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Posts posted by razer

  1. Its OK but the hook sounds a lot like Burger King.

    The Thai Airways ad looks a lot like the brochure for an internaional BKK university.

    Be nice to see some things for families and one day excursions.

    Be nice to see photos and dates of some events like the BKK World Puppet Carnival, and BKK International Street Show

    • Like 1
  2. For those working here on expat status who want to see the streets squeaky clean ... Chill ... you will be back home in a couple of years or less and when you want some fresh pineapple you can hop in your car and drive to the super market. It will be somewhat more expensive though. AND... Back home the company won't be paying for your housing and bills and no more cost of living expense over and above your salary so you may be complaining about the price as compared to Thailand.

    Food vendors provide a service ... cheap breakfast, lunch and dinner to the thousands of Thai office workers who are making less than 20,000 per month.

    Rubbish needs proper management with proper bins and better collection service. This can be done rather easily if the BANGKOK CITY GOVERNMENT has the WILL to do it.

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  3. When I first came to Bangkok and saw the old, rickety, open air commuter trains I was shocked, and especially by the "train station" next to the Ratchatewi BTS. I was under the impression that BKK was a modern cosmopolitan city. I am sure when tourists see this they get their money's worth in feeling like they are having a third world adventure.

    I think it's time to fire a lot of people, hire some competent people willing to work and bring Thailand's train system into the second half of the 20th century.

  4. I have read the Thai Constitution and understand it


    I guess the best Constitution ever written is the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing certain rights much like the UN Declaration of Human Rights. BUT the key to making any democracy work

    1. is the political WILL to enforce the law and put people who abuse power in prison

    and like the author said

    2. We need to promote the values of integrity and honesty, as well as emphasising the wisdom of placing the public interest over personal benefit. The focus should be on our younger generation, who are the future of this country.

    OR ... they can do like the USA and legalize bribes in the form of campaign contributions. Voila! ... end of political corruption.

  5. That's curious. Everyone I know in Cambodia with a business, be it a restaurant or IT, said it was easier, faster and corruption cheaper than Thailand.

    I think the WB is talking about multinationals not entrepreneurs. It would be less like propaganda if it qualified what businesses would benefit.

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