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Posts posted by razer

  1. Something seriously wrong here. A 10 year old held as a slave for 9 years, raped and deprived of freedom by a millionaire gets a total of £142,000, (£42,000 was rightfully the girl's anyway) and the lawyers get £321,000?

    Are these the Ashar's defense lawyers?

    A henous crime was committed, so why doesn't the government freeze the Ashar's assets and give the girl fair compensation?

    I guess the UK is going American. Now the girl has to hire more lawyers to file a civil suit for millions in compensation so the lawyers can get their 30-40% in 10 to 15 years. In the meantime the UK can send the girl back to Pakistan to be sold into a marriage as an investment. She isn't virgin so she can't really be sold off as a real wife.This is, of course, cynnicism.

  2. Reform happens when ....

    Bankers go to jail for laundering money

    Elite go to jail for breaking the law or facilitating the escpe of a criminal

    Local mafia strongmen go to jail for illegal activity

    Police and other civil servants go to jail for breaking the law

    When politicians go to jail for breaking the law

    This is in Thailand and every other country.

    A charter can't not bring reform. Only action can do that.

    • Like 2
  3. Traffic cops never asked me for a bribe. Never!

    I never offered a traffic cop a bribe. Never!

    They stopped me .... told me the offense ... showed me the price list printed in English ... they wouldn't take the "fine" on top of the clipboard but told me to put it under the clipboard.

    This is normal procedure and everybody knows it. So why would a person following normal procedure established by the police be accused of offering a bribe?

  4. So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

    I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

    To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


    what country in the west gives social WELFARE benefits to folks living out of country?

    The western countries DO NOT provide WELFARE to people living outside the country. There are basically two kinds of government support. 1. Retirement beneits - earned after working 25-35 years and paying into the retirement fund. 2. Disability

    A foreigner can not live legally in Thailand being supported by his wife. He must have a job or he must have an income of 60,000 Baht per month or 800,000 Baht in his bank account.

    There are slackers in the West but they are looked down upon as social unfits. Work is a source of pride in Western cultures and many people have killed themslves simply because they lost their job.

  5. A blatant waste of taxpayers money and time , what is required is a complete overhaul of the immigration and ownership act , a set of rules, set in concrete that cannot be interpreted any old way depending on the mood of the day, a proper platform for appeals, a streamlining of visa' and reporting procedures and land ownership for Foreigners, then again Thai's like to live in yesteryear that's why they are so out of step with the rest of the international community.coffee1.gif

    chainarong ... Are you saying Thailand should become foreign investor friendly? Oh my .... this is a "foreign" concept for Thailand. I think they would prefer Japanese style investment where the foreign invesors are imbedded with the elite 2%.

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