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Posts posted by razer

  1. SRT is one of the most incompetent groups anywhere in the world when it comes to transport management. The 1940s trains, the enormous waste of money spent on the planing and execution of the airport link, train crossings comparable only to the most backward countries ... I suspect cronyism and nepotism are the culprits. Complex thinking ... cause and effect .... too complicated to worry about.

  2. I don't know about all you skeptics out there or whether or not you live in Bangkok ... but for sure, I was kicked out of a taxi on the expressway, with my bag, because I refused to pay when the driver renegotiated the price and wanted 600 baht to take me from Don Muang to lower Sukhumvit. This was in 2007, on my third trip to Bangkok. I can't believe it hasn't happened to anyone else.

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