seem to be aware of the long standing anger the greater public has over corruption in FIFA.

    How is it that journalists can write editorials about FIFA corruption and hundreds of thousands of people hold demonstrations again and again and Blatter remains clueless?

    Why is it that mass arrests of his top officials was the only thing that could get his attention?

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