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Posts posted by razer

  1. Seriously,every day in BKK I see drivers racing along city streets to the next red light, ignoring traffic signals, ignoring U-Turn signs, ignoring people trying to walk across zebra crossings .. unless a police officer is visible. I don't think roadside signs will have any impact at all. It will not solve the problem of disrespectful drivers. But it will look good.

  2. The title should read Tourists, not foreigners. There are many foreigners living here that are never ripped off by hospitals.

    The only one ever to rip me off was Bamrungrad, but they rip off Thais and foreigners.

    Same here. Had major surgery for hernia at St Louis ,,, surgeon and anesthesiologist excellent ... total cost with private room 58,000 baht. Went to Bummer-grad to have a small skin cancer removed in a 30 minute procedure and it cost 30,000 baht. I had insurance in both cases.

  3. In sheer numbers 75% of my friends that retired here moved back to the USA. Some are thinking of visiting South America, some are considering returning to try Vietnam or PI.

    The only friends that remain here are because they have a wife and home here. The single guys all left. The married guys whose spouse had a U.S. Passport are gone. The hardcore guys that used to come whenever they had vacation time are going elsewhere.

    The complaints range from the visa system is a pain to just a general feeling that Thailand has changed since they opened the floodgates to the Chinese a few years ago.

    I retired here in February. I thought I and my wife who holds a U.S. Passport would live on the beach and relax. But the reality is this place has changed. The infrastructure is overwhelmed by masses of Chinese tourists. Their busses block traffic such that it feels like I'm in Bangkok at times. Their sheer numbers and lack of civility ruin the beach or any destination you take the family to. I came to Thailand because of its slow pace, nice beaches, etc. Sadly this looks more like a province in China than the Thailand I remembered.

    Hopefully Hua Hin is better as we are going there next week. I heard Phuket is overrun with Chinese as well?

    Went to Pattaya with the wife a few weeks back for a Bangkok-free weekend. Riding down Pattaya Beach Rd. and saw about 50-60 people on the promenade (sidewalk) by the beach. I thought a new market had opened so I stopped to check it out. Then I saw 4 huge tour buses parked on the opposite side. They were Chinese waiting to get an umbrella & chair.

    How do you know what hotel the Chinese are staying in? There are eight tour buses parked in front.

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