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Posts posted by razer

  1. Dear MikePhuket1970 ... You are right but lets get this into perspective.

    Every platform where opinions are published has pundits who are paid or volunteer to sway opinion including ThaiVisa.The Thai government, The Republicans/Democrats in the USA or Conservatives/Labor in the UK or the SPD/CDU Gemany ... all hire pundits to monitor and publish on forums.

    This is Thailand. Censorship is a fact of life in all the media.

    Hopefully the Thai government have people who read ThaiVisa to get people's perceptions on things that are important and maybe they can help do something to correct some of the many negatives in Thailand.

    HOWEVER ... There are many Thai bashers on ThaiVisa. They flame anything and everything Thai; they flame every news story with no evidence to support their opinion. They put a negative spin on everything. These people hurt the input and reduce the credibility of the people on this forum who genuinely would like to see Thailand move forward as a free society, free of corruption with police we can trust and politicians who serve the people rather than themselves. Well, most of us wish the same for our native country.

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  2. Dear Ima - (I refuse to use dehumanizing words describing any particular group of people) Eating healthy is a matter of education. Couldn't street vendors save money if they used less sugar? Couldn't you be a little sweeter if you used a little more sugar? Western fast food is probably the biggest threat to health world wide.

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  3. My wife is a banker in BKK. Rules have changed, especially if you are a citizen of the USA. Both the USA and UK are looking for money launderers and tax dodgers.

    If you want to launder money check out the international banks found guilty. They all have branches here.

    If you want to deposit $1 million US or more, a Thai bank will probably be accommodating.

    If you are an ordinary bloke ... good luck.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Global press freedom index.. Thailand ranked on place 130... the lower end...

    all communist countries like u.k. norway, sweden,denmark have also small pressfreedom

    OMG ... when did Norway, Sweden and Danmark become Communist? Are they going to put up an Ice Curtain or perhaps a Lego wall in Danmark?

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thais in Paris and New York refer to Parisiens and New Yorkers as "farang." It's a derogatory expression and term that illustrates full well the disdain that Thais have for non Thais.

    Farang is basically a neutral word according to the official Thai Visa definition. You must be in error. Only the newbiest of noobs would disagree with an official ThaiVisa definition.


    Any word that has no human or national context in describing a group of people is used to dehumanize the target group and generate fears and suspicions. Farang falls into the category of words like "gook", "wop", "mick", "slope head", "frog", "chink", "greaser" etc.

    You selectively did not mention from ThaiVisa "Farang is basically a neutral word, but people who respect you (or who should respect you) will not use it.

    Some foreigners seem to perpetuate corruption and the use of words like farang. It is the Raj mentality I think and they don't particularly want to See the Thais progress culturally. It is certainly no way to each young Thai business people to communicate internationally just as slipping a few hundred baht to get special service at immigration is no way to improve Thai culture.

  6. Thai cooperation with foreign governments in an effort to "legitimize" Thailand is essential, especially with ASEAN coming of age. The junta will get support and respect from other countries in their efforts to stamp out corruption, people trafficking and drug trafficking. Yes, Thailand is the hub I think.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    We need a new British Ambassador . . . one with balls.

    Oh, and a British Government with balls too.

    So far, Mr Kent has been pathetic, and his public strong condemnation of the Thai Govt for deliberately misquoting him badly was heard loud and clear. Not.

    Kent's a diplomat, what you guys want is the SAS to come running in firing indiscriminately with automatic weapons.

    Get real this is not a movie.

    Diplomats and politicians don't have balls ... that's a pre requisite to getting the job ... but they do like to make wars for other people to fight.

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