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Posts posted by razer

  1. Wish he would be more dictatorial about the criminals who prey upon the innocent on a regular basis. I've got no problem with DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED politicians going to prison for breaking the law as well as the police who break the law on a regular basis. Love to see some of the political Elite in the USA and UK cool their heels in a jail cell too.

  2. Lazy teachers, lax in discipline, who pass every student no matter what are the preferred teachers in Thailand. Thai students complain a lot about teachers who require students to pay attention in class rather than allow them to play on facebook, and who will fail a student who doesn't speak English well enough to pass a test or too lazy to come to class.

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  3. For Thailand, free trade is a one way proposition As long as other countries are willing to play along, it always will be a one way proposition. If Thailand wants to be the HUB of anything, it should evaluate the benefits of reforming protectionist policies.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Insurgents? What does that mean? The people from the religion of Compassion, Peace and Tolerance; the same ones who shoot young girls in Afghanistan? or ... are they political dissidents?

    AND ,,, Why would the "people of interest" in the 2006 murder of the girl's father continue to be "people of interest" in 2014? What does that mean?

    Discussions like this one always end up going on about religion, but this is mostly a territorial dispute and one where both sides of the dispute have some valid points.

    You are of course having a go at Muslims and the islamic faith, but when you do that just be aware that pro-rata Muslims are statistically no more likely to be extremists (terrorists, insurgents, freedom fighters, resistance or whatever you want to call them) than than many other religions.

    By far the vast majority of people in the world are peaceful, and Muslims are no different to the majority of people in the world. The number of Muslims who support violence is very small indeed. Remember it's minority groups and governments that cause the worlds problems, not the people.

    For the record I'm not a Muslim myself, but I'm sick of the Islamophobia that is propagated by the mass media.

    Well said …. However

    I lived (with residence and work permit) in Iran, Morocco and Malaysia, plus I spent 15 years in and out of Saudi, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE for my business. I have met the good, the hypocrites, and those who hate non believers. There are some Muslims who are dear to me and some I really hate.

    So I am not an Islam basher. I just think it is time to come out of denial.

    I saw French speaking North Africans going in and out of non tourist areas in Malaysia, a country where where arranged marriages and FGM are practiced but officially denied. Islamist have a stronghold in many rural parts of Malaysia. That’s a fact. A Turkish friend (an Imam and a good man) confirmed all of this on his visit.

    Islamist are people who believe Islam should be politicized and Sharia Law should be implemented world-wide

    It is estimated 17-23 million Muslims are Islamist (a minority but still a lot of people)

    Islamophobia. A phobia is an irrational fear.

    - Islamist killed almost 3,000 people on 9/11 in the USA.

    - Four Islamists detonated four bombs—London Underground trains across the city and, later, a fourth on a double-decker killing 52 civilians and over 700 more were injured.

    - The Madrid train bombings killed 191 people and injured 1,800 people.

    - Islamist (Taliban) stopped a school van and shot a 14 year old girl, Malala, in the head.

    - ISIS is sweeping through Iraq and Syria with vicious massacres, beheading, and rape as well as sex slavery of women who do not follow Sunni doctrine s they interpret it. Many are expats who will return to their homeland.

    - Pakistan are intolerant of Christians and recently burned two Christians alive.

    - Nigeria's Boco Haram .... murder, rape and slavery.

    I can go on and on with examples but it's in the news.

    Phobia? Not likely. Islamic fundamentalists (Islamist) are a Clear and Present Danger everywhere in the world. They do not respect the life of non-believers and as far as this news story goes... the murderers of this young girl are fighting a Jihad or they are psychopaths or both. To deny this is on our border is like inviting a vampire into your house.

  5. Insurgents? What does that mean? The people from the religion of Compassion, Peace and Tolerance; the same ones who shoot young girls in Afghanistan? or ... are they political dissidents?

    AND ,,, Why would the "people of interest" in the 2006 murder of the girl's father continue to be "people of interest" in 2014? What does that mean?

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  6. The BBC reported that this was the most expensive election in American history and 55% was funded by "Dark Money". Any time money is given to a politician to influence legislation it is a bribe under any guise.The American law makers have legalized corruption and bribes in the form of campaign contributions. When an American senator or congressman leaves office, the campaign contributions in his war chest do not go to the public. Some of the money goes to the party and he keeps the rest.

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