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Posts posted by razer

  1. To be fair, I always found them fine at CW. Even when I was supposed to have copied something which I didn't, they just told me to go copy it and come right back. I didn't lose me queue number.

    If a particular office has a requirement try to fulfill it. If that means you update your passbook on the same day every year, so be it - then go for a pint.

    My bank, LH Bank, is a small bank that pays a higher interest than the big banks. They do not have any machines or a branch at or near the Immigration office.

    Just what can happen to an update made less then 24 hours before getting a queue number?

    My visa deposit has been active for two years. If it were a dodgy deposit just for the visa extension I'd just let the benefactor withdraw the money a day after I got my extension as would anyone with the dodgy deposit.

  2. I am fairly sure Immigration tries to illicit bad behavior … but don’t let them win.

    Today, June 17, went to Immigration at Chiangwattana … nice and early … to renew my retirement visa.

    All my papers were in perfect order. Everything was perfect.

    The junior officer went through my papers and gave it to her supervisor.

    Then supervisor does a check of my papers. She said I needed to update bank book.

    I showed her the update was 16 June and today was 17 June. She said I still need to update bankbook.

    Then the junior officer processing my application showed her the date of bank letter and update were the same.

    The supervisor asked me if I had an ATM card to get update. I said this account does not have ATM card.

    She was not happy.

    She scrutinized my papers again and again. Then she said the passport photocopies were no good … they look like I scanned my passport and they want photocopies … and she said I had to make new photo copies (Mind you, she was the same supervisor who accepted the same scanned passport photocopies last year.)

    I was quiet, and polite and I got the same passport pages photocopied again … just for her.

    Extension granted.

    The MORAL of the story …. EXPECTATION … Expect the worst … Expect being hassled … and you won’t lose your temper. If it doesn’t happen and everything goes smoothly and efficiently … well then … when you get outside give a jump and click your heels and buy a round for your mates.

    Why does my brain always feel like I just finished a Kafka novel when I leave Immigration?

    I have one question. If one is asked to leave the desk and go do something (like make better photocopies for ex.), do you return to the same desk directly when the 'task' is completed? Surely you don't have to get another number and wait in the queue. Thank you.

    Just bring the papers back to the Immigration officer directly. You won't have to get another queue number.

  3. Corruption bleeds a country and there is plenty of evidence. The most developed countries have the least corruption according to Transparency International while the poorer developing on undeveloped countries have the highest corruption.

    So ... where does Thailand, as a nation, want to be?

    You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  4. I am fairly sure Immigration tries to illicit bad behavior … but don’t let them win.

    Today, June 17, went to Immigration at Chiangwattana … nice and early … to renew my retirement visa.

    All my papers were in perfect order. Everything was perfect.

    The junior officer went through my papers and gave it to her supervisor.

    Then supervisor does a check of my papers. She said I needed to update bank book.

    I showed her the update was 16 June and today was 17 June. She said I still need to update bankbook.

    Then the junior officer processing my application showed her the date of bank letter and update were the same.

    The supervisor asked me if I had an ATM card to get update. I said this account does not have ATM card.

    She was not happy.

    She scrutinized my papers again and again. Then she said the passport photocopies were no good … they look like I scanned my passport and they want photocopies … and she said I had to make new photo copies (Mind you, she was the same supervisor who accepted the same scanned passport photocopies last year.)

    I was quiet, and polite and I got the same passport pages photocopied again … just for her.

    Extension granted.

    The MORAL of the story …. EXPECTATION … Expect the worst … Expect being hassled … and you won’t lose your temper. If it doesn’t happen and everything goes smoothly and efficiently … well then … when you get outside give a jump and click your heels and buy a round for your mates.

    Why does my brain always feel like I just finished a Kafka novel when I leave Immigration?

    • Like 2
  5. Thai politics has always been a family affair breeding incompetence and corruption throughout the ranks of government.

    Some years ago I was LMAO when the news reported a "NEW FACE" entering parliamentary politics. It was the nephew of a PM! HaHaHa.

    Time now for new blood ... old family politicians guilty of corruption Bye-Bye ... FOREVER. Get your niece or nephew to run for office.

    Hope the government gives opportunities for some genuinely qualified people not linked to the elite to get in to parliamentary government.

  6. Why do the USA, UK and EU love corrupt governments?

    Because it is easy to get anything they want without politics, diplomacy or accountability. And it's cheap.

    Need a Black Site Prison? No problem. We pay-up You shut-up.

    Need a dumping ground for toxic waste? No problem. We pay-up You shut-up.

    Corrupt countries offer opportunities for Western governments and corporate interests to do things which would not be legal at home.

    VIVA Corrupt "Democracies"

  7. She tried to make a 20 baht profit and are fined 10.000 baht...........

    Meanwhile the cop killing Red Bull heir is sniffing his coke in Singapore!!

    One law for the rich and another for the poor, not a surprise but still sickening!!

    The cop killing Red Bull heir was released with passport in hand under the democratically elected government of Yingluck Shinawatra.

    Not so sure that would happen now.

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